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Nvidia Disables GPU PhysX when Second non-Nvidia GPU is Installed


Its pure shitty. By your logic it doesnt matter anyways as it "barely affects anyone" so it was completely unneeded on the end of nvidia aside from a giant "lol, fck you".

A small section of guys with AMD cards wanted to get the most out of the games they buy so are willing to by dropping an extra 100-150 bucks on a gpu from you but you will no longer allow the physx function if another card is plugged in because why? the only reason is to be a giant bag of dicks.

If they already bought a high end amd card they are very very very very very unlikely to switch over just for physx so they are basically stopping what little sales were coming out of the ability to do this with no clear reason aside from pride and dickbaggery. Its not "protecting their high end products" as obviously people who bought high end AMD products have no interest in your high end products your trying so hard to "protect"

Regardless of how little, this is loosing them money and face, not protecting anything. 

EDIT: and on that note the high end AMD GPU + lower end Nvidia for physx is not a financially sound decision over just a high end nvidia card if you cared so goddamn much about it.  That said this was mostly people who didn't want  high end nvidia or already owned a high end AMD gpu.


Nope, your financial analysis is immature. People who owned high-end AMD GPUs can afford most of Nvidia's high-end ones (290x will buy a 690). Most people who considered the illegal driver option generally found it to be too much of a pain, but it's still protecting Nvidia's own sales. Any money going to the competitor is a problem, and Nvidia is still posting more revenue/profit from GPU sales than ever. Also, this isn't all that new.

Software Engineer for Suncorp (Australia), Computer Tech Enthusiast, Miami University Graduate, Nerd

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Nope, your financial analysis is immature. People who owned high-end AMD GPUs can afford most of Nvidia's high-end ones (290x will buy a 690). Most people who considered the illegal driver option generally found it to be too much of a pain, but it's still protecting Nvidia's own sales. Any money going to the competitor is a problem, and Nvidia is still posting more revenue/profit from GPU sales than ever. Also, this isn't all that new.



This is ridiculous. Here let me put my fanboy hat on as well if you want to be that way.


Lets all remember that none of this would be an issue if Nvidia gave two shits about the actual end user and decided to allow Physx on AMD gpus like some slightly less dickbaggy company already did with this little thing called TressFX. Oh, but im sure that would make the whole company crash and burn. Quick misdirect the argument to something were good at like playing games before the maximum pc guys catch on...oops...wrong forum post....

On a slightly more serious note theres no real reason Physx coulnt run on amd gpus like tressfx runs on Nvidia gpus, again aside from dickbaggery and pride. I appreciate that you love nvidia and everything in here but you dont seem to be looking objectively at anything, you're in here just blindly defending everything nvidia has ever done (including things that even most nvidia fanboys have considered a flop *cough titenz cough*) and honestly you have nothing to back any of it up.

my financial analysis is immature? how so? just because you say so? Somebody already owns a different brand gpu but still wants to give me 150 dollars for one of mine...lets stop them from doing so, that'll help our margins.


now call me a fanboy so i can feel justified. Something about persecution or whatever. 

CPU: Intel i5 4690k W/Noctua nh-d15 GPU: Gigabyte G1 980 TI MOBO: MSI Z97 Gaming 5 RAM: 16Gig Corsair Vengance Boot-Drive: 500gb Samsung Evo Storage: 2x 500g WD Blue, 1x 2tb WD Black 1x4tb WD Red





"Whatever AMD is losing in suddenly becomes the most important thing ever." - Glenwing, 1/13/2015


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This remembers me of the great time i had my 6970 together with a GT440 OEM (yes the OEM one is not the same as a GT440, it actually got ~150 shaders instead of ~100).

And back then it was disabled too, but with some old geforce drivers and some tweaking. It worked like a charm! Had a lot of fun with it in borderlands 2.

It was already blocked for years and with old drivers you can get around it, you don't need to get new drivers for physx. Tbh i did i because i could, i like tweaking and stuff like that.

Got the GT440 from an old machine for free, so can't be bothered with the price.


EDIT: Just discovered a huge flaw that probably everyone forgot, INTEL. I use the iGPU of my 4670k for 2 monitors (i can connect them to my 6970, but don't want to spend money on adapters)

So i use multi-monitor, a setting in the bios, to enable the iGPU in my cpu, but it works next to the 6970 i got. So if i understand it correctly. If i enable the iGPU in my 4670k, and i have a nvidia card, physx won't work?

If that's the case, quite stupid of them. I wanted to get a nvidia next time because evga's rma is very good, but if it blocks physx because i use the iGPU. I'm not sure if i'm going to take a nvidia next time...

Yes the article says they are investigating it and whatever, but the iGPU is normally not active when a graphics card is installed, so it looks like the iGPU doesn't exist so it should not be an issue, but in my case it's a bit different.

If you want my attention, quote meh! D: or just stick an @samcool55 in your post :3

Spying on everyone to fight against terrorism is like shooting a mosquito with a cannon

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This is ridiculous. Here let me put my fanboy hat on as well if you want to be that way.


