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Everything posted by JoeCoke

  1. Yooooo let's go. Let's get this going in the US. This is great. Should have happened a long time ago but oh well, better late than never.
  2. The game is like 20 times laggier, and we don't even have twice the content. Great ratio! Oh man but we got polar bears and bees! yaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy Content wise the game is only slightly better than it was 8 years ago. It's mostly the same. That in no way warrants how much laggier the game is. Why even bother defending this? The game is a pile of garbage when it comes to optimization, and gets worse with each update. it's just factual. What, by 1.20 am I gonna need a 8700k just to scrape by? Would you still be okay with that? Where is the line drawn?
  3. Right? I used to play on a Optiplex GX110 back in 2011... That's a 1GHZ Pentium 3 and 512mb of RAM. It was actually almost playable! Earlier this year, I built a Athlon 64 rig, OC'd it to 2.4ghz, slapped 2GB of RAM in it and a 9600XT. On some shitty old HDD from like 2005, 1.2.5 loaded almost instantly, joined a server almost instantly and ran at nearly max settings. Then I tried 1.15.2, it took over 20 minutes to get into a single player game and ran at 2 FPS on lowest settings. And people wanna say this game isn't THAT much slower... On my current rig, everything on my system slows to a crawl while the game starts up, and it starts a lot slower than 1.2.5 on the Athlon machine does! And what's funny is, there's barely any more content either. You still get iron, get diamonds, get blaze rods, get ender pearls and slay the dragon. The game hasn't even changed that much, not enough to warrant it running an order of magnitude slower that is.
  4. To be more on topic, I don't really see this as a bad thing... I'm just done with Minecraft for a hundred other reasons unrelated to this so I can't really bring myself to care much.
  5. Geeeee..... I wonder what sparked recent and sudden motivation from Mojang... Oh wait... 1.15 all but solved lag? Uh. Okay, why does a almost stock paper server lag with only 20 players and 8 client view distance suffer from lag spikes? If this game were optimized, clients would be able to have 16 render distance, but the default setting is 10 and even that will lag with enough players. I've done testing on 1.15.2 and it's crap! Microsoft has barely touched Java edition, but it's clear what Microsoft wants. One look at bedrock and you can see the future of the game. I never said the game was only recently community carried, since when did I say that? It's always been. What has mojang done to make it harder? Off the top of my head, worse performance with each update, worse server lag with each update, doing shit like completely changing the way item IDs are handled causing lots of plugins to have to be built from scratch for virtually no reason, not addressing how easy it is to cheat, etc. I could probably come up with a lot more, point is, until recently, the company has done NOTHING. Forgot that dumpster fire was pre-microsoft, no matter, it still happened and is probably the sole reason Hypixel started making their own game in the first place.
  6. I hope Hytale tears this game down... This game adds a few new blocks, a mob, and +10% server lag and calls it an update. (seriously, this game has been laggy shit since 1.13) That's been the cycle for years now. Mojang is lazy and Microsoft sucks. This game is completely carried by it's community (servers are built by community, mods are built by community, plugins, etc etc etc) and all Microsoft has done is make it harder for the community. Trying to take down bukkit, trying to get a cut of big server's income, etc. As someone who has played off and on since beta, I'm ready for better. Bye Minecraft!
  7. Really hoping that next gen consoles having fast storage will FINALLY make devs optimize loading times... It's stupid how on PC for years we've had really fast SSDs and they don't load any faster than some DRAMless SATA SSD.

