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As I've heard, and I'm not going to speak with certainty on it, NVIDIA may still release a patch of sorts, to help games better determine whether or not the segmented memory should be utilized or not. The primary reason the comment may have been retracted is due to the many users who might believe that a driver update will significantly increase performance, remove all issues, and make the 0.5GB usable again. It won't do any of that. In reality, it may just improve on the stuttering, if they release a driver update at all.


Only time will tell. 

Nvidia confirmed no driver update for the vram on the 970, it works as intended.

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Good idea to read the pcper article, it gives indepth information about this 'issue'. They also talk about it in the podcast (#335)


TDLR; at 1080p and 1440p it probably wont make a difference, 4k u might notice a tiny bit (compared to 980's in sli) and 4k with supersampling is stupid anyway. 

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 In a short sentence - GPU can process only so much data. If you can store more data, it doesnt mean your GPU can process more data. If you gonna go and say - 4 GB is enough for GTX 980, the GTX 970, which is 7/8 of 980's performance, should do just fine with 7/8 of GTX 980's memory, with 3.5 GB. That said, I still believe nVidia did wrong, and especially the ROP count is painfull to me.


Everything that needed to be said right there.

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