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Nintendo NX might not be a next gen console


Nostalgia won't last forever.

Why would one ever buy something based on "Nostalgia" ? I found this a very stupid argument 5 years ago and still find it to be a stupid one today.

You don't buy Zelda Skyward Sword because you have fond memories of A Link to the past, you buy it because it is a great game on its own.

There is a reason why Nintendo is respected in the industry, it is because they consistently put out games that are of very high quality, and they have been doing it for over 30 years. Name me one other company that have released so SO many titles that score over 90%.

If you buy on nostalgia, then Sonic would still sell like hotcakes. (It doesn't, it is utter garbage.)

That's no moon, that's a death ball !
K'Nex Server -- R9 290 Alpenföhn Peter Review -- Philips BDM4065UC Review
CPU Intel i5-4760K @ 4.3Ghz MEM 4x 4GB Cucial Ballistix 1600 LP MOBO Asus Maximus VI Gene GPU 980Ti G1 @ 1.47Ghz SSD 3x Samsung 840 EVO 240GB Raid0 CASE Silverstone SG10 DISPLAY Philips BDM4065UC 40" UHD

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Nintendo is constantly innovating new and exciting ways to disappoint me.

4770k @4.4 / 16GB @2400 / Plextor MP5X 128GB / MSI Mpower Z87 / MSI GTX 1070 Armor OC / AX860 / XSPC RX240 & EX240 / Koolance 380i / CM 690 II / Qnix 1440p @96Hz / Benq XL2420G

Current Status: Mourning the loss of my 780 ti 

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It isn't like MS and Sony delivered what we wanted in a next gen console so who honestly cares if Nintendo doesn't deliver either.  Hopefully for pc gaming's sake they all just **** up and go away so we stop getting games that are bad console ports.

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When was the last time Nintendo was the most powerful console?




I don't feel like Nintendo has done much in a long time.


I don't feel like there has been innovation.

The N64 used much more expensive 8MB cartridges and the PS1 used much cheaper 700MB CDs. Gamecube used proprietary 1.2GB kid discs, the Wii used that retarded waggle stick controller and the Wii U is a 7th gen system trying to play in the 8th gen sandbox. Nintendo could probably get more money going third party to be honest. I know I'd pick up the next Zelda game for $60 if it was actually released on a good platform, hell I'd probably even pick up one of those generic rehashed Mario games for nostalgia. Everyone I talk to about this on PC and Xbox One agree with me, they somewhat like Mario and Zelda but aren't going to get an entire system just for that. Nintendo hasn't had good third party support for over two decades now so it's foolish to bet against a streak.

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  • 3 months later...

Nintendo have stated the NX will utilise industry leading chips. Could this be an actual use for broadwell?

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There is no way in hell the new Nintendo would be weaker than the Xbone, that would be ridiculous and not much of an upgrade from wii u

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Console users: You need to stop thinking about "generations". You need to just move all to x86 and embrace faster incremental upgrades with full, long backwards compatibility. You need to accept the better ways, the PC ways.


Current Rig


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I'm actually hoping they will just simply merge the two in one platform. Just have a "Reverse" Wii U, with the gamepad being more compact & actually being the console and having a streaming HDMI stick for the TV. That way you can easily have multiple n-amount gamepad multiplayer or n-amount gamepad + 4 controller split screen multiplayer. The streaming stick could actually also just be the sensor bar which also contains the IR lights for wiimote compatibility. (it's just so perfect)

I made a quick mockup a week back or so:


They would also benefit development wise to just go x86.

But that would then also mean they would break compatibility with the Wii & Wii U.

Either they figure some sort of emulation out for virtual console or just recompile their games and re-release them.

/Edit couldn't resist touching it up again ;)



You need to send that to Ben Heck and see if he can do it for real (hint: he probably can)


Current Rig


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Console users: You need to stop thinking about "generations". You need to just move all to x86 and embrace faster incremental upgrades with full, long backwards compatibility. You need to accept the better ways, the PC ways.

