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About dalekphalm

  • Birthday Sep 24, 1986

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  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
  • Occupation
    IT Technician
  • Member title
    Ginger Beard

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  1. So I'm a little bit behind the live stream but Phase 1 went literally perfectly. Launch was seemingly flawless. Hot staging went perfect. Max Q had no visible issues (The Pez Bay door didn't crumple in half). The Booster made the boost back burn, everything looked good for the first part. The second burn did seem to have some issues right before Ocean splash down. I'm not sure what exactly what supposed to happen, but according to the data from the stream, it hit the ocean at something like 1100 km/h, and the relight didn't seem to happen properly. This might have been a telemetry issue or it might have been an actual issue. Either way, this is still a huge success, and none of these issues will affect Artemis. The Starship itself made orbit, and I'm waiting to see how the re-entry goes. Skipping ahead in the live stream - they're waiting for signal with the Starship. There might be some issue with the re-light of the raptors, as it seems like they skipped a burn in orbit. But now the Starship is maneuvering for de-orbit. Damn - the camera feed of the de-orbit is insane. You can see the plasma form in HD. The maneuver doesn't look like it's going properly but I'm going to wait until there's a debrief before I comment on what I'm seeing. It's crazy how the signal is holding strong throughout the re-entry. Looks like they've stabilized. So far so good. Video keeps cutting out but that's expected. Starship was officially lost during re-entry but that was also expected.
  2. I absolutely cannot stand Thunderf00t. Every video I've ever watched of his left an extremely bad taste in my mouth from the way he presents things, to the way he picks his data, and everything in between. He's been shown to be wrong on multiple occasions. Listen, I think most people dislike Elon Musk. Personally I think he's a huge AH and I can't stand him, especially his views personally on many subjects. But he isn't SpaceX, even though he owns it. SpaceX is doing incredible work for the commercial space industry.
  3. Seasonings are your friend. I'd start by suggesting you go to the grocery store and stock on up all the essential seasonings (spices and herbs), including but not limited to: - Salt (Obviously, but you might want to get some Kosher or Rock salt) - Black Pepper - Garlic Powder (NOT Garlic Salt - similar but different) - Onion Powder - Basil - Parsley - Paprika - Oregano - Thyme - Rosemary etc You'll eventually need to learn what spices and herbs you like and what combinations are good. For veggies, what I recommend is to roast them in the oven, seasoned heavily. I generally go for Broccoli and Onions, roughly chopped. Throw them into a large mixing bowl, and oil the crap out of them with a neutral oil (I recommend Canola, because I'm Canadian... sue me) - you can use something like Olive Oil instead if you prefer the taste. Once the veggies are coated in oil, toss in a bunch of seasoning (For a full bowl of veggies, maybe use 1 Tablespoon worth of each seasoning (Except for Salt, Garlic, Onion and Pepper - these are much stronger than most of the others). For Veggies I'd do something like: 1/4 Tsp of Kosher Salt 1/4 Tsp of Pepper 1/4 Tsp of Garlic 1 Tbps of the following: Basil Parsley Oregano Thyme Preheat the oven to 350F, then roast for 30+ minutes (you can go longer to make the veggies more crispy if you like that).
  4. Hey folks, I'm looking to get a pair of over-ear wireless headphones for use primarily with my smartphone (will probably also use them on my Laptop on occasion). The set I'm currently considering is the Sony WH-1000XM4/B - they're available at Costco for $300 CAD right now. Anyone have any other suggestions in the same price range? I can also get the Bose QC45 SE for $310 CAD from Costco. My primary features would be comfort, sound quality (doesn't need to be super bass heavy), and microphone quality. RTINGs has the the QC with better mic, and the sound recording does sound clearer. They score pretty similarly overall, and it seems like a toss up.
  5. Listen if you can't even be bothered to read my post, then you don't want help. You just want pity. Listen, you're not getting a job at Tested. Not yet, anyway. Do something. What are you doing to help yourself, because my post was filled with practical advice, and you didn't even bother to read it. Good luck.
  6. You need a CCTV Video Encoder. It's a box that basically takes the analog video signal in, and the Encoder acts as an IP Camera. Here's an example of one (This is a 4-channel one, so it takes 4 analog cameras in, and presents the streams as 4 IP cameras): https://www.axis.com/products/axis-m7104 Edited to add: Agreed with @Kilrah, make sure the Encoder you choose supports the port and format of your Analog camera.
  7. You can try to clean the wheels without disassembly, as others have noted, it doesn't look like your casters are user serviceable. Casters are so inexpensive that generally they're designed to just be replaced. Question: Is there a reason why you want to clean them? Are they making noise or suffering from performance issues, or is this merely preventative?
  8. Frankly it's just a matter of time until AI can perfectly imitate any voice it has enough data points on. Whether or not it will be a "good enough" replacement for an Actor for a full range of emotions (because it's more than just sounding like it, the actor makes creative choices for how a certain line sounds), is a different question. Yeah exactly. Can't put the cat back into the bag, so might as well ensure that the VA's get properly paid for their likeness. Though frankly, I think there should be regulations and limitations on using AI to replace paid creatives such as Voice Actors.