Lets all remember that none of this would be an issue if Nvidia gave two shits about the actual end user and decided to allow Physx on AMD gpus like some slightly less dickbaggy company already did with this little thing called TressFX. Oh, but im sure that would make the whole company crash and burn. Quick misdirect the argument to something were good at like playing games before the maximum pc guys catch on...oops...wrong forum post....

On a slightly more serious note theres no real reason Physx coulnt run on amd gpus like tressfx runs on Nvidia gpus, again aside from dickbaggery and pride. I appreciate that you love nvidia and everything in here but you dont seem to be looking objectively at anything, you're in here just blindly defending everything nvidia has ever done (including things that even most nvidia fanboys have considered a flop *cough titenz cough*) and honestly you have nothing to back any of it up.

my financial analysis is immature? how so? just because you say so? Somebody already owns a different brand gpu but still wants to give me 150 dollars for one of mine...lets stop them from doing so, that'll help our margins.


now call me a fanboy so i can feel justified. Something about persecution or whatever. 

They do allow it via directcompute, which is an OpenCL emulation which they receive license fees for each card sold. Tressfx is limited in scope (hair, grass, wind). Also, it's a software solution, not a hardware solution like Physx (despite the earlier posting by a know-nothing).


That $150 card sells at 10% profit margin. The higher-end cards sell at 25% or more on a larger initial research cost point, which is mountains more profit. Make people buy the higher-end the way apple did for a while and profit is very well maximized except for tiny corner cases.


The Z is entirely defensible for the reasons I listed. People are just stupid and don't put practicality and reason first.

Software Engineer for Suncorp (Australia), Computer Tech Enthusiast, Miami University Graduate, Nerd

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This is ridiculous. Here let me put my fanboy hat on as well if you want to be that way.

Lets all remember that none of this would be an issue if Nvidia gave two shits about the actual end user and decided to allow Physx on AMD gpus like some slightly less dickbaggy company already did with this little thing called TressFX. Oh, but im sure that would make the whole company crash and burn. Quick misdirect the argument to something were good at like playing games before the maximum pc guys catch on...oops...wrong forum post....

On a slightly more serious note theres no real reason Physx coulnt run on amd gpus like tressfx runs on Nvidia gpus, again aside from dickbaggery and pride. I appreciate that you love nvidia and everything in here but you dont seem to be looking objectively at anything, you're in here just blindly defending everything nvidia has ever done (including things that even most nvidia fanboys have considered a flop *cough titenz cough*) and honestly you have nothing to back any of it up.

my financial analysis is immature? how so? just because you say so? Somebody already owns a different brand gpu but still wants to give me 150 dollars for one of mine...lets stop them from doing so, that'll help our margins.

now call me a fanboy so i can feel justified. Something about persecution or whatever.

*cracks knuckles*

PhysX does run on AMD GPUs. In fact, tons of games use PhysX, and they run on even Intel GPUs. PhysX is a frequently-used alternative to something like the Havoc engine. There are, however, certain types of PhysX implementations (mostly hardware-based), that are meant to run only in Nvidia GPUs, since they use specific functions like CUDA, and are built into the pipeline of the card. TressFX does run on Nvidia cards, but is very poorly optimized- it's glitchy and jumpy even on Nvidia's highest-end offerings. Just because AMD doesn't actively restrict that technology from Nvidia, it doesn't mean they're some open-source ethereal being. Nvidia keeps certain things exclusive, due to keeping competition alive, but more importantly, quality. Sort of like Apple and their 'walled garden,' Nvidia wants certain features specific to the platform, to avoid issues and conflicts, and keep their customers happy. Many of their products, including the basic PhysX platform, are accessible from all devices. But, just like AMD, some things they won't just give out.

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*cracks knuckles*

PhysX does run on AMD GPUs. In fact, tons of games use PhysX, and they run on even Intel GPUs. PhysX is a frequently-used alternative to something like the Havoc engine. There are, however, certain types of PhysX implementations (mostly hardware-based), that are meant to run only in Nvidia GPUs, since they use specific functions like CUDA, and are built into the pipeline of the card. TressFX does run on Nvidia cards, but is very poorly optimized- it's glitchy and jumpy even on Nvidia's highest-end offerings. Just because AMD doesn't actively restrict that technology from Nvidia, it doesn't mean they're some open-source ethereal being. Nvidia keeps certain things exclusive, due to keeping competition alive, but more importantly, quality. Sort of like Apple and their 'walled garden,' Nvidia wants certain features specific to the platform, to avoid issues and conflicts, and keep their customers happy. Many of their products, including the basic PhysX platform, are accessible from all devices. But, just like AMD, some things they won't just give out.

I played through Tomb Raider on my 780 and didn't have any glitchy/jumpy issues. Although it did slow the game down a bit (it's another effect for the graphics card to render of course it will make things go slower) but it was still entirely playable.


And yes, you're mostly right about the whole "walled garden" thing but also nVidia also developed Physx after the acquisition in house and paid for development of it and wants to reap the entire benefit of it. Whether this aligns with the consumers' philosophy or not is another issue. I can see it both ways given that there wasn't really GPU compute before CUDA, and OpenCL until recently was a pain to program for. However after a good open source option has become available, then I think companies should switch over.

