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  1. I think you are mistaken the Logitech Z200s are an excellent show of craftsmanship and quality desktop audio speakers. They're the best speakers that i've had so far. They're also the only desktop speakers i've had so far.
  2. Yes! now i can pair my PCs racing stripe and exhaust fans with leather seats
  3. you put on a white tshirt and long white pants and stand outside in the sun for 2 hours
  4. i played cricket for a season, not sure how people enjoy it though.
  5. Just thought about painting a chair with one of those house wall painter things
  6. i've got have i been pwned set up and i've got a BMG account but i didn't get any email
  7. https://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-Archer-T1U-Wireless-Network/dp/B016K088UC I'm using this single band one and its working great. https://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-Archer-T2U-11AC-Adapter/dp/B00K11UIV4?th=1 The dual band version should be sweet too
  8. heck no, why would anyone want to read your posts?
  9. It might be popular because it's the mouse you are shown when you walk into a retail store and ask for a gaming mouse. At least that's how it is over here.
  10. must have something to do with the ultra quiet typing on the k120 then