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780 SLI vs Various options

Just looking to get some extra opinions on this, but I currently have a dual 780 SC SLI setup, and I'm wondering what you guys thing would be the best bang for the buck upgrade: 

Dual 970 SLI (I'm feeling like this would not really be very much of an upgrade)
Dual 980 SLI (seems like it'd be a noticeable upgrade) 
Single 980ti (I feel like this will probably be the option most people tell me to go for)


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right now i would wait, but if you cant wait a single 980TI is the best choice because you can always SLI it in the future :)

I spent $2500 on building my PC and all i do with it is play no games atm & watch anime at 1080p(finally) watch YT and write essays...  nothing, it just sits there collecting dust...


The Toaster Project! Northern Bee!


The original LAN PC build log! (Old, dead and replaced by The Toaster Project & 5.0)


"Here is some advice that might have gotten lost somewhere along the way in your life. 


#1. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

#2. It's best to keep your mouth shut; and appear to be stupid, rather than open it and remove all doubt.

#3. There is nothing "wrong" with being wrong. Learning from a mistake can be more valuable than not making one in the first place.


Follow these simple rules in life, and I promise you, things magically get easier. " - MageTank 31-10-2016



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Just wait haha, you have the top end last gen cards in sli, I'm sure your not hurting for performance that badly. I'd wait for new cards to drop, should also be a large performance increase with the new cards as well, seeing as it's the first node shrink in forever.


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