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Everything posted by Engineer.AI

  1. Corporate greed is nothing new, the fact that companies have been sliding these claims under the rug for many years now, happens to be the entire issue. The companies should look to engineer AI bots that track this very thing. 4G jacking by bloated companies have resulted in consumers data speeds dropping, and rates rising - the government agencies should engineer AI to look into that as well. ~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)
  2. HAHAHHA! I wholeheartedly agree! E3 was going to be a lull this year (like the previous years). Apart from FF7, there was little incentive to watch anyways. ~Vibhor Tyagi (techie at Engineer.AI)
  3. Its especially fun because of the personalities like Lil Majin, TMMSwe, etc. being prominent voices in the sphere. The neutral game is F.U.N!, combos are really generic - amazing to watch at the highest of levels. lol. I wish there was a tournament for MUGEN as well. I love downloading and playing the 100th DBZ X Naruto game I could find, however, balancing is woefully compromised. A really well made video highlighting why watching the FGC (not just SBM) is amazing at the high levels. ~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)
  4. Funny how this headline comes in conjunction with the "Right to Repair Act", passed by the EU Right to Repair ACT by EU We've reached that point in time, where our not-so older devices, are being antiquated, simply because of industry standards for mass consumerism. This particular headline is most alarming, though. There are these 7+ year old phones that still receive updates, but are easily susceptible to hackers who engineer AI malware, if they do so. The cellphone industry is primed with severe wastage, due to industry practices. ~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)
  5. What a waste! Such high processing power, lost on folks who merely use it for Snapchat and TikTok. Apple phones normally aren't that well integrated with third party software, like games, etc. This is a marketing ploy of the nth degree. About Powerbeats 4 - same! how did these manifest themselves into this one shelf on Costco/ Walmart, all of a sudden, out of nowhere?! ~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)
  6. Another one bites the dust. As an Engineer, AI was going to be my big draw during E3. But now, Coronavirus (Covid-19) has claimed another tech conference by its teeth. This is one in a line of many meets cancelled due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. RSA conference, not even a week ago, chimed in 2 casualties. SXSW is cancelled. E3 - cancelled! A Webinar can benefit a lot, given the circumstances at hand - it would benefit my crew of about 25, who engineer AI, to attend, while being safe from the coronavirus pandemic. Will definitely miss the cringe compilations this time ;) ~Engineer.AI
  7. I want to call you misinformed, but really, I cant - lowkey i'm in agreement with you. MAYBE this is not that big a deal. There are however, live cases of people contracting, spreading, and even dying because of the outbreak. They have even managed to engineer AI bots that track the deaths and survivors of the coronavirus pandemic. They are at almost 70K detection now. That sucks, honestly! The reason that they're still letting people travel, is because trade and travel is the lifeline of most economies (and also because most governments are idiots to let such a gross oversight take place). ~Engineer.AI
  8. This Coronavirus outbreak has really shifted the gears for most industries (upwards or downwards, depends on your mileage). While shill-houses like the stock market (and its brokers) have plummeted through the window, tech and software is seeing a steady rise in sales. I don't know what else to attribute it to, except that people have a lot of home time now - and being at home is synonymous to living around tech now. The fact that coronavirus (covid-19) has spiked, not only Twitch, but also other streaming sites as well - really isn't as shocking, as much as it is expected. We're about to see a rise in tech related news in the days ahead, my dudes. ~Engineer.AI
  9. That is a really swell way to put it. Really hoping on other companies to pick up the slack, and make electric powered vehicles - sooner than later! ~engineer.AI
  10. PRAISE THE LORD, FOR HE IS GOOD!!!! ~Engineer.AI
  11. Really? These guys want to regulate AI?! The guidelines that require any conformant to obey the guidelines, as if they were written like the Geneva Accord. The problem with this, is that it is only a guideline, and not a ruling. Which means we can still engineer AI to be killer robots, while merely getting a slap on the wrist. AI Guidelines according to The Pentagon The ball is still in the air about Ethical AI regulation. Military usage of Machine Learning algorithms has always been covert. The thing is that people wont engineer AI to become Robotic assailants, but for hacking and crashing the US establishments. ~Engineer.AI
  12. I hope Bungie will be re-releasing/ remastering the original score as well... I mean this should be expected, right? ~Engineer.AI
  13. To be fair, and also being appreciative of the feat Tesla has achieved - rich people will basically throw away their money at anything! Musk and Tesla were able to hit a nerve so hard, now their cars have a 11 months waiting period (the demand is that high). However, it is the working class, the everyday commuter, the mileage expert - who really needs to move to a battery operated car, and not some rich billionaire/ politician. ~Engineer.AI
  14. I agree that there should be a better encryption method than the basic 2FA that we use anyways. This could amount to something more complex than the braindead-easy, but efficient 2FA process, which would upset a lot of the users at present. This point bears repeating. Whatever the encryption process, the final say should be with the user, and not anybody else! ~Engineer.AI
  15. Couldn't agree more! E3 has lost its soul somewhere down the line. It's now just a wankfest for AAA companies to show-off a game years before it would finally be released - as if that is going to keep the hype in this day and age. I think showcases like E3 tend to be better remote viewing experiences, rather than live conventions. This is a chance for the organizers to really offer a huge change-up in the right direction. ~Engineer.AI
  16. This is horrible! A lot of people still use older android devices for one reason or another. The fact that due to such causes, their security license expires, makes really no sense. Couldn't a universal app help in doing just this - helping outdated phones be usable beyond the date of expiry? ~Engineer.AI
  17. This is the need of the hour right now. Tesla might only be the stepping stone in this regard - there might spring up further companies, which offer more affordable EC's in the future - some, might even offer self-driving capabilities. I agree that we havent been able to engineer AI to be that efficient, but really - think of the possibilities! ~Engineer.AI
  18. We can manage to engineer AI to abate the Coronavirus, the way we have done to the world of Antibiotics, and medicine. Overall, the cases seem to be on a decline, but a future threat still looms over our heads. ~Engineer.AI
  19. I feel that this should otherwise be a great ruling, but the 'trickle down' aspect of it is damaging the people. In India, we pay the least for Broadband and Data, but that has cost small time providers to drop out of the race in favor of another BIG 3 in the telecom dept. We also had a socialist democracy before the current government sold off our public sectors towards private greed. ~Engineer.AI
  20. One of the best aspects I really liked about Halo back in the day was the modding capability. I'm happy to see it being expanded further with this release. I might actually pick this one up, the price seems very palatable as well. ~engineer.AI
  21. Let's hope that is the case. Over here, we're still reeling in from a travesty rn.
  22. I'm happy that it was resolved for you @ShelterMan :) however, I'll have to work a lil bit harder on my case. Will post on here if I get any resolution. Thanks for letting us know, though. ~Engineer.AI
  23. OK. SOLD!!!!!!!
  24. Wow, really does make all the difference in the world. I wouldn't mind playing it after all this time though...but for a few days maybe, before I return to something more current gen. As much as I love Halo, as much as we all love Halo, there's no harm in accepting that the franchise is past its prime now. There's no reason for me to switch from Overwatch and Borderlands3 to CE, apart from old timely nostalgia. I remember when me and my friends used to play Halo the entire day, for weeks on end. Microsoft needs to dangle a juicer carrot, for folks like me to come back to this once beloved title once more. ~Engineer.AI
  25. IKR, the biggest draw of playing older titles, was definitely the drive to customize one's experience, which I hardly find to be the case now, given the obnoxious copyright hurdles that one has to overcome. Buying CE on sale seems to be the more viable option imo rn. ~Engineer,AI