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Anime Club - Heaven Society


So I get to cram a NH-D14 into a Source 210....Oh Joy

I hate building in midtowers with my hands. Yay cuts all over my hands time!

sacrificial blood offering to the cooling gods.


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how big are your hands that building in a mid tower is a problem lol


|King Of The Lost|
Project Dark: i7 7820x 5.1GHz | X299 Dark | Trident Z 32GB 3200MHz | GTX 1080Ti Hybrid | Corsair 760t | 1TB Samsung 860 Pro | EVGA Supernova G2 850w | H110i GTX
Lava: i9 12900k 5.1GHz (Undervolted to 1.26v)| MSI z690 Pro DDR4| Dominator Platnium 32GB 3800MHz| Power Color Red Devil RX 6950 XT| Seasonic Focus Platnium 850w| NZXT Kraken Z53
Unholy Rampage: i7 5930k 4.7GHz 4.4 Ring| X99 
Rampage|Ripjaws IV 16GB 2800 CL13| GTX 1080 Strix(Custom XOC Signed BIOS) | Seasonic Focus Platinum 850w |H100i v2 
Revenge of 775: Pentium 641 | Biostar TPower i45| Crucial Tracer 1066 DDR2 | GTX 580 Classified Ultra | EVGA 650 BQ | Noctua NH D14

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So I get to cram a NH-D14 into a Source 210....Oh JoyOO8zpsF.jpg

I hate building in midtowers with my hands. Yay cuts all over my hands time!

Have you seen my ITX build? ;)

I might need to make a small update soon. I managed to shove an hdd in the thing :D

It's velcroed to the rear of the case right above my gpu, and then I had to velcro the ssd to the hdd because the sata power connectors are so close together on the cable. I miss having a modular psu.

You know what's easier than buying and building a brand new PC? Petty larceny!
If you're worried about getting caught, here's a trick: Only steal one part at a time. Plenty of people will call the cops because somebody stole their computer -- nobody calls the cops because they're "pretty sure the dirty-bathrobe guy from next door jacked my heat sink."

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^^ is this from an anime?, if it is, then what anime?


Error: 451                             

I'm not copying helping, really :P

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Thing is, it could work. But you can't easily have it both ways and be quirky and cute while being more restrained and realistic, not without feeling like you're trying too hard to be like a twee indie flick.


Either way, that part wasn't realistic or quirky, its just annoying. Its like vaguebooking. Why doesn't he just tell them why there aren't very many 2nd year students there instead of saying something melodramatic and leaving the room? That whole part was completely unnecessary.


The rest of the episode was alright, besides the conductor dude being a dick.

Old shit no one cares about but me.

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^^ is this from an anime?, if it is, then what anime?

Kiniro Mosaic.

Either way, that part wasn't realistic or quirky, its just annoying. Its like vaguebooking. Why doesn't he just tell them why there aren't very many 2nd year students there instead of saying something melodramatic and leaving the room? That whole part was completely unnecessary.

Yep, that's the melodrama and such that I was talking about. It feels like they thought it wasn't enough for the band to suck, they also needed a cheap antagonist.

Also, wow, tonight was slower than expected, so I watched a bunch more anime:

Ninja Slayer (1).

Look, Studio Trigger, Inferno Cop might have been a funny thing once, but we want Little Witch Academia 2, not more crap. We were even really kind to Kill la Kill, all things considered. Now please make something good again?

Punch Line (2).

Man was this episode ever boring. I think they were trying to be "zany" for the most part, but it was really more "stupid" and "obnoxious". Then they tried some drama, but by then I had already tuned out. And the humor... well, let's just say that it reminded me of the humor in shows for gradeschoolers. There was barely any ecchi, either. Frankly I have no idea who this show is for, but as for me I can't even muster up the curiosity to keep watching this as a novelty.

Yamada and the Seven Witches (2).

