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Building a Suitecase PC.


So I wanted to build a portable desktop after looking at laptop prices. So I was going to buy one of the 2 suitcases below cut the needed holes then attach the 21.5 in monitor on the front using either a visa mount part or just direct screwing it into the suitcase. The reason it doesn't have a graphics card is I have a old 980 I use to use. that or I figured I could always takeout the 1080 from my desktop when needed. I do realize that the monitor may hangover the edge a little bit. I was wondering if anyone has done this before and has any advice or if there is a case that already does this job for me would be nice as well if anyone has heard of such a thing. Also just wanted a second opinion on the parts. Cheaper is better but id rather not go too much more expensive.




Case 1:  https://www.amazon.com/ALUBOX-LB-420-B-Hard-Case/dp/B07KSZ6MK6/ref=sr_1_41?dchild=1&keywords=metal+briefcase&qid=1626896218&s=apparel&sr=1-41


Case 2: https://www.amazon.com/Vestil-CASE-1814-textured-Carrying-corners/dp/B0052PJ39C/ref=pd_sbs_1/147-7112260-1470210?pd_rd_w=DjQzH&pf_rd_p=0f56f70f-21e6-4d11-bb4a-bcdb928a3c5a&pf_rd_r=W07ARXFMCCCPGXAJ6GWD&pd_rd_r=0d6c90bc-106c-4db4-a172-64b37cb49973&pd_rd_wg=tyH9V&pd_rd_i=B0052PJ39C&th=1


Possible Vesa mount for monitor: https://www.newegg.com/black-msi-ag242m5-mount/p/N82E16824960007?item=N82E16824960007&source=region&nm_mc=knc-googleadwords-pc&cm_mmc=knc-googleadwords-pc-_-pla-_-accessories+-+monitors-_-N82E16824960007&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-7DC0Kb18QIVFJXICh2glAPQEAQYESABEgL2GvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds



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1 hour ago, Lavos5181 said:

So I wanted to build a portable desktop after looking at laptop prices.

You can get an entry level gaming / work laptop for ~700$, mid range gaming / workstation laptop for ~1400$.


1 hour ago, Lavos5181 said:

Bad link, goes to a blank pcpartpicker list.


1 hour ago, Lavos5181 said:

So I was going to buy one of the 2 suitcases below cut the needed holes then attach the 21.5 in monitor on the front using either a visa mount part or just direct screwing it into the suitcase.

And how do you plan to:
1) handle cooling (you would have to drill / cut some more)
2) attach a keyboard and a touchpad (beside drilling more holes you'd have to make some sort of tray for them sit on)
3) add a battery and handle the charging of the said battery

Now sure you can skip step 2 & 3, but then it lacks features every laptop has by default.

I am not saying a project like this wouldn't be fun to do, but doing it to save on cost is a weak reason IMHO... 

Not to mention you will end up with a bulky mess that is hardly portable:

How would you transport this thing? If you are gonna use your car/truck then you might as well just buy a case with a carry handle and save the box your monitor came in with for safe transport or buy a nice portable monitor.
Also on the video above notice the lack of keyboard, touchpad, battery and the fact that all of the hot air is going to blow directly in your face. It just looks cool for YT video, very little practical use in RL IMHO.


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17 hours ago, Biohazard777 said:

You can get an entry level gaming / work laptop for ~700$, mid range gaming / workstation laptop for ~1400$.


Bad link, goes to a blank pcpartpicker list.


And how do you plan to:
1) handle cooling (you would have to drill / cut some more)
2) attach a keyboard and a touchpad (beside drilling more holes you'd have to make some sort of tray for them sit on)
3) add a battery and handle the charging of the said battery

Now sure you can skip step 2 & 3, but then it lacks features every laptop has by default.

I am not saying a project like this wouldn't be fun to do, but doing it to save on cost is a weak reason IMHO... 

Not to mention you will end up with a bulky mess that is hardly portable:

How would you transport this thing? If you are gonna use your car/truck then you might as well just buy a case with a carry handle and save the box your monitor came in with for safe transport or buy a nice portable monitor.
Also on the video above notice the lack of keyboard, touchpad, battery and the fact that all of the hot air is going to blow directly in your face. It just looks cool for YT video, very little practical use in RL IMHO.

The problem with keep buying a new laptop is every so often you have to keep shelling out the 1.4k. With the desktop you can just slowly buy what ever part is needed to upgrade to a certain point. cooling would be more holes with case fans. I already use a mouse with my laptop so i would simply just have to connect the keyboard is all. 9/10 i have my laptop always plugged in anyway so I would simply just plug the thing and it's normally hotels i am in so I have something to set it on. Plus if you look at the image it would be done something like that. So were a laptop sits horizontally this would be more vertical, technically saving space.  I would simply use the suitcase to carry it where ever hence why i wanted it in a suitcase. The monitor would simply be Vesa mounted to the front or directly mount to the front. The idea would be like the picture those fans would be the back and the monitor on the front you'd set the thing down on a table plug peripherals and power cords  and play. As of now that's what i pretty much do with my laptop.


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