CPU: 5820k 4.5Ghz 1.28v, RAM: 16GB Crucial 2400mhz, Motherboard: Evga X99 Micro, Graphics Card: GTX 780, Water Cooling: EK Acetal CPU/GPU blocks,

240mm Magicool slim rad, 280mm Alphacool rad, D5 Vario pump, 1/4 ID 3/4 OD tubing, Noctua Redux 140/120mm fans. PSU: Evga 750w G2 SSD: Samsung 850 Pro 256GB & Seagate SSHD 2TB Audio: Sennheiser HD558s, JBL! speakers, Fiio E10k DAC/Amp Monitor: Xstar DP2710LED @ 96hz (Korean Monitor) Case: Fractal Node 804

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They do allow it via directcompute, which is an OpenCL emulation which they receive license fees for each card sold. Tressfx is limited in scope (hair, grass, wind). Also, it's a software solution, not a hardware solution like Physx (despite the earlier posting by a know-nothing).


That $150 card sells at 10% profit margin. The higher-end cards sell at 25% or more on a larger initial research cost point, which is mountains more profit. Make people buy the higher-end the way apple did for a while and profit is very well maximized except for tiny corner cases.


The Z is entirely defensible for the reasons I listed. People are just stupid and don't put practicality and reason first.


you dont get it. i know simple math is hard but lets think about this for a sec. small profit > no profit  

Hi, my name is joe blow I have an r9 290x, there is no way in 7 hell im going to go out and purchase 500-700 dollar card just to get physx when i already own a very nice card. BUT i am very willing to dump a small amount into a card just to do physx. Oh wait i cant?  oh well i guess its not that big of a deal, im still a sane human being and will not go out and purchase another expensive gpu for one simple locked down part of my game.


plus when was the last time you honestly saw somebody buy a nvidia over and amd card 100% on the fact that it has physx


By not allowing this they just lost a small bit of profit and gained nothing. Also the public outcry hurts how they look. Nvidia has had a track record of holding nvidia pride over whats best for the customers for a long time now, they are purposefully segregating the market simply because F*ck the consumer. 


Physx doesnt work when you have an amd gpu in your system? huh, thats a bummer and really to bad.  Physx doesn't work when you have an amd gpu in your system simply because nvidia went out of thier way to make it that way? I dont care which side of the fence you're on thats just a dick move that not even a fanboy should defend. 

I do come across as a bit of an amd fanboy but the day AMD goes out of there way to shut down tressfx or mantle on nvidia gpus i'll cry fowl, because regardless of my love for them that's still a dick move.

Also the Titanz is dumb and the 780ti is too expensive. I see you own a titan black, its ok you can stop trying to justify your purchase to yourself. 

(the last bit is a joke by the way, settle down.)

CPU: Intel i5 4690k W/Noctua nh-d15 GPU: Gigabyte G1 980 TI MOBO: MSI Z97 Gaming 5 RAM: 16Gig Corsair Vengance Boot-Drive: 500gb Samsung Evo Storage: 2x 500g WD Blue, 1x 2tb WD Black 1x4tb WD Red





"Whatever AMD is losing in suddenly becomes the most important thing ever." - Glenwing, 1/13/2015


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I played through Tomb Raider on my 780 and didn't have any glitchy/jumpy issues. Although it did slow the game down a bit (it's another effect for the graphics card to render of course it will make things go slower) but it was still entirely playable.


And yes, you're mostly right about the whole "walled garden" thing but also nVidia also developed Physx after the acquisition in house and paid for development of it and wants to reap the entire benefit of it. Whether this aligns with the consumers' philosophy or not is another issue. I can see it both ways given that there wasn't really GPU compute before CUDA, and OpenCL until recently was a pain to program for. However after a good open source option has become available, then I think companies should switch over.

Yes! And by glitchy/jumpy, I meant the simulation itself- on my 760, which maintained 45FPS+ on Ultra, her hair was constantly 'resetting' every few seconds, so it jumped back to the starting animation, flowed a bit, then reset again. Tons of people had this issue, even some on AMD GPUs.
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*cracks knuckles*

PhysX does run on AMD GPUs. In fact, tons of games use PhysX, and they run on even Intel GPUs. PhysX is a frequently-used alternative to something like the Havoc engine. There are, however, certain types of PhysX implementations (mostly hardware-based), that are meant to run only in Nvidia GPUs, since they use specific functions like CUDA, and are built into the pipeline of the card. TressFX does run on Nvidia cards, but is very poorly optimized- it's glitchy and jumpy even on Nvidia's highest-end offerings. Just because AMD doesn't actively restrict that technology from Nvidia, it doesn't mean they're some open-source ethereal being. Nvidia keeps certain things exclusive, due to keeping competition alive, but more importantly, quality. Sort of like Apple and their 'walled garden,' Nvidia wants certain features specific to the platform, to avoid issues and conflicts, and keep their customers happy. Many of their products, including the basic PhysX platform, are accessible from all devices. But, just like AMD, some things they won't just give out.