My chief problem with this show is that it lacks anything remotely resembling charm. The characters are all aggravating in some way, and since this is a character-driven anime that practically dooms it. Yamada himself especially bugs me, since one of my pet peeves is characters who openly talk to themselves when they're alone, like they just can't keep their mouths shut. I also find the scenarios they came up with rather more uncomfortable than amusing or interesting, so I guess I was right: this show really isn't for me.

Etotama (2).

Well, this wasn't as awful as I'd feared, but that's hardly a ringing endorsement. The humor's pretty predictable, or at least it's what would be expected from the premise. The more innocent comedy is already being done far better in Rinne, and if I wanted ecchi stuff then I'd just watch DxD. Heck, even Show by Rock is doing better with the CGI chibi stuff and the kemonomimi stuff, so unfortunately Etotama just isn't doing anything to hold my interest. Even the cat girl is an inferior knock-off of Nyaruko, frankly.

Danmachi (3).

You know, this series does two things well: the production values and the Bel/Hestia dynamic. But the writing... man, the writing. The elements are there for a truly great series, but the writers aren't giving it a chance. Bel acts like the traumatized lone survivor of the destruction of a family (or families), and yet all that happened is that his dad died and Bel was too weak to join a guild afterward. Really? And Hestia has no real motivation for liking him so much yet, which is terribly sad. That's not even counting that there are now TWO overpowered things about the leads which could stand to have some ominous undertones to balance them out. For every nice touch here there are simply too many that are played out at best. It really shakes my confidence that this series is going to amount to much, but at the very least I will say that it's better than Chaika so far.

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I'm gonna start this off with an update. Giveaway will happen sometime this week, I've had quite a day at work today it was really hectic and stuff... cops got called in and what not. I've been out of it ever since I got off work even though some good things did happen today, the balance just wasn't established. 


Gotta have some giveaway preparation's set up anyway. Oh and shipping won't be restricted to just the US. 

 What did you break? Something for giveaway isnt it?

Impossible I wouldn't do anything to put those headphones in danger.


I thought my and xaring were gonna do the banner

Why use Uzi when you have heatsink

You two haven't really given me a update or anything I'm still in the dark about progress. I though it was just dropped. 



I have fallen in love with J-Core <3 

Lol that image of Momiji... she's not a dog though. White Wolf. 




Utsuho Reiuji is probably the only character if you would call her that, from Touhou that I like.

That gif... is from that one PV isn't it?


So, here's a post no one asked for, but I have to vent again. If you care about me at all, I recommend reading this.

Today, I am pissed off. Now, for me, that's rare. Usually, I'm just irritated. Oh, but not today. I'll get to why soon.

Usually, when I do get pissed off, I let it go. It's really easy, but I figure most things aren't worth the effort & whatnot to deal with. But again, not today.

Today, I woke up at 7:30AM (basically) as my sister and her kids left for their usual daily stuff (work & school, respectively). I've been cleaning since then (it's now 11:37AM as of this posting). I will be continuing to clean until they get home. 

This is their house. When I left 2 weeks ago, it was reasonably clean. Now (before 7:30AM), it looks like one giant trash dump. 

I came home early instead of later (since my house will be sold on Tuesday and it was Wednesday when I arrived) because my nephew was crying. He is severely allergic to everything in this county and just found out. He breathes with 20% of his lungs full capacity and failed every lung test they gave him. He really likes sports. He now has to take an inhaler, a bottle of meds, & an epi-pen to school. 

My nephew has a dog. This dog is an inside dog. Or rather was. His dog usually sleeps with him, but likes to go under his bed from time to time. No one cleans here except maybe my nephew at will, and my nieces when forced to. They pretty much never air out their house. 

I cleaned the living room first because that's "my room" when I am here. Then I moved on to my nephew's room. Before all this, I put the dog outside. He will learn to like it out there. 

In my nephew's room, under his bed, is quite a lot of Dog poop and one large lump of white stuff. It's mold. Mold. Probably dog vomit turned into mold. I know for a fact it's been there for at least 2 months because no one bothers to clean under his bed but me, and that's the last time I did it. That's when his coughing started, according to my sister. 

