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Just joined SC last night.


I think this game needs an auto aim function/mod/purchase/upgrade.... whatever, one would think that with the technology level this game immerses you in they would have developed such a thing. It does not have to be a perfect system of course but even in today's technology we have systems like for instance the USArmy's auto aim used in Abram Tanks. . . . .

I know I suck flying as it is but at least ill be able to hit 50% with some like this versus the .0005% I'm getting now. :D

In multi crew ships you will be able to hire crew to man the guns but at the end of the day its still a game and realism has to give way to that, for instance at that point in the future most battles would be waged from hundreds of kilometres away with pin point precision computer targeting systems, more like an EVE style of gameplay aka spreadsheet management ;) (one of the reasons I couldn't stand EVE). Like most skill based shooters I doubt adding auto-aim would go down well... at least not in the PC community ;)

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In multi crew ships you will be able to hire crew to man the guns but at the end of the day its still a game and realism has to give way to that, for instance at that point in the future most battles would be waged from hundreds of kilometres away with pin point precision computer targeting systems, more like an EVE style of gameplay aka spreadsheet management ;) (one of the reasons I couldn't stand EVE). Like most skill based shooters I doubt adding auto-aim would go down well... at least not in the PC community ;)

Yeah I know but wishes are wishes...  :D


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To start off, if you are going to get really into this game you will NEED a stick, I would even recommend a HOTAS system. Also you will need an Arena Commander pass with the pack you bought to be able to play other than looking at your ships... https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Module-Passes/Arena-Commander$5 USD.


Good luck :)


I don't think you need a HOTAS setup at all currently. Hands on mouse an keyboard is really viable and, from an accuracy perspective, outmatches some HOTAS players. 


If you look at the top AC pilots, many of them use a mouse as input.

Help me I'm surrounded by morons.

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I don't think that you need to get a HOTAS setup until you have enough spare / are comfortable with the game enough that you feel the need to invest in that way.

Help me I'm surrounded by morons.

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I think this game needs an auto aim function/mod/purchase/upgrade.... whatever, one would think that with the technology level this game immerses you in they would have developed such a thing. It does not have to be a perfect system of course but even in today's technology we have systems like for instance the USArmy's auto aim used in Abram Tanks. . . . .

I know I suck flying as it is but at least ill be able to hit 50% with some like this versus the .0005% I'm getting now. :D

Double the sensitivity, it works wonders.

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