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Day One - Get Some Ants In Your Pants!



Once again we get to enjoy the daily rankings of a folding month.


Ladles and Gentlespoons, here on the team many of us look forward to this event, year after year we come together as a team, to join together, to fold together, to compete together, but in the end the only true winner is science. 


It is always a great pleasure for me to write the first blog post, the first of many to come over the next five weeks. It is always interesting to see who has already leap out of the gates, and who is taking their sweet time in getting the points flowing. There are a number of people who have not yet started folding, please see below for a list of tagged members of the forum who need to start folding. Only time will tell who truly has the metal to make it through the heat, the trials and tribulations, who among us drives forward in the pursuit of science and who will fall beside the roadway, failing to meet the minimum requirements. I as a rule try not to give to much weight to the points on the first day, afterall, we can seen in many events that everything can change. And it can change quickly too! 


So unlike the event last year Shlouski is the person to take the number one spot, with a mighty impressive 73,825,796 points. He has painted himself as the man to catch. It is a shame to see that Miker07, a fourth year veteran of the events to let him take the hot seat, Miker has the second spot with a still very impressive 62,558,110 points. Justaphf is next up with 39,705,546 points, a man now getting his third event under his belt will certainly be looking to get himself a shiny new badge this year. An interesting note, on the first day of the last folding month Mr. phf was also sitting in third place. Sitting almost 25% behind the guy in front, Mxyzptlk is taken the fourth place with 30,153,383 points for the first day, besting himself from the year prior for first day performance where he was sitting in fifth. LAR_Systems, the man of information, the man with all the data, is in fifth place with 27,086,584 points, it will certainly be interesting to see if all that data he has works out in his favour.


Oromit, a new name to me, has found themself in 6th place, 26,246,269 points so far is great to see from a new name. It will be interesting to watch them as the days and weeks go on, can they keep it up or will they find themselves faltering before the finish line. Gorgon, the folder from the great white north, on his fourth folding month, has taken up 7th with 23,234,405 points, Gorgon did not participate last event and I hope to see him come back will all guns firing. Ben_F is massively lacking from last year, where he was sitting in second place, but this year it is 8th where he finds himself, with 19,808,400 points, he is only slightly lower than his total points last year, but we can see just how much has changed with compute power over the last 12 months. Schultzie2497 Is yet another new name to me, finding themself in 9th place with 13,115,060 points, it is a great showing for a new person to the events. The gatekeeper has been shown to us from the folding god Foldsus, _Rlocke a man who have dominated these events in the past, but missed last event is taking up the place of the honourable gatekeeper with 12,838,686 points. 


Please click on the link below to see the full list of ranks for the event.

For this event all of the ranks will be on one link, there will be individual sheets added for each day, you can navigate these at the bottom of the window. 


Folding Month V Daily Stats


Please remember that this is a friendly event, but we are all folding away for Science, AND GLORY! 


I'm really impressed with the numbers we are seeing here, Thank you to all who are involved and who make this worthwhile every year.


Remember we are a team first and individuals second, so give thanks where thanks is due and hit that reaction button when someone helps you out.


Be wary of the minimum participation requirements of this event.


20 Days with activity*, 500,000 Points & 40 WU

(*activity is defined as completing at least 1WU for the 24 hour period)


Finally, if you have had any hardware die during the event or on the run up to the event during preparations please post it on the thread below


List of The Dead


Happy folding,






These are the people who have not currently started folding: 


Takumidesh, DirectingGnu2, cheapasian, Arrogath, bradcool22, TheOGButters, CLR, Laughandg0, samrichiet, DaWongWay, Dawson621, Dieter Blancke, Dissitesuxba11s, Egg-Roll, errezz, evilpauwse, FakeNSA, nails999, h4zZ, Igor_Sinelnikov, jakoblund1, Lightwreather JfromN, Jon7chow, jpyg, Tegneren, KingTDiGGiTTy, Lecom1020, lucas.fnbr, lukepotts199494, LuxorAB, dcingarijr, Meepit, MikeNiner, Neoviser, RichardR, RojiK, RoseLuck462, ruins_sent, Saby1590, OhBoy, sazrocks, Struck, Tripl3Nickel, TylerD321, wall03, weeblord, wolfgang8741, ZlUzunov





Awesome! I wasn't expecting to be making it into the top 20 this time so that's cool. 


Might see if I can squeeze a little more juice out, but man the guys in the big league up top, they're some impressive numbers...

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Each time I enter in to these events I'm like... this year I have a pretty good setup... then someone doubles my PPD lol.


I might have the database information, but I don't have 2X the cards, power and money to run it all double equipment each year.


Oh well, hope I stay in the top 10 by the end.

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