I. Am. So. Done. 

While cleaning today, I had what I believe to be some kind of aneurysm. My head started hurting, so I'll be going to the doctor soon, but if I die, that's why I disappeared. Part of the reason I'm posting this. Sorry if I can't be here to do the giveaway I mentioned before. 

Believe whatever you want about this, but this is the truth. 

So, now I'm going to finish my nephew's room and move on to my nieces' room. When they get here, they will listen to me, or they will suffer (not physical violence, but me being a general dick in all ways possible that are legal). The same is true for my sister. 

She is 11 years older than me (I'm 21). Any seniority, or whatever it is she thinks she has on me is gone as far as I'm concerned.

Things I'm not above doing anymore:

  • Telling my sister's landlady that she has a dog (she hasn't told her and it wasn't in the rental agreement). > Means she either gets rid of the dog or has to leave the house.
  • Keeping my sister's part of the inheritance our parents left. This is what the house will sell for. It's up to me if I want to give it to her. I'm not if she is unrepentant. > I was going to give her it so she could have enough to buy her own house. If this is how she is going to treat it, fuck that.
  • Calling Child Protective Services on her. > My nieces & nephew won't live with her anymore and will likely move to another relative's house. 

I can't express to you guys this in any other way:

I am pissed off.


Fun fact: I believe I'm a sociopath because what makes someone a sociopath is that they either can't connect with people, or they can freely control how they feel about them. e.g. I may be related to her by blood, but she's no sister of mine; I can destroy my own emotional attachments at will; etc. 

Regardless, hopefully things go well. Sorry that I'm dumping my issues here. But I figure, if I'm going to tell anyone this, it may as well be you guys. If I don't come back for the giveaways, assume I'm dead and link this post to my Facebook. It's named on my profile, so it should be easy to find. That'd be great. Thanks in advance.

My family has tried changing my sister for the better, but she is obstinate. Now, she either changes, or she suffers. Doing nothing is not an option, which is usually the option my family has chosen when she wouldn't listen. 

I kinda feel liberated now that doing nothing isn't an option. Yay?

@MyInnerFred thought you might like to know.

Quite a story, my hectic day today can't match that. 


Take a nice long breather and listen to some calming music, then set every one of your thoughts out on the table and analyze them from a logical standpoint then think about what to do next so you can proceed forward. Sounds like some half ass, commonsense advice but hey it works.


I have heard my fair shares of family based drama at work(almost daily) so this isn't anything that surprises me, I usually just listen. I don't want to bear the responsibility of providing advice and potentially steering things in a bad direction(I may sometimes come off as uncaring due to this choice). I'll voice my opinion and the course of action I'd take for this situation anyway... 


It's not strange or unacceptable for someone younger to lecture someone older about what they think should be done or how to they think they should behave. The critical point here however is to know one's position and to fully understand the situation and everything leading up to it. I'd point out things I believe need to be changed in the household for the well being of everyone in it, stress the importance of why the change is needed(A Rational Debate if you will). Is the inheritance intended to be split between you and your siblings? Or is completely yours to manage? If its completely in your power then do whatever you deem fit with the money. Calling child protective services would be something I'd consider doing after I've had a talk with my family if something like this has happened, I'd pay close attention to behavior from both the parent and kids after the "talk" while trying my best to appear like I'm just going about doing what I do normally. If they disregard the important points of the discussion I've had then I'd take action and call child protective services(The well being of the child is at a higher priority because I believe it's vital that children should have a positive environment that encourages them to base their actions off of logic and reason, instead of emotion alone).


Doing nothing is was always a option, it was just unfortunately the option your family has chosen to take according from what I understand after reading. Everyone has the option to do "something" but every action you decide to make will have a, to put it simple a reaction and it is your responsibility to decide if that action is warranted and worthwhile by your own standards. 