Typical PC user thinking graphics makes fun games.

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I'm actually hoping they will just simply merge the two in one platform. Just have a "Reverse" Wii U, with the gamepad being more compact & actually being the console and having a streaming HDMI stick for the TV. That way you can easily have multiple n-amount gamepad multiplayer or n-amount gamepad + 4 controller split screen multiplayer. The streaming stick could actually also just be the sensor bar which also contains the IR lights for wiimote compatibility. (it's just so perfect)

I made a quick mockup a week back or so:


They would also benefit development wise to just go x86.

But that would then also mean they would break compatibility with the Wii & Wii U.

Either they figure some sort of emulation out for virtual console or just recompile their games and re-release them.

/Edit couldn't resist touching it up again ;)


You do know that this was already done in the past, and these console where a HUGE failure. Why? way to heavy, way to big, poor battery life (always needs to be plugged in), limited performance.

One of the many examples:

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Console users: You need to stop thinking about "generations". You need to just move all to x86 and embrace faster incremental upgrades with full, long backwards compatibility. You need to accept the better ways, the PC ways.

x86 doesn't magically bring actual backwards compatibility on an embedded system.

Things are tighten up, so small inconsistencies between the x86 architectures, can give problems.

The refresh cycles is going down, but there are lots of reasons to that.

I don't expect it to continually go down, through.

Please avoid feeding the argumentative narcissistic academic monkey.

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Typical PC user thinking graphics makes fun games.


How did I implied that since I specifically mention everything being backwards compatible? I was referring to the other "super" PS4 in which a game can just scale up and down depending on SKU.


But ignoring all that: Sure. I don't mind you thinking that since graphical advances do enhance the experience, allow new gameplay elements and mechanics, give you better accuracy and henceforth gameplay (i.e. playing FPS game at a high refresh rate) and so on. I'm really tired of this "graphics don't matter" argument: they do. Nobody would go back to just reading books and text based games so please don't be disingenuous about it.


Current Rig


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x86 doesn't magically bring actual backwards compatibility on an embedded system.

Things are tighten up, so small inconsistencies between the x86 architectures, can give problems.

The refresh cycles is going down, but there are lots of reasons to that.

I don't expect it to continually go down, through.


It certainly doesn't but it's a lot better than constantly switching architectures altogether.


Current Rig


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How did I implied that since I specifically mention everything being backwards compatible? I was referring to the other "super" PS4 in which a game can just scale up and down depending on SKU.

ok I miss understood you

But ignoring all that: Sure. I don't mind you thinking that since graphical advances do enhance the experience, allow new gameplay elements and mechanics, give you better accuracy and henceforth gameplay (i.e. playing FPS game at a high refresh rate) and so on. I'm really tired of this "graphics don't matter" argument: they do. Nobody would go back to just reading books and text based games so please don't be disingenuous about it.

Nope. First of all, a book can have a better story than a pop-up book. Also, please tell me how FPS game just got soooo much better and fun since a couple of years ago, thanks to graphics? And also, features don't make a game fun. Nintendo has disproved this and graphics time and time again, and so is many indie games.
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It certainly doesn't but it's a lot better than constantly switching architectures altogether.


Nintendo has been on PowerPC since the GameCube.

The biggest  BURNOUT  fanboy on this forum.


And probably the world.

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Nope. First of all, a book can have a better story than a pop-up book. Also, please tell me how FPS game just got soooo much better and fun since a couple of years ago, thanks to graphics? And also, features don't make a game fun. Nintendo has disproved this and graphics time and time again, and so is many indie games.


