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Language changing bug

Hi all! First of all I am using Windows 8.1. I have been experiencing this very annoying problem - whenever I am programming in my favorite text editor (Sublime text 2) and I need to change between English and my native language I hit shift+alt, which changes the language just fine, but with that it selects "File" from the top toolbar and stops my writing, at which point i have to replace my writing cursor (by clicking on the certain point of the text that I want to start writing at), after clicking it works fine. It is not really such a big deal, but having in mind i change languages every 10-30 seconds while writing, it becomes a problem that I have to place my cursor again and again every time I change language. And by now you are just burning to say that the problem is in the specific program - nope... It happens in basically every program with top toolbar (the bar with File, Edit etc), but not in the browser (chrome).

Have any of you guys encountered this "problem"? And if yes, how did you fix it?

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