I'm sure you'll be fine, go see a doctor and get yourself fixed up asap. I am in Texas, so if any sort of assistance is urgently needed let me know and I'll do what I can in my power.


New Skip vector for the osu skin I'm working on is done! So happy with it.


Very nice work.

Like watching Anime? Consider joining the unofficial LTT Anime Club Heaven Society~ ^.^



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Lol that image of Momiji... she's not a dog though. White Wolf. 


That gif... is from that one PV isn't it?


Very nice work.

The Image of Momiji worked though for it, wolves go woof too.. well don't they? I am not sure but I belive it is from the PV, I will have to double check it though.

I have some more stuff I'll working on, club banner is still a go, once I get input on what to have for Characters and then from there, I'll work my magic.

|King Of The Lost|
Project Dark: i7 7820x 5.1GHz | X299 Dark | Trident Z 32GB 3200MHz | GTX 1080Ti Hybrid | Corsair 760t | 1TB Samsung 860 Pro | EVGA Supernova G2 850w | H110i GTX
Lava: i9 12900k 5.1GHz (Undervolted to 1.26v)| MSI z690 Pro DDR4| Dominator Platnium 32GB 3800MHz| Power Color Red Devil RX 6950 XT| Seasonic Focus Platnium 850w| NZXT Kraken Z53
Unholy Rampage: i7 5930k 4.7GHz 4.4 Ring| X99 
Rampage|Ripjaws IV 16GB 2800 CL13| GTX 1080 Strix(Custom XOC Signed BIOS) | Seasonic Focus Platinum 850w |H100i v2 
Revenge of 775: Pentium 641 | Biostar TPower i45| Crucial Tracer 1066 DDR2 | GTX 580 Classified Ultra | EVGA 650 BQ | Noctua NH D14

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The Image of Momiji worked though for it, wolves go woof too.. well don't they? I am not sure but I belive it is from the PV, I will have to double check it though.

I have some more stuff I'll working on, club banner is still a go, once I get input on what to have for Characters and then from there, I'll work my magic.

Fun fact I was planning on getting everyone to post their favorite character for a banner collage anyway lol... 

Like watching Anime? Consider joining the unofficial LTT Anime Club Heaven Society~ ^.^



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Fun fact I was planning on getting everyone to post their favorite character for a banner collage anyway lol... 

:o Laputa had some idea kinda like that, what ever works though.

|King Of The Lost|
Project Dark: i7 7820x 5.1GHz | X299 Dark | Trident Z 32GB 3200MHz | GTX 1080Ti Hybrid | Corsair 760t | 1TB Samsung 860 Pro | EVGA Supernova G2 850w | H110i GTX
Lava: i9 12900k 5.1GHz (Undervolted to 1.26v)| MSI z690 Pro DDR4| Dominator Platnium 32GB 3800MHz| Power Color Red Devil RX 6950 XT| Seasonic Focus Platnium 850w| NZXT Kraken Z53
Unholy Rampage: i7 5930k 4.7GHz 4.4 Ring| X99 
Rampage|Ripjaws IV 16GB 2800 CL13| GTX 1080 Strix(Custom XOC Signed BIOS) | Seasonic Focus Platinum 850w |H100i v2 
Revenge of 775: Pentium 641 | Biostar TPower i45| Crucial Tracer 1066 DDR2 | GTX 580 Classified Ultra | EVGA 650 BQ | Noctua NH D14

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I'm gonna start this off with an update. Giveaway will happen sometime this week, I've had quite a day at work today it was really hectic and stuff... cops got called in and what not. I've been out of it ever since I got off work even though some good things did happen today, the balance just wasn't established. 

Share what happened!


Last time cops came to my workplace, it was at a car dealership. A guy running from the cops with a gun ran through our service drive and car wash and into the neighborhood behind the dealership. They had like 8 cop cars and a 2 police helicopters looking for him (he had shot someone). Everybody flipped shit as he ran by, it was very amusing afterwards.