My good friend runs an 770 and i actually gave him a tomb raider key literally just to test this. Though it did hurt the frames a little it looked and ran fine with 0 glitching at all. Not sure how this pertains to other games but the only "downfall" i've heard of coming from nvidia running tressfx is a slight dip in framerate, which is to be expected.

and again, if it just straight up was impossible to run on amd hardware then fine, it sucks and still segregates the gaming community, but fine. What i have an issues with is coming out and purposefully blocking a working solutions which is insanely non consumer friendly.

Also i never said AMD was god incarnate, but they are doing a hell of a lot more for the consumer by  NOT locking everything down as hard as they can.


Also the idea that the quality of nivdia products would be hurt by allowing it to run along side an amd gpu is just silly.

CPU: Intel i5 4690k W/Noctua nh-d15 GPU: Gigabyte G1 980 TI MOBO: MSI Z97 Gaming 5 RAM: 16Gig Corsair Vengance Boot-Drive: 500gb Samsung Evo Storage: 2x 500g WD Blue, 1x 2tb WD Black 1x4tb WD Red





"Whatever AMD is losing in suddenly becomes the most important thing ever." - Glenwing, 1/13/2015


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I played through Tomb Raider on my 780 and didn't have any glitchy/jumpy issues. Although it did slow the game down a bit (it's another effect for the graphics card to render of course it will make things go slower) but it was still entirely playable.


And yes, you're mostly right about the whole "walled garden" thing but also nVidia also developed Physx after the acquisition in house and paid for development of it and wants to reap the entire benefit of it. Whether this aligns with the consumers' philosophy or not is another issue. I can see it both ways given that there wasn't really GPU compute before CUDA, and OpenCL until recently was a pain to program for. However after a good open source option has become available, then I think companies should switch over.

Tomb Raider is a glorious piece of code if you disassemble and then decompile it (will take you about 9 hours on a 4960x, so be prepared if you wish to attempt it). It's the exception to a very harsh rule, and it doesn't use all of the TressFX features.

Software Engineer for Suncorp (Australia), Computer Tech Enthusiast, Miami University Graduate, Nerd

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Yes! And by glitchy/jumpy, I meant the simulation itself- on my 760, which maintained 45FPS+ on Ultra, her hair was constantly 'resetting' every few seconds, so it jumped back to the starting animation, flowed a bit, then reset again. Tons of people had this issue, even some on AMD GPUs.

That has to do with how the animation was set up, like an error-correcting feature in case the chaos calculations got out of hand (it's the same idea as a double pendulum approximation). Is it perfect/seamless? No, but what is?

Software Engineer for Suncorp (Australia), Computer Tech Enthusiast, Miami University Graduate, Nerd

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My good friend runs an 770 and i actually gave him a tomb raider key literally just to test this. Though it did hurt the frames a little it looked and ran fine with 0 glitching at all. Not sure how this pertains to other games but the only "downfall" i've heard of coming from nvidia running tressfx is a slight dip in framerate, which is to be expected.

and again, if it just straight up was impossible to run on amd hardware then fine, it sucks and still segregates the gaming community, but fine. What i have an issues with is coming out and purposefully blocking a working solutions which is insanely non consumer friendly.

Also i never said AMD was god incarnate, but they are doing a hell of a lot more for the consumer by  NOT locking everything down as hard as they can.


Also the idea that the quality of nivdia products would be hurt by allowing it to run along side an amd gpu is just silly.

They took Mantle entirely out of the open source environment and locked it down by recruiting the original leading devs. You don't get much worse than that. It would be like somehow yanking Linux from every machine in the world, reworking the source code, and re-releasing under a license with no access to the code (not that that's possible).

Software Engineer for Suncorp (Australia), Computer Tech Enthusiast, Miami University Graduate, Nerd

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They took Mantle entirely out of the open source environment and locked it down by recruiting the original leading devs. You don't get much worse than that. It would be like somehow yanking Linux from every machine in the world, reworking the source code, and re-releasing under a license with no access to the code (not that that's possible).



Now you're talking about things that may happen but have yet too. AMD has stated many many many many many many times that when its more complete mantle will be released as completely open with 0 licensing fees. 

"oh but brainless they haven't yet so obviously they will not."


Yah lets stop and wait till either they release it as promised or wait until they go back on the promise they made, which i for one think they will fallow through with. 


They took an awesome idea, bought it up and put the full force of the company behind it because they believed in it, stop trying to pretend they've already locked it down and told everyone else to Fck off already, especially when they've promised it will be open.


Oh and by the way "PhysX is a proprietary realtime physics engine middleware SDK. PhysX was authored at NovodeX, an ETH Zurich spin-off. In 2004 NovodeX was acquired by Ageia, and in February 2008 Ageia was acquired by Nvidia."  <--- the exact same thing you were bitching about with amd's mantle but instead of at least having intentions of having it be an open standard they bought it up and instantly locked it down.   Then when users found  a cool way around it (which still had them purchasing product from Nvidia, mind you) they also shut that down. Something something pointing fingers something something four pointing back.