  9. I'm very sorry for what happened to you during your upbringing. You got dealt a shitty hand, no denying that. But, you now need to do something about it. Either you stay where you are, and never progress out of the situation you're in (barring some hope that your parents will eventually change their attitude), or you find resources to help you. I strongly suggest reaching out to whatever social services exist in your state to assist with this. If you have a physical disability that has a confirmed diagnosis from a doctor, this can assist you in getting those social services. Additionally, keep working with your doctor to get a proper diagnosis for your suspected mental disability. Social services may be able to help escalate that process. In the short term, you need to look for ways to make money. Perhaps consider doing odd jobs on Fiverr. Ask around to friends and family looking for a new PC and offer to build the PC for a small fee (say $50 plus costs). See if anyone needs some home networking assistance (Grandma needs new WIFI setup, or something like that). Even if they don't pay you, document the jobs and build a portfolio. Build a website to advertise yourself, etc. Sure, set yourself some dream goals, like working for Tested. But also set reasonable goals that you could actually achieve in a realistic timeframe (Eg: next 1, 5, 10 years). And, lastly, look into social services to get some therapy if you aren't already in some, because no offense, but based on your responses, you need it. You're incredibly confrontational to people who are trying to help but also trying to be realistic about what you want. You seem to wallow in self pity, and that sucks, but you need to work on breaking out of that mindset. I also highly suggest others advice about getting a lower skilled job first and working your way up. Examples include: - 1st level Help Desk for an ISP (you don't need to know anything other than how to use a basic computer and web browser). Then as you gain experience and skills, you could perhaps cross train for higher tier help desk or other parts of IT, or side-step into the Field Technician role (though with your physical limitations, that might not be practical, but only you can decide what is something you can or cannot do). - Getting a job at a local library as a book shelver, or a front-line desk worker, then introduce yourself to the IT team and offer to volunteer outside of your work hours to do menial tasks for them, such as replacing dead keyboards and mice, installing monitors, etc. If this works out, you could potentially get free training to learn more about IT and more complex tasks, and maybe some day an opening might come up that you could apply for inside the IT team. You have to be creative, but you also need to set realistic goals. Good luck!
  10. Honestly they either need to embrace licensing voices and likenesses for AI use, or ban it. There's not much of a middle ground that will not cause much worse in the long run. If the AI replica type services are here, it's going to be hard to put that back into pandora's box, so rather than letting these kinds of services destroy the VA industry, the least we can do is have the actual VA's get paid.
  11. Yeah - sometimes bundling can make a difference, but generally not a whole lot unless you're bundling a lot of services together. Good luck!
  12. You're going to want to talk to BC locals, as the the type of Internet available in any given place is going to vary (that's even within the same city, let alone the province or country as a whole). The first thing you need to do is look up the address of the new location and see what's even available. Symmetrical Internet (which is basically going to be FTTH/FTTP - Fibre to the Home/Fibre to the Premises) may not even be available where you're going to live. Large swaths of modern high speed internet in Canada is done through DOCSIS or VDSL. DOCSIS is Internet over Coaxial Cable (think Cable TV) and VDSL is Internet over Phone lines. The latest iterations of DOCSIS (3.x) have extremely fast download speeds. Here in Ontario, Rogers has been rolling out 1.5 Gbps download, for example. Upload speeds however are heavily constrained. I think the faster packages might have 50 Mbps upload with DOCSIS. VDSL for the most part caps out at 100 or 150 Mbps download, or less. Pure fibre (FTTH) connections are growing, but they're still not as common unless you're in dense downtown areas or newer neighbourhoods. As I said, it entirely depends on where you live. Canada also has a bunch of TPIA (Third Party Internet Access) ISPs. These are ISPs that buy space on "the last mile" (the infrastructure in the ground near your house) from one of the large incumbents (Telus, Bell, Rogers/Shaw - Rogers recently bought Shaw, Yay competition! - there are a few other regional big ones like Cogeco and Videotron too). These are like Distributel, TekSavvy, and so on. TPIA's often have more competitive pricing, but due to the high fees they're charged by the incumbents, they often can't have as aggressive special deals (Rogers for example will often sell their service at a fraction of the regular price for a term deal for new customers). I would check your address with Telus, Bell and Rogers/Shaw, and start from there. If it's available from one of them, it's probably available from a TPIA too, so you can start shopping around. BC residents can give you better suggestions for regional companies from the area. Edited to add: I wouldn't bother with bundling mobile + internet. Yes you can get a bundle discount, but you're probably better off shopping around for Mobile service to get a better deal there anyway.
  13. I personally wouldn't bother. If I was going to spend more, I'd get the UB820 and call it a day. You'd only want to look at that if you were buying a lot of discs that won't work in your region. 4K Blu-Rays themselves tend to be region free (I think all of them are?) - it's only regular Blu-Rays you need to worry about.
  14. As I said, it's largely considered the best 4K Blu-Ray player ever released.
  15. Basically it comes down to whether you care about Dolby Vision or not. There are 3 main HDR standards: HDR10 - pretty much every 4K TV and Blu-Ray player supports this, along with most streaming services. HDR10+ - this is a competitor of Dolby Vision, and enhances capabilities beyond HDR10. It has very limited support among the manufacturers, with really Samsung being the only one to push it heavily. Dolby Vision - similar to HDR10+, most major manufacturers support this on the TV level, but support on the player level is mixed. So if you want "the best", you'd get the UB820 w/ DV support. The UB820 also has a reputation of playing a lot of discs that other players will freeze. If you don't care about DV support, you can get a cheaper player, such as an older Xbox One S, or a newer Playstation or Xbox or a mid-range 4K player. But the UB820 is largely considered the best.