You know what's easier than buying and building a brand new PC? Petty larceny!
If you're worried about getting caught, here's a trick: Only steal one part at a time. Plenty of people will call the cops because somebody stole their computer -- nobody calls the cops because they're "pretty sure the dirty-bathrobe guy from next door jacked my heat sink."

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Quite a story, my hectic day today can't match that. 


Take a nice long breather and listen to some calming music, then set every one of your thoughts out on the table and analyze them from a logical standpoint then think about what to do next so you can proceed forward. Sounds like some half ass, commonsense advice but hey it works.


I have heard my fair shares of family based drama at work(almost daily) so this isn't anything that surprises me, I usually just listen. I don't want to bear the responsibility of providing advice and potentially steering things in a bad direction(I may sometimes come off as uncaring due to this choice). I'll voice my opinion and the course of action I'd take for this situation anyway... 


It's not strange or unacceptable for someone younger to lecture someone older about what they think should be done or how to they think they should behave. The critical point here however is to know one's position and to fully understand the situation and everything leading up to it. I'd point out things I believe need to be changed in the household for the well being of everyone in it, stress the importance of why the change is needed(A Rational Debate if you will). Is the inheritance intended to be split between you and your siblings? Or is completely yours to manage? If its completely in your power then do whatever you deem fit with the money. Calling child protective services would be something I'd consider doing after I've had a talk with my family if something like this has happened, I'd pay close attention to behavior from both the parent and kids after the "talk" while trying my best to appear like I'm just going about doing what I do normally. If they disregard the important points of the discussion I've had then I'd take action and call child protective services(The well being of the child is at a higher priority because I believe it's vital that children should have a positive environment that encourages them to base their actions off of logic and reason, instead of emotion alone).


Doing nothing is was always a option, it was just unfortunately the option your family has chosen to take according from what I understand after reading. Everyone has the option to do "something" but every action you decide to make will have a, to put it simple a reaction and it is your responsibility to decide if that action is warranted and worthwhile by your own standards. 


I'm sure you'll be fine, go see a doctor and get yourself fixed up asap. I am in Texas, so if any sort of assistance is urgently needed let me know and I'll do what I can in my power

Indeed Fred.

Basically what I did. I had all day. lol

Regarding the inheritance, it's mine to do with what I will. 

That's a good way to look at it. They've "implemented some changes", so I'll just sit back and watch. If things go back to how they were though, I'll probably do it then.

Well, it would be fine if I chose to do nothing as long as my nieces and nephew wouldn't suffer because of that. That's the only reason I refuse to do nothing. Because I don't want them to have to deal with this instead of the adults.

Will do. Thanks Fred.


Fun fact I was planning on getting everyone to post their favorite character for a banner collage anyway lol... 

Just in case this happens, I want to be represented:


† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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Fun fact I was planning on getting everyone to post their favorite character for a banner collage anyway lol...

damn that is hard. I feel like I should say a character that isn't as well know lol


Just in case this happens, I want to be represented:


I feel it is probably worth noting that is anita king from rod the tv
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Share what happened!


Last time cops came to my workplace, it was at a car dealership. A guy running from the cops with a gun ran through our service drive and car wash and into the neighborhood behind the dealership. They had like 8 cop cars and a 2 police helicopters looking for him (he had shot someone). Everybody flipped shit as he ran by, it was very amusing afterwards.

Heh... it's a long story. I'll make it short, basically we had a customer who is very panicky. She tells you the same thing over and over again expressing her distaste of her own predicament(wasting her and your time while getting nowhere more often than not), and expects things to be done to her standards and done in her way even when it's not within my power or ability due to time restraints. Cops were called to defuse the situation between her and my boss(who to be fair isn't all that great), I tried my best to defuse the situation and to a extent did however the cops arrived and problem was solved(I guess....). If she would have just listened to me, instead of acting on emotion because of her dissatisfaction with my bosses attitude over the phone(She doesn't understand how some of these things are done in the US, it's not "China" lady I'm sorry things don't work that way. She was going on and on, on the phone and my boss couldn't afford to waste time so he talked over her and told her flat out what he can, cannot do and won't do.) with her the other day then she'd have her nice written statement and not as stressed out.


