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I'm looking to do a fresh install of Windows 10 on my gaming PC. I just added an ASUS Prime motherboard, AMD Ryzen CPU and RGB DDR4 memory to my rig, and found out I couldn't get the ASUS AURA app to load; only with a window that says "ASUS AURA has stopped working" and closes. I tried everything I could find on the Internet on how to get ASUS AURA to work, but it still won't work. I even purchased a Windows 10 licence (because I couldn't use the one that came with my pre-built PC with my new motherboard) and still nothing. I made a topic about it here on LTT community forum, and somebody suggested that I try to get ASUS AURA working with a fresh installation of Windows on an external hard drive. So, I thought of doing a fresh install of Windows 10 on the SSD.


Thing is, there is some stuff on the SSD that I'd like to keep, including game save data. Since I got a 4TB HDD for my PC, I've been installing games and storing other things into that, but before I got it I was using the SSHD that came with the pre-built PC, and there are some games installed in it, then I've also cloned the SSHD into the SSD, so now everything from the SSHD is now on the SSD. For games, not only am I using Steam, but also GOG and Origin. I know that Steam has cloud storage for game saves, but not the other services. That's why I'm looking for a way to back up my game saves into an external hard drive so that I can restore them even after I've re-installed the games that were on the SSD onto the HDD. I am familiar with backing up save data on old-school gaming consoles up to PS3/X360, but not anything newer like the PS4/X1.


I looked on the Internet for game save backup/restore software and I've found just one program that could do that but most of them suggested Windows backup. I know how to back up most files manually, it's just the PC game save data that I'm not too familiar with...

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I backup all of my games with gamesavemanager. I havent had to use the restore feature before, but it would be easy enough to test for you. Backup something that you care less about by copying the data elsewhere, use gamesavemanager on original data, then delete, restore.

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