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Day Fourteen - Two Weeks At Warp



Well, today I'm feeling a little better after a good sleep. The closing one week two of the event, how have things gone for you so far? Why not drop a comment and let me know how you are facing vs your original hopes and asperations? It is going to be interesting to have my first real look at the stats after 48 hours, has anything changed? Or are you all pumping out those WUs at maximum warp? It will certainly be interesting. But first, a NaNoWriMo update, I did a lot of writing today and we passed 29k, in fact, we almost got to 21k after managing to get up to 20,939 words at the point of writing. So a massive increase and now we have to hope it isn't nonsense! 


So let's have a look at the team as a whole, Today we produced a pretty average 2,217,737,837 points, which is about what we have been seeing over the last few days. For week two of the event that is 15,558,323,946 and finally for the event as a whole we have produced an incredible 29,707,133,517 points. On the Work Unit front things are looking just as good, today the team managed to work through 5,984 work units. Which is I think a little lower than the last time I wrote one of these blogs. For the week that number goes up to 41,017 WUs and for the event as a whole that works out to 79,962. That means we worked through more WUs during the second week than the first, great going guys! For Science! 


Do YOU want faster PPD with no cost? Yes, you read me right, with no cost at all to yourself. Well for one day only we are selling, neh, giving you the perfect tool to DOUBLE your PDD, all you have to do is take one of these devices, go to your fastest folding machine and strike it. After that, in less than a second, your PPD will DOUBLE. And, if you call in the next 12 hours you will receive not one, but TWO of these magical devices. At no extra cost to yourself! So call now, before they are all gone! Please, take one or even two from the shelf below. 




Now, on to the ranks, as you may expect we have Mxyzptlk sitting on the throne once again, as each passing day comes and goes he just gets further and further ahead. Shlouski is in second place and is no challenge to the throne. I'm beginning to question if any rebel alliance will for this year or if Mixie will become the emperor of the galaxy. Nonetheless he takes the rank of second with 1,609,333,759 points. 88,797,316 is looking to be in trouble from what I see if this is anything other than a one-day blip. Finding himself lacking in production today, he takes the rank of third with 1,431,377,485 points. Justaphf is next up in fourth with 1,352,144,432 points. jakkuh_t continues on his long cruise of using LMG hardware to find himself only in 5th place with 1,309,383,528 points. Alex Atkin UK is in 6th place with 953,288,620 points. firedfly is in 7th place with 871,738,577 points. Although his total earns him that rank, his production doesn't seem to reflect it. And he is likely to fall in ranks over the coming days and weeks. Gorgon could see himself making games in the near future, taking the rank of 8th with 862,817,284 points. _Rlocke is sitting in 9th place with 611,555,773 and finally the post of the honourable gatekeeper is filled by vsteel with 482,170,710 points. 


So that was fast right, like it was fast? I decided to speed through the top ten because those guys are soooo boring and wanted to get to the real meat and potatoes of this blog post, the little guys! Yknow like @TVwazhere, he's a little guy. Talking about TV let's have a look at his rank, He actually gained a single rank today to take over 110th. Well done friend, you gonna grow up to be a big folder when you get older! Whispers* Can you believe he isn't a top 100, I feel very disappointed in him. Now onto some people who actually showed decent gains today, in 210th we have FlyingNils who gained an impressive 12 ranks to take his place on the table. SpaceRazor is cutting through WUs at a blistering pace and has gained 66 ranks to take 241st. He takes the rank with 9,758,381 points. So I have to ask, I'm a hairy guy, what's your best price on dem der laser razors you're selling, yknow the SpaceRazor, can you help a brother out? Spee continues his rampage up the ranks gaining another 7 ranks to take over 84th. I'm very proud of you! CyberneticTitan down in 323rd gained four ranks today, taking the rank with 1,147,058 points. 


That's a wrap folks, hoped you enjoyed this blog post and when it comes to folding always remember, shoot for the stars and you may land on the moon. 



Please click on the link below to see the full list of ranks for the event.

For this event all of the ranks will be on one link, there will be individual sheets added for each day, you can navigate these at the bottom of the window. 


Folding Month VI Daily Stats


Please remember that this is a friendly event, but we are all folding away for Science, AND GLORY! 


I'm really impressed with the numbers we are seeing here, Thank you to all who are involved and who make this worthwhile every year.


Remember we are a team first and individuals second, so give thanks where thanks is due and hit that reaction button when someone helps you out.


Be wary of the minimum participation requirements of this event.


20 Days with activity*, 500,000 Points & 40 WU

(*activity is defined as completing at least 1WU for the 24 hour period)



Happy folding,




I try to get back in the top 100, but since that 2070, i had, was not saveable. All i can do for now, is hope, i can at at least get a ryzen 3 3100 to work. But even for that, quite a lot of things have to work. Like the mainboard that is still untested and i also have to wait for the power supply to come back. Which it should within a week.


In short: Like the years before, folding with all of you is fun and i wish, i could do a little more.

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1 hour ago, Heats with Nvidia said:

In short: Like the years before, folding with all of you is fun and i wish, i could do a little more.

We all want to just do a little bit more… I was talking to a customer today whose granddaughter has an aggressive  form of cancer 😔.  

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Yknow like @TVwazhere, he's a little guy. Talking about TV let's have a look at his rank, He actually gained a single rank today to take over 110th. Well done friend, you gonna grow up to be a big folder when you get older!




Can you believe he isn't a top 100, I feel very disappointed in him

SpongeBob Sad by zmcdonald09 on DeviantArt


 Now onto some people who actually showed decent gains today

Sad Spongebob Gif

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10 hours ago, FloRolf said:

That explosion at the power station in my city certainly cost me some ranks, but I am slowly catching back up with the Top100! 

At least I am still well ahead of @TVwazhere and that's all that counts tbh. 

You used the special point doubler, didn't you.


Me, I'm pleasantly surprised to be in the top 2/3...though sadly surprised that is only because so many people aren't actually folding that signed up.


Maybe they were only in it for the LTT hardware prizes?

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