  8. If I ever switch from Android, it'll be because we have a third competitor that's better than either. Until then, I'm here, period. I don't even really like Android, it's just that I despise iOS.
  9. I really need to try higher refresh rates. When I went from 60 to 75hz I already saw a massive difference, so I'm curious what 120 or 144hz would feel like.
  10. Two monitors sucksssssss, you made the right move. Three monitors is the minimum I can really feel comfortable on. And yeah, SSDs are so cheap that adding 1TB of SSD storage was a no brainer. I'm totally with you. Some people think too much about their rig, and not enough about the whole setup. When I see a really nice PC hooked up to one monitor I die a little inside loool. I've only got a i7 2600k and GTX 970 yet I sit in front of four monitors and a Model M. Also yeahhhhh, let's go air coolers WOOOOOO
  11. Fuck Google. At least we can go around the play store, but that's not a true solution as that will really hurt an apps chance at success.
  12. Very good counterpoints, they make sense, but it will likely end up happening. Even if it's inflation that ends up causing it. Give it a couple more generations. We already had Sony try 600 bucks 15 years ago. Adjusting for inflation, that's 800 bucks.
  13. I doubt this price is right, but it is inevitable. People have already accepted 1000$+ phones, so it's only a matter of time before consoles cost that much IMO. Sony and Microsoft want a piece of that pie for sure, suddenly doubling the price might not be the move this gen, but it won't surprise me to see expensive "pro" models. While I don't want this to happen, it would be really funny to watch console fanboys suddenly defend that pricing after whining for years about how expensive PC gaming is. Y'know, like when Nintendo fanboys used to knock the PS4 and XBO for having paid online, then the Switch came out with paid online and suddenly it was okay! hahahaha
  14. The way Apple polices the app store is one reason I will never own an iphone. I will install what I want to on my phone, I will pay who I want. That and iOS file management is absolute cheeks.
  15. yooooo glad they got their priorities straight! These new logos are gonna fix everything! So glad they decided to go with the "souless and boring" look that most companies go with! This is progress!
  16. Mmmmmmm you love to see it. Wonder what new stuff we'll learn from all this?
  17. For gaming, the 3300x is faster, but if you do anything else while gaming, like screen sharing in discord, streaming or anything, the two extra cores will be a great thing to have. Like @Oswin said, try to save for a 3600, it's not that much more and it'll be the best of both worlds.
  18. At 400$ you're skimping on your storage and power supply and just generally cutting corners. 500$ is the absolute lowest I'd go for on a new parts system. As for the used route, 400$ is a great price point if you're using an existing sandy bridge dell or something like that as a starting point. a 40$ sandy bridge Xeon still has a lot of fight left in it!
  19. So basically it's the new FX 9590/Pentium D... At least unlike those CPUs it'll perform well relative to existing CPUs.
  20. Well, again, 4th gen is coming at the end of 2020 or even more likely at this point, 2021. Their whole "support till' 2020" statement is still true, they did support AM4 till 2020. And for people saying that people are "excusing" this because it's AMD and not Intel, that might be true for some, but this still isn't the same as Intel. It's not like Intel where you're lucky to get even two generations of CPUs on one platform. You got three generations, a doubling of cores on the same platform, and you got supported in 2020. Was it shitty hair splitting on their part? Yeah, but they still technically didn't lie, and it could be a lot worse. I'm not fully excusing this though, because people who buy 400 boards now will get fucked. They heard that Zen 3 would be on AM4, so they bought a motherboard and an entry level 3rd gen Ryzen CPU now with intentions to upgrade to 4th gen when it released... Yeah it's a shitty situation. Again, I think if space truly is the actual problem, motherboard manufacturers should just introduce an optional update to sacrifice gen 1 support to make room. I admit I'm not really educated on that aspect at all, so that could sound completely stupid.
  21. They haven't broken any promises by doing this, but it is kind of a bummer. It'd be kinda cool if motherboard manufacturers could make optional/alternate BIOS versions that drop gen 1 support for gen 4 support.
  22. I'm all about this. Easily swappable batteries extend the life of a phone by a lot. While people like us will replace our batteries regardless, you'd be surprised at how many normal people junk the whole damn ohone because it won't hold a charge. Still happily using my Galaxy s5, no need to pointlessly upgrade when it already does everything I want from it. I can go over 30 hours on one charge, 5 years later.
  23. Which it will, for years to come. I'm also a part of that problem. I've been procrastinating on the "big switch" for years and just never get around to it... Soon... Soon...
  24. JoeCoke

    Prices are so nice now, but GPU pricing is... N…

    @dizmoJust double checked some benchmarks to make sure I'm not nuts, can't find a benchmark that shows that performance difference. The 1600AF is basically the 2600, if I paired a 2600 with a midrange GPU a few months ago, you wouldn't have even thought to question it, because the 2600 has the "midrange" label. With mid ranged GPUs, the 2600 is still a perfectly fine CPU, especially at 80 bucks... Look at the average performance with the 580 and 5700. The SSD is a better investment to me. Going from my crappy low end SATA SSD to an NVME drive will definitely be nice. I'll likely use the SSD for years, meanwhile I plan on upgrading the CPU down the line anyway (hence why I brought up the upgrade path). Also, I can keep my current SSD with my current system, I'm keeping this system around in my LAN area, so I'll have to buy another SSD anyway. So paying 120% more for 20% more CPU performance or less seems like a silly idea to me, especially when even my 2600k is satisfying my needs right now. The "most people don't need" argument is also kinda silly, as I don't need to upgrade from what I'm using right now anyway. No one actually "needs" most things they buy. Also, let's say I didn't buy an NVME drive, the 100$ I saved by going with the AF could still be put to other parts of the PC. Using that 100$ to buy a better GPU, more storage capacity, etc. The money can easily be spent better. Sorry, but AMD struggling to keep up with Nvidia's mid range GPUs is not good enough. The RX 580 and 5700xt are fine, but if we want the industry to move forward, real competition is necessary. When did I try to float that? When did I say you said anything?