This is what we call fanboying, taking offense to something the opponent does, while your side does it as well, but somehow you can justify it with "profit margins" and "protecting the high end"


We're talking about something Nvidia DID not something they promised that maybe will or will not happen.


I'll eat my words and my hat if amd comes out in a year or two saying its going to be completely locked down but for now lets keep with facts and things that have actually happened. 

CPU: Intel i5 4690k W/Noctua nh-d15 GPU: Gigabyte G1 980 TI MOBO: MSI Z97 Gaming 5 RAM: 16Gig Corsair Vengance Boot-Drive: 500gb Samsung Evo Storage: 2x 500g WD Blue, 1x 2tb WD Black 1x4tb WD Red





"Whatever AMD is losing in suddenly becomes the most important thing ever." - Glenwing, 1/13/2015


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Now you're talking about things that may happen but have yet too. AMD has stated many many many many many many times that when its more complete mantle will be released as completely open with 0 licensing fees. 

"oh but brainless they haven't yet so obviously they will not."


Yah lets stop and wait till either they release it as promised or wait until they go back on the promise they made, which i for one think they will fallow through with. 


They took an awesome idea, bought it up and put the full force of the company behind it because they believed in it, stop trying to pretend they've already locked it down and told everyone else to Fck off already, especially when they've promised it will be open.


Oh and by the way "PhysX is a proprietary realtime physics engine middleware SDK. PhysX was authored at NovodeX, an ETH Zurich spin-off. In 2004 NovodeX was acquired by Ageia, and in February 2008 Ageia was acquired by Nvidia."  <--- the exact same thing you were bitching about with amd's mantle but instead of at least having intentions of having it be an open standard they bought it up and instantly locked it down.   Then when users found  a cool way around it (which still had them purchasing product from Nvidia, mind you) they also shut that down. Something something pointing fingers something something four pointing back.


This is what we call fanboying, taking offense to something the opponent does, while your side does it as well, but somehow you can justify it with "profit margins" and "protecting the high end"


We're talking about something Nvidia DID not something they promised that maybe will or will not happen.


I'll eat my words and my hat if amd comes out in a year or two saying its going to be completely locked down but for now lets keep with facts and things that have actually happened. 

I'm describing the past, not what they promise in the future, and if their snubbing of Intel is any precursor, I'm not going to hold my breath.

Software Engineer for Suncorp (Australia), Computer Tech Enthusiast, Miami University Graduate, Nerd

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This is ridiculous. Here let me put my fanboy hat on as well if you want to be that way.


Lets all remember that none of this would be an issue if Nvidia gave two shits about the actual end user and decided to allow Physx on AMD gpus like some slightly less dickbaggy company already did with this little thing called TressFX. Oh, but im sure that would make the whole company crash and burn. Quick misdirect the argument to something were good at like playing games before the maximum pc guys catch on...oops...wrong forum post....

On a slightly more serious note theres no real reason Physx coulnt run on amd gpus like tressfx runs on Nvidia gpus, again aside from dickbaggery and pride. I appreciate that you love nvidia and everything in here but you dont seem to be looking objectively at anything, you're in here just blindly defending everything nvidia has ever done (including things that even most nvidia fanboys have considered a flop *cough titenz cough*) and honestly you have nothing to back any of it up.

my financial analysis is immature? how so? just because you say so? Somebody already owns a different brand gpu but still wants to give me 150 dollars for one of mine...lets stop them from doing so, that'll help our margins.


now call me a fanboy so i can feel justified. Something about persecution or whatever. 

No. Not giving away technology to your direct and ONLY competitor is not anti-consumer. It's the go to excuse for unjustified Nvidia hate, yet giving things away has never once helped AMD. The two big examples people like to give, Mantle and Freesync, have not actually been made public like AMD claims they are going to do. They even refused Intels request for access to Mantle. So until AMD makes good on it's claim to offer those technologies for free, they don't get to claim it makes them better than anyone else.

This issue with the changes to Physx affects 0.000000000000000000001% of gamers. Gamers who were already violating the EULA for Nvidia's drivers in the first place by modifying them. Not only that, but AMD and their customers do nothing but bash Nvidia and Nvidia customers over how "stupid" and "useless" Physx is. Making a huge deal about something that affects less than 100 people on the planet sure sounds like AMD users don't hate Physx as much as they claim to.

AMD is the Samsung of the GPU world. Nvidia does something, and AMD either copies it or insults Nvidia for doing it. Nvidia developed G-Sync, and had a working model before announcing it to the market, AMD responds with their lie called Freesync. Which will not actually be free to the consumer since it will require special, and more expensive, hardware for the monitors to support it. There won't be a licensed piece of hardware like with G-Sync, but the end consumer will still have to pay more for it. Nvidia's Shadowplay becomes very successful, AMD respond with their own copy of the exact same service. Which they actually just bought from an existing company since Raptr existed before AMD got involved. AMD also spreads lies about Shadowplay, claiming it only works in 169. When the truth is Raptr is the one that is limited and has compatibility issues. 