The primary purpose of a book is to tell a story through narrative exclusively (assuming fiction novel for the sake of argument) This is in my opinion not the primary purpose of a game which is the gameplay. A compelling story is desirable in some games but secondary to the gameplay, the "game" part of a game. Thanks to graphics a lot of games are possible today that were simply not possible in the past: you could say graphics do not matter but the limited performance before also hindered things like large sized areas and maps, seamless transitions (or close to) the number of characters, etc. More over games that still have moderately good graphics (let's call it a bit past the PS1 era) are now infinitely easier to build: the fact that the "pretty" games exist has enabled hardware to have sufficient overhead to make older looking games pretty trivial without worrying about overhead and efficiency and such. 


Finally Nintendo games look a lot better today than they did on the Wii and on the Gamecube and so on and so forth. Yes they look worst than the other competitors, and they value the style and art direction more than high polygon counts and fancy effects and such, but you simply cannot tel me that graphics do not matter to them AT ALL otherwise they wouldn't have created a new console.


Current Rig


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The primary purpose of a book is to tell a story through narrative exclusively (assuming fiction novel for the sake of argument) This is in my opinion not the primary purpose of a game which is the gameplay. A compelling story is desirable in some games but secondary to the gameplay, the "game" part of a game. Thanks to graphics a lot of games are possible today that were simply not possible in the past: you could say graphics do not matter but the limited performance before also hindered things like large sized areas and maps, seamless transitions (or close to) the number of characters, etc. More over games that still have moderately good graphics (let's call it a bit past the PS1 era) are now infinitely easier to build: the fact that the "pretty" games exist has enabled hardware to have sufficient overhead to make older looking games pretty trivial without worrying about overhead and efficiency and such.

Everything you mention doesn't make a game fun. I guess you can loose say 'epic', but epic does not equal fun.

Finally Nintendo games look a lot better today than they did on the Wii and on the Gamecube and so on and so forth. Yes they look worst than the other competitors, and they value the style and art direction more than high polygon counts and fancy effects and such, but you simply cannot tel me that graphics do not matter to them AT ALL otherwise they wouldn't have created a new console.

So far the WiiU has proven to have the most fun games, the most well reviewed games, and funny enough: the most 1080p 60fps games, than the PS4 and XBox One, which based on what you were previously saying would be impossible. Yet, magic, it is, and it was.
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Everything you mention doesn't make a game fun. I guess you can loose say 'epic', but epic does not equal fun.

So far the WiiU has proven to have the most fun games, the most well reviewed games, and funny enough: the most 1080p 60fps games, than the PS4 and XBox One, which based on what you were previously saying would be impossible. Yet, magic, it is, and it was.


It has also proven that the "fun" first crowd is actually quite tiny with Nintendo performing so poorly with the WiiU. In fact you could have used something like Mobas to better represent this point of "fun" before graphics.


Current Rig


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It has also proven that the "fun" first crowd is actually quite tiny with Nintendo performing so poorly with the WiiU. In fact you could have used something like Mobas to better represent this point of "fun" before graphics.

People buy into marketing, what they friends buy, and  fear of lack of games which they see due lack of performance on the system.

If you say that sales relate to good product, then it is like saying Tesla cars are an insult to human in failure, as it doesn't sale as much as other cars.

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People buy into marketing, what they friends buy, and  fear of lack of games which they see due lack of performance on the system.

If you say that sales relate to good product, then it is like saying Tesla cars are an insult to human in failure, as it doesn't sale as much as other cars.


That's all fine and good. However (and to close the subject on my end) this goes back to my original post where addressed console gamers: yes your reasons might be valid but the fact that most console gamers actually do value graphics means your entire point indicating that my assessment was strictly PC gamer centric is overall not accurate. 


Current Rig


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Oh Nintendo, why do you continually strive to only be mediocre at best?


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Oh Nintendo, why do you continually strive to only be mediocre at best?

Because they previously tried and that didn't work.
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Because they previously tried and that didn't work.

When? And, try harder?

Ketchup is better than mustard.

GUI is better than Command Line Interface.

Dubs are better than subs

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What is going on at Nintendo? :(

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