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  • Interests
    Tech, The Lakers and Guitar
  • Biography
    Always had an interest in Technology and IT as well as helping people. Always trying to learn more and help others. Right now most of the time I'm programming and learning in Python.
  • Occupation
    Professional House Renovator
  • Member title
    Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one.


  • CPU
    i7 4790k
  • Motherboard
    Asus Z97-A
  • RAM
    8GB Kingston HyperX Beast DDR3
  • GPU
    GIGABYTE Radeon R9 280
  • Case
    NZXT Phantom 530 White
  • Storage
    Samsung 120GB SSD | WD BLUE 1TB HDD | WD BLUE 500GB HDD
  • PSU
    Aerocool VX-650W
  • Display(s)
    2x Generic Lenovo Monitors | 1x LG LCD
  • Cooling
    Cooler Master Hyper 612 PWM
  • Keyboard
    Generic Lenovo Keyboard
  • Mouse
    Logitech G402 Gaming Mouse
  • Sound
    Logitech G430 Gaming Headset (Blue)
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. This is exactly why I've been turned off from the modern triple AAA games industry. Greed has truly ruined that sector of the industry, I just don't enjoy gaming like I used to. It's partly because I'm getting older but I see how the quality of these big studio games have just nosedived in the last 6-8 years.
  2. Appreciate you folks covering the Verge story I posted this week. Interesting read for sure. And if it makes you feel better @RILEYISMYNAME this story makes me feel old too. Keep up the great work you guys!
  3. This was the surprising thing for me when reading this article. Whilst I was using a PC well before we had our first IT classes in primary school, those classes still taught me a lot of the fundamental computing principles at a young age and skills that would serve me well into the future. Is it too outlandish for modern classes to teach junior students some of the basics of how to use a computer? I think the pros outweigh the cons here.
  4. Summary In this recent article from The Verge, (yes, I know the infamous "Verge"), Monica Chin describes a changing climate for professors and teachers as many technological concepts deemed common knowledge for previous generations of students is found to no longer be the case She interviews several professors and lecturers who detail their experience of asking students to retrieve files from certain folders from their PC with a response of blank stares and puzzled expressions from their pupils. Quotes It seems this is not exclusive to psychology and physics students: One lecturer's courses even "include a full two-hour lecture to explain directory structure. He likens finding files to giving driving directions. He shows maps of directory trees and asks his students to pretend they’re guiding others to a highlighted point. He uses every analogy he can think of." My thoughts Now obviously, this should all be taken with a grain of salt. Gen Z can be categorised as anyone born from mid-to-late 1990s to the early 2010s and not every one of that sample size has trouble using file directory. But I do think it is a sign of changing times. Big tech companies are prioritising usability over all else, we notice this trend over the years, this generation spends most of their screen time on their smartphone and are therfore not exposed to the file directory system we are all accustom to. With Windows too, we see the inclusion of the Windows 10 Settings app over previously used Control Panel and the way programs like Steam and Epic handle the organisation of game installations by refering to an unassuming background folders as well as the wider tech sectors continous push towards simpler, sleeker design. Like everything in the industry however, people will adapt, whether that means companies refocus their design to suit a new generation of users and their unique limitations or training instutions changing their curriculum and methodologies accordingly. Honestly though, to me, these companies efforts to make things simpler and easier robs some of the joy of computing in my opinion. Everything has become so uniform and sterile. To me, the personality of the industry has moved aside to make room for clean cut colour palettes and minimalist design. What are you thoughts? Thanks, Zac. EDIT: Sorry, it's been a while since I've posted on the forum so hopefully everything is up to snuff! Sources https://www.theverge.com/22684730/students-file-folder-directory-structure-education-gen-z https://cseducators.stackexchange.com/questions/3535/introducing-file-systems-to-students-who-really-dont-understand?noredirect=1&lq=1
  5. Regardless of what people think of NFTs, surely Banksy is extremely liable for this? Even more so after being warned about his website’s vulnerabilities.
  6. I think you summarise Google's rational on it very well. It's not in their best interest to allow this service to keep going, it's not like adverts play during the queue either, these bots circumvented Google's ads. This assumes all your friends use Spotify too, not to mention they'd actually all join in on Spotify listening session. From my experience it's just easier to get wider adoption if everything is in one service without having to use other applications or program. iMessage for example, is so popular because it's baked right into iOS there's next to no setup. That's why it's so widely used and popular not because it is significantly better than it's competition.
  7. Anyone play Uncharted 3 free to play multiplayer on PS3? Naughty Dog did a similar thing. I remember seeing dozens of Last of Us adverts, (this was shortly before it's release) and adverts for other Sony titles/products if I'm not mistaken. I can somewhat see the use case for F2P titles, if this eliminates pay to win and other shady microtransactions then that's a plus, but if we're being honest...we know it won't.
  8. Yeah I find this really interesting too. For reference, I'm sitting on barely used Steam Controller and I'm tossing up whether to sell it now or wait 2 or 3 years and see what the value is then? What do you guys think? Because I know the fandom for all things Steam and Valve does run pretty deep for a lot of PC enthusiasts and their first delve into hardware surely has some value. But what value is the question
  9. It makes sense, we don't know the long term ramifications of COVID and whether it could change operation of some businesses permanently, i.e. adopting remote work full time. The way Windows 10 works as a live service means they constantly need to be optimising it so these kind of improvements are welcome imo.
  10. I was surprised to see them release the iPhone SE 2020 amidst this pandemic. They've clearly had the iPhone SE 2020 in the works for some time and had little to no choice to release it now. And I agree with @Bombastic only a month is impressive, I wonder though, whether it is delayed further. This pandemic can be unpredictable and volatile.
  11. Yeah I think this is the point. I know it's cliche, but the technology just isn't there yet. It's an inferior product compared to owning the actual hardware and there's no cost benefit at the moment. If the service became cheaper to use than I could see it appealing to some people. I don't like this move from Apple either. Like @BuckGup pointed out, I think it'll be temporary. Either legislation will force them to change their guidelines or they'll come round to it like in-home streaming. Sometimes they'll do this when they're waiting for their own implementation of a similar service to be completed too.
  12. Clearly they should have just delayed it. Especially considering it's a remaster Blizzard and it's fan should want to do the original justice.
  13. Oh how the mighty have fallen, Blizzard just isn't the same company it once was.