So accuse people all you want of being Nvidia fanboys, but it's obvious you are just as biased, yet lack all the facts to back up your claims.

i7 2600K @ 4.7GHz/ASUS P8Z68-V Pro/Corsair Vengeance LP 2x4GB @ 1600MHz/EVGA GTX 670 FTW SIG 2/Cooler Master HAF-X



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No. Not giving away technology to your direct and ONLY competitor is not anti-consumer. It's the go to excuse for unjustified Nvidia hate, yet giving things away has never once helped AMD. The two big examples people like to give, Mantle and Freesync, have not actually been made public like AMD claims they are going to do. They even refused Intels request for access to Mantle. So until AMD makes good on it's claim to offer those technologies for free, they don't get to claim it makes them better than anyone else.

This issue with the changes to Physx affects 0.000000000000000000001% of gamers. Gamers who were already violating the EULA for Nvidia's drivers in the first place by modifying them. Not only that, but AMD and their customers do nothing but bash Nvidia and Nvidia customers over how "stupid" and "useless" Physx is. Making a huge deal about something that affects less than 100 people on the planet sure sounds like AMD users don't hate Physx as much as they claim to.

AMD is the Samsung of the GPU world. Nvidia does something, and AMD either copies it or insults Nvidia for doing it. Nvidia developed G-Sync, and had a working model before announcing it to the market, AMD responds with their lie called Freesync. Which will not actually be free to the consumer since it will require special, and more expensive, hardware for the monitors to support it. There won't be a licensed piece of hardware like with G-Sync, but the end consumer will still have to pay more for it. Nvidia's Shadowplay becomes very successful, AMD respond with their own copy of the exact same service. Which they actually just bought from an existing company since Raptr existed before AMD got involved. AMD also spreads lies about Shadowplay, claiming it only works in 169. When the truth is Raptr is the one that is limited and has compatibility issues. 

So accuse people all you want of being Nvidia fanboys, but it's obvious you are just as biased, yet lack all the facts to back up your claims.

This is one of the most fanboy post on this thread man.


EDIT: to expand on this let me go through the checklist. I've already dealt with the mantle claim below, its not goddamn ready so stop claiming its never coming out. We dont hate Physx we hate unneeded segregation. as for the last claim which highlights the fanboydom...(thats a word right?) the GPU game has always been a Action and response in both goddamn directions. You dont leave yourself open by not responding to a competitors product, dont be daft. From what i understand freesync will be much cheaper than Gsync as gsync needs special hardware and freesynce is PART OF A GODD*MNED DISPLAY PORT STANDARD. ITS F*CKING CALLED FREESYNC BECAUSE THERE IS NO G*DDAMN LICENSE FEE FOR A G*DDAMNED SCREEN CREATOR TO IMPLEMENT IT IN A G*DDAMN SCREEN, FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS. Sorry for the french, but its not hard to understand man, its been explained hundreds of times. You're also making claims with nothing to back as we dont even have the slightest idea of what a freesync monitor is going to cost and we already know gsync monitors will come with a decent price increase. Stop claiming i'm claiming things without thing to back my claims while you hypocritically do the same. 


Also the claim that they spread lies about shadowplay, i cannot find anything to back this. Sounds like tinfoil hats to me, i saw some people on the nvidia site having issues with 16:9 vs 16:10 but nothing major. Back your claims up dude.



""I know that Intel have approached us for access to the Mantle interfaces, et cetera," said Richard Huddy, Gaming Scientist at AMD. "And right now, we've said, give us a month or two, this is a closed beta, and we'll go into the 1.0 [public release] phase sometime this year, which is less than five months if you count forward from June. They have asked for access, and we will give it to them when we open this up, and we'll give it to anyone who wants to participate in this.""


Intel: Give us mantle pls!

AMD: sure dude, give us a few months this is closed beta




CPU: Intel i5 4690k W/Noctua nh-d15 GPU: Gigabyte G1 980 TI MOBO: MSI Z97 Gaming 5 RAM: 16Gig Corsair Vengance Boot-Drive: 500gb Samsung Evo Storage: 2x 500g WD Blue, 1x 2tb WD Black 1x4tb WD Red





"Whatever AMD is losing in suddenly becomes the most important thing ever." - Glenwing, 1/13/2015


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I'm describing the past, not what they promise in the future, and if their snubbing of Intel is any precursor, I'm not going to hold my breath.



"I know that Intel have approached us for access to the Mantle interfaces, et cetera," said Richard Huddy, Gaming Scientist at AMD. "And right now, we've said, give us a month or two, this is a closed beta, and we'll go into the 1.0 [public release] phase sometime this year, which is less than five months if you count forward from June. They have asked for access, and we will give it to them when we open this up, and we'll give it to anyone who wants to participate in this."


Intel: Give us mantle

AMD: sure when its done dude, this is a closed beta

Nvidiaforumpost: lol, not open, amd is devil




Imma go ask a game dev for his game that he said he was gonna release. Hes then going to tell me to wait for it to come out because its not in a state to be released and then im going to claim the game will never come out and the game dev is a goddamn liar.

