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Looking to upgrade my setup (monitors and desk)


Budget: $1500 - $2000 CAD

location: Ontario, Canada

I want to upgrade from 2 second hand monitors (mismatched 1080p/60 22" and 19" both have minor damage in some way, including to the screen itself) to a 1440 main between 24 and 30" (higher framerate and HDR are a plus but not a requirement) and a matching in style (even if not in size/specs secondary) the monitors would also need to be able to either have a secondary input or have some built in KVM so my Partner can dock her work laptop when she works from home (currently she sits on the couch props her laptop up on boxes on the coffee table and uses the tv as a secondary monitor. we want something more ergonomic for her. and no we don't have the space to have my current desk somewhere else after I get a new one) 
I'd also like a sit stand desk and have the monitors mounted on arms
I like the look of the Secretlab MAGNUS Pro (and it's built in cable management / arm / under desk tower mount options) My only problem with it is, it eats up most of the budget before any monitors are bought. a bonus though is that size is perfect for the space, including leaving space for the small table/stand where I store my Media storage PC


So advice for monitors that I could get along with that sit stand desk, Or monitors and desk recommendations that fall within the total budget 

Bonus if a UPS can be included in the budget (Willing to go over budget for a frugal yet effective UPS)

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