I tried to calm them down so they wouldn't have to be so stressed out but ehhh some people just can't control their emotions, or refuse to. 

Like watching Anime? Consider joining the unofficial LTT Anime Club Heaven Society~ ^.^



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Sooon, started on the 8th vector tonight. I'm liking how they are coming out this is gonna be Hibiki when its done finally.

|King Of The Lost|
Project Dark: i7 7820x 5.1GHz | X299 Dark | Trident Z 32GB 3200MHz | GTX 1080Ti Hybrid | Corsair 760t | 1TB Samsung 860 Pro | EVGA Supernova G2 850w | H110i GTX
Lava: i9 12900k 5.1GHz (Undervolted to 1.26v)| MSI z690 Pro DDR4| Dominator Platnium 32GB 3800MHz| Power Color Red Devil RX 6950 XT| Seasonic Focus Platnium 850w| NZXT Kraken Z53
Unholy Rampage: i7 5930k 4.7GHz 4.4 Ring| X99 
Rampage|Ripjaws IV 16GB 2800 CL13| GTX 1080 Strix(Custom XOC Signed BIOS) | Seasonic Focus Platinum 850w |H100i v2 
Revenge of 775: Pentium 641 | Biostar TPower i45| Crucial Tracer 1066 DDR2 | GTX 580 Classified Ultra | EVGA 650 BQ | Noctua NH D14

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Heh... it's a long story. I'll make it short, basically we had a customer who is very panicky. She tells you the same thing over and over again expressing her distaste of her own predicament(wasting her and your time while getting nowhere more often than not), and expects things to be done to her standards and done in her way even when it's not within my power or ability due to time restraints. Cops were called to defuse the situation between her and my boss(who to be fair isn't all that great), I tried my best to defuse the situation and to a extent did however the cops arrived and problem was solved(I guess....). If she would have just listened to me, instead of acting on emotion because of her dissatisfaction with my bosses attitude over the phone(She doesn't understand how some of these things are done in the US, it's not "China" lady I'm sorry things don't work that way. She was going on and on, on the phone and my boss couldn't afford to waste time so he talked over her and told her flat out what he can, cannot do and won't do.) with her the other day then she'd have her nice written statement and not as stressed out.


I tried to calm them down so they wouldn't have to be so stressed out but ehhh some people just can't control their emotions, or refuse to. 

Sigh... people.


Honestly, what your boss did, over the phone at least, doesn't sound unreasonable. At our service department, when a customer calls with an unreasonable complaint or has some ridiculous demands, attitudes become very cold, very quick. People become short, not very friendly, and very impatient. Not because they're bad at customer service, but because it's (usually) the quickest and best way to deal with a customer like that. There is a limit to what the customer has control over and should have control over, and some don't understand that.


Some customers are just assholes too, especially when they don't get what they want. Sounds mean, but it is what it is.



Were they just arguing, or was it almost to the point of them trying to find some heavy object to beat the other over the head with?

You know what's easier than buying and building a brand new PC? Petty larceny!
If you're worried about getting caught, here's a trick: Only steal one part at a time. Plenty of people will call the cops because somebody stole their computer -- nobody calls the cops because they're "pretty sure the dirty-bathrobe guy from next door jacked my heat sink."

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Just watched the first episode of Ninja Slayer. 10/10

Old shit no one cares about but me.