CPU: Intel i5 4690k W/Noctua nh-d15 GPU: Gigabyte G1 980 TI MOBO: MSI Z97 Gaming 5 RAM: 16Gig Corsair Vengance Boot-Drive: 500gb Samsung Evo Storage: 2x 500g WD Blue, 1x 2tb WD Black 1x4tb WD Red





"Whatever AMD is losing in suddenly becomes the most important thing ever." - Glenwing, 1/13/2015


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This is one of the most fanboy post on this thread man.



""I know that Intel have approached us for access to the Mantle interfaces, et cetera," said Richard Huddy, Gaming Scientist at AMD. "And right now, we've said, give us a month or two, this is a closed beta, and we'll go into the 1.0 [public release] phase sometime this year, which is less than five months if you count forward from June. They have asked for access, and we will give it to them when we open this up, and we'll give it to anyone who wants to participate in this.""


Intel: Give us mantle pls!

AMD: sure dude, give us a few months this is closed beta




Again, until AMD actually shares Freesync and Mantle, you have absolutely no ground to stand on. Neither your or AMD can use an unfulfilled promise as proof that AMD is some how better. Also, if AMD was half as good as you claim they are, they wouldn't be getting spanked by Nvidia in dedicated GPU market share. You're obviously just as much of an AMD fanboy as you keep accusing other people of being Nvidia fanboys. 

i7 2600K @ 4.7GHz/ASUS P8Z68-V Pro/Corsair Vengeance LP 2x4GB @ 1600MHz/EVGA GTX 670 FTW SIG 2/Cooler Master HAF-X



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Again, until AMD actually shares Freesync and Mantle, you have absolutely no ground to stand on. Neither your or AMD can use an unfulfilled promise as proof that AMD is some how better. Also, if AMD was half as good as you claim they are, they wouldn't be getting spanked by Nvidia in dedicated GPU market share. You're obviously just as much of an AMD fanboy as you keep accusing other people of being Nvidia fanboys. 



Guilty until proven innocent is a horrible way to live man. Specially when AMD has done nothing to cause anyone to think they will not make it open, and have gone as far as to make other amd thing such as tressfx open already. Call me a fanboy if you want but you claim i have nothing to back my claims then just circle jerk and call me a fanboy so you've gotten nowhere good and painted yourself a fanboy without a doubt. Thats not on me man. I'm done with you and done with this circlejerk

CPU: Intel i5 4690k W/Noctua nh-d15 GPU: Gigabyte G1 980 TI MOBO: MSI Z97 Gaming 5 RAM: 16Gig Corsair Vengance Boot-Drive: 500gb Samsung Evo Storage: 2x 500g WD Blue, 1x 2tb WD Black 1x4tb WD Red





"Whatever AMD is losing in suddenly becomes the most important thing ever." - Glenwing, 1/13/2015


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Guilty until proven innocent is a horrible way to live man. Specially when AMD has done nothing to cause anyone to think they will not make it open, and have gone as far as to make other amd thing such as tressfx open already. Call me a fanboy if you want but you claim i have nothing to back my claims then just circle jerk and call me a fanboy so you've gotten nowhere good and painted yourself a fanboy without a doubt. Thats not on me man. I'm done with you and done with this circlejerk

It's not guilty until proven innocent, but nothing makes their claims true until it actually happens. I can say I'm going to donate all my money to charity, but until I actually do that, my saying so does not make it true. So, AMD can not be given credit for something until they actually go through with it. You also glossed over the part of Freesync not actually being free for the consumer. A point that the Nvidia haters constantly refuse to admit. Monitors that support freesync will cost more money, just like G-Sync monitors do. ASUS has even gone on record to try and point out that fact to people who were spreading false information on their own forums.

You've also refused to acknowledge that this change to Physx doesn't actually change anything. It was against the EULA to use modified drivers in the first place. People can't exactly get upset over being prevented from doing something that they legally agreed to not do in the first place.

i7 2600K @ 4.7GHz/ASUS P8Z68-V Pro/Corsair Vengeance LP 2x4GB @ 1600MHz/EVGA GTX 670 FTW SIG 2/Cooler Master HAF-X



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you dont get it. i know simple math is hard but lets think about this for a sec. small profit > no profit  

Hi, my name is joe blow I have an r9 290x, there is no way in 7 hell im going to go out and purchase 500-700 dollar card just to get physx when i already own a very nice card. BUT i am very willing to dump a small amount into a card just to do physx. Oh wait i cant?  oh well i guess its not that big of a deal, im still a sane human being and will not go out and purchase another expensive gpu for one simple locked down part of my game.


plus when was the last time you honestly saw somebody buy a nvidia over and amd card 100% on the fact that it has physx


By not allowing this they just lost a small bit of profit and gained nothing. Also the public outcry hurts how they look. Nvidia has had a track record of holding nvidia pride over whats best for the customers for a long time now, they are purposefully segregating the market simply because F*ck the consumer. 


Physx doesnt work when you have an amd gpu in your system? huh, thats a bummer and really to bad.  Physx doesn't work when you have an amd gpu in your system simply because nvidia went out of thier way to make it that way? I dont care which side of the fence you're on thats just a dick move that not even a fanboy should defend. 

