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Platform Launch and MASSIVE GIVEAWAY


My Vessel's username: orewa_afif



Videos on Vessel from LTT that I like:-


https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY - I wish LG's 'FreeSync window' is a bit bigger... But I still think it's a pretty good monitor.


https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy - Holy crap the SLI performance is great but as expected :P lol



Twitter share link: https://twitter.com/orewa_afif/status/580748816594276352 (it's in Bahasa Malaysia, just know that I wrote the important stuff there with links to this thread and the site. Haha)


Facebook share link: https://www.facebook.com/afifdes/posts/670749643051602 (as the Twitter link)


Posted in Malaysian PC gaming community page (FB): https://www.facebook.com/groups/Malaysiagamingidea/permalink/423514897818380/



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vessel name:




https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyYBecause curved ultrawide is the dream, still waiting for the perfect one to make my wallet cry


https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0Because who doesn't love it when you take hardware that most can only dream about and make a half assed build out of it because you forgot to check that the needed stuffs was there :)

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Vessel Username : sh4d0wd0m


Videos I watched on Vessel: (and commented on!) Gotta pair these babies with Logitech G502, Corsair K70 RGB and AT AG1 headphones! Pure B345T!


Acer Predator XB270HU 144Hz G-Sync Monitor : https://www.vessel.com/videos/aBRl_4ZS6


Hardlined Water Cooled PC Build Log : https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0

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I hope Vessel helps fix some of the monetary issues that have started occurring on youtubes end for some reason.


Vessel: Tyrr0


My favorite two new vids which i've commented on and liked: 





Your personal rig must mean a lot too Linus. Think carefully before you part with it!


I also hope Vessel gets a proper resolution selection going on, just "On" seems to vary between 720 and 1080 on my end, for some reason. The seek is also a bit flimsy and will refuse to load if you let the video end, however it isnt the worst thing ever, and worth the content they've got over youtube.

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