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Heh... it's a long story. I'll make it short, basically we had a customer who is very panicky. She tells you the same thing over and over again expressing her distaste of her own predicament(wasting her and your time while getting nowhere more often than not), and expects things to be done to her standards and done in her way even when it's not within my power or ability due to time restraints. Cops were called to defuse the situation between her and my boss(who to be fair isn't all that great), I tried my best to defuse the situation and to a extent did however the cops arrived and problem was solved(I guess....). If she would have just listened to me, instead of acting on emotion because of her dissatisfaction with my bosses attitude over the phone(She doesn't understand how some of these things are done in the US, it's not "China" lady I'm sorry things don't work that way. She was going on and on, on the phone and my boss couldn't afford to waste time so he talked over her and told her flat out what he can, cannot do and won't do.) with her the other day then she'd have her nice written statement and not as stressed out.


I tried to calm them down so they wouldn't have to be so stressed out but ehhh some people just can't control their emotions, or refuse to. 

More than what has happened in the past week at my work. had the power go out for 15 min but thats about as exciting as it gets.


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Just finished the Movie "Fury" and just WOW like holy crap.... 

I may add it to favorite War movie.



Intel i5 4460 Motherboard:Msi Z97S Sli krait Ram:HyperX Fury White (2x4) Storage:Seagate 1tb/Samsung 850 Evo 120gb Gpu:Gtx 960 2gb sc Case:S340 Black Psu:Corsair Rm 650w 80+ Gold certified

My anime list : http://myanimelist.net/animelist/KRImSIN

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Just finished the Movie "Fury" and just WOW like holy crap.... 

I may add it to favorite War movie.


Best job I ever had!!!!!!! Also that was the only real Tiger Tank in the world that still functions.....





Also can't stop Watching the circle of life from the Lion King. I love that movie.

Love cats and Linus. Check out linuscattips-fan-club. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Z9QDVn and Asus ROG Swift. I love anime as well. Check out Heaven Society heaven-society. My own personal giveaway thread http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/387856-evga-geforce-gtx-970-giveaway-presented-by-grimneo/.

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Best job I ever had!!!!!!! Also that was the only real Tiger Tank in the world that still functions.....





Also can't stop Watching the circle of life from the Lion King. I love that movie.

I remember that movie.



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Fun fact I was planning on getting everyone to post their favorite character for a banner collage anyway lol...

Not sure what other characters to put yet



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Not sure what other characters to put yet


What about the character i asked for? ;-; 


Intel i5 4460 Motherboard:Msi Z97S Sli krait Ram:HyperX Fury White (2x4) Storage:Seagate 1tb/Samsung 850 Evo 120gb Gpu:Gtx 960 2gb sc Case:S340 Black Psu:Corsair Rm 650w 80+ Gold certified

My anime list : http://myanimelist.net/animelist/KRImSIN

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What about the character i asked for? ;-;

this is WIP and only a first draft.

|King Of The Lost|
Project Dark: i7 7820x 5.1GHz | X299 Dark | Trident Z 32GB 3200MHz | GTX 1080Ti Hybrid | Corsair 760t | 1TB Samsung 860 Pro | EVGA Supernova G2 850w | H110i GTX
Lava: i9 12900k 5.1GHz (Undervolted to 1.26v)| MSI z690 Pro DDR4| Dominator Platnium 32GB 3800MHz| Power Color Red Devil RX 6950 XT| Seasonic Focus Platnium 850w| NZXT Kraken Z53
Unholy Rampage: i7 5930k 4.7GHz 4.4 Ring| X99 
Rampage|Ripjaws IV 16GB 2800 CL13| GTX 1080 Strix(Custom XOC Signed BIOS) | Seasonic Focus Platinum 850w |H100i v2 
Revenge of 775: Pentium 641 | Biostar TPower i45| Crucial Tracer 1066 DDR2 | GTX 580 Classified Ultra | EVGA 650 BQ | Noctua NH D14

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Not sure what other characters to put yet

Haruhi would fit nicely here

Laptop: Acer V3-772G  CPU: i5 4200M GPU: GT 750M SSD: Crucial MX100 256GB
DesktopCPU: R7 1700x GPU: RTX 2080 SSDSamsung 860 Evo 1TB 

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