I do come across as a bit of an amd fanboy but the day AMD goes out of there way to shut down tressfx or mantle on nvidia gpus i'll cry fowl, because regardless of my love for them that's still a dick move.

Also the Titanz is dumb and the 780ti is too expensive. I see you own a titan black, its ok you can stop trying to justify your purchase to yourself. 

(the last bit is a joke by the way, settle down.)

Next time you look to make a purchase you'll look at Nvidia seriously. Sorry Joe consumer but businesses do not have a moral obligation to please you. They have only 1 obligation and that is to the owner/shareholders. The consumer is nothing more than a walking dollar sign with choices to make. That is the essence of every business.


Yes, I own a Titan Black. It's an amazing card that does everything I need it to do faster and with fewer errors than AMD. AMD can screw off until they make something useful to me. I can run both CUDA and OpenCL on an Nvidia card. I can't develop cross-platform on AMD junkware.

Software Engineer for Suncorp (Australia), Computer Tech Enthusiast, Miami University Graduate, Nerd

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Guilty until proven innocent is a horrible way to live man. Specially when AMD has done nothing to cause anyone to think they will not make it open, and have gone as far as to make other amd thing such as tressfx open already. Call me a fanboy if you want but you claim i have nothing to back my claims then just circle jerk and call me a fanboy so you've gotten nowhere good and painted yourself a fanboy without a doubt. Thats not on me man. I'm done with you and done with this circlejerk

It's the essence of the UK justice system, but the penalty for having an accusation proven wrong is equivalent jail time.

Software Engineer for Suncorp (Australia), Computer Tech Enthusiast, Miami University Graduate, Nerd

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"I know that Intel have approached us for access to the Mantle interfaces, et cetera," said Richard Huddy, Gaming Scientist at AMD. "And right now, we've said, give us a month or two, this is a closed beta, and we'll go into the 1.0 [public release] phase sometime this year, which is less than five months if you count forward from June. They have asked for access, and we will give it to them when we open this up, and we'll give it to anyone who wants to participate in this."


Intel: Give us mantle

AMD: sure when its done dude, this is a closed beta

Nvidiaforumpost: lol, not open, amd is devil




Imma go ask a game dev for his game that he said he was gonna release. Hes then going to tell me to wait for it to come out because its not in a state to be released and then im going to claim the game will never come out and the game dev is a goddamn liar.

That was over four months ago. Also, it's exactly timed to prevent Intel from seeing it before Skylake is totally done, when Cannonlake is being taped out. AMD is being as closed as possible and you're blind.

Software Engineer for Suncorp (Australia), Computer Tech Enthusiast, Miami University Graduate, Nerd

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That was over four months ago. Also, it's exactly timed to prevent Intel from seeing it before Skylake is totally done, when Cannonlake is being taped out. AMD is being as closed as possible and you're blind.

the length of time is irrelevant...


also, le sigh.....


are you STILL going on about this crap? didn't we already prove you're an incoherent fanboy? I don't mean to hate but please just stop.

Processor: AMD FX8320 Cooler: Hyper 212 EVO Motherboard: Asus M5A99FX PRO 2.0 RAM: Corsair Vengeance 2x4GB 1600Mhz

Graphics: Zotac GTX 1060 6GB PSU: Corsair AX860 Case: Corsair Carbine 500R Drives: 500GB Samsung 840 EVO SSD & Seagate 1TB 7200rpm HDD


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Again, until AMD actually shares Freesync and Mantle, you have absolutely no ground to stand on. Neither your or AMD can use an unfulfilled promise as proof that AMD is some how better. Also, if AMD was half as good as you claim they are, they wouldn't be getting spanked by Nvidia in dedicated GPU market share. You're obviously just as much of an AMD fanboy as you keep accusing other people of being Nvidia fanboys. 


Ummm AMD doesn't have to share free sync first of all. Free sync is just AMD's implementation of Displayport adaptive sync. ANYONE can use it and create their own implementation.

As for Mantle we just have to wait and see after they take it out of closed beta. There are so many pieces of software especially open source that start off as closed beta then they become open for anyone to get involved. I really don't care much for it either way Physx, Mantle, TressFX, Gameworks whatever. I'm not partial to AMD or NVIDIA I have my gripes with both of them.


Cpu: Ryzen 9 3900X – Motherboard: Gigabyte X570 Aorus Pro Wifi  – RAM: 4 x 16 GB G. Skill Trident Z @ 3200mhz- GPU: ASUS  Strix Geforce GTX 1080ti– Case: Phankteks Enthoo Pro M – Storage: 500GB Samsung 960 Evo, 1TB Intel 800p, Samsung 850 Evo 500GB & WD Blue 1 TB PSU: EVGA 1000P2– Display(s): ASUS PB238Q, AOC 4k, Korean 1440p 144hz Monitor - Cooling: NH-U12S, 2 gentle typhoons and 3 noiseblocker eloops – Keyboard: Corsair K95 Platinum RGB Mouse: G502 Rgb & G Pro Wireless– Sound: Logitech z623 & AKG K240

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