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Everything posted by iLostMyXbox21

  1. why do people need an ssd? is it really that bad to wait 10 seconds? if you have an old hdd i understand... but my hdd is a 7200rpm and it boots in 8.6seconds, so unless it is for games i really dont see the use of an ssd

    1. 2FA
    2. lewdicrous


      It's not only about boot times or gaming performance, as @2FA mentioned, it's also about read/write speeds.

  2. they ask for your credit card so you cannot just keep using the free trial over and over please tell me this is a troll plus, did they specify it is free of charge? they might be using wordplay (which is legal) to say it is free..... of risk......
  3. Okay thanks. And its not really times.. Its a constant less than 1mbps speed
  4. we pay for 60bmps and this is what we get honestly my phones data has better speeds so basically i need to call spectrum? because even watching shows in 360p buffers every few seconds
  5. okay so normally my internet on my computer normally averages 30-60mbps, but yesterday it is .04mbps and today it is 6 (download) this is not good because i am downloading a game (60gb) at a speed of 6-15kbps (according to a calculator site, it will take 9544:22:18 to finish) and after 2 days, it is only on 2 percent but then i downloaded csgo, skyrim special, minecraft, and some more big programs within 10 minutes. my internet just decided to take a bullet or something. we have not moved the modem. no viruses ( i run a scan with malawarebytes every day since i download things that might have viruses) and nothing. my pc is just as good as it always is (which is decent, but not great) the only thing that is different is my internet is slow (not my ping, i have no problem playing online games, just downloading things)
  6. me: **decides to play comp for the first time and has the best csgo game of my life where i got an ace with 100% headshots and 2 of them were through a wall with lucky prefires and defused the bomb**


    overwatch dude: im about to end this mans whole career

  7. iLostMyXbox21

    is it possible to hide the default apps on wind…

    oh well i meant from the alphabetical program view but this works until i figure that out
  8. is it possible to hide the default apps on windows 10? basically i wanna be able to have my wallpaper blank and have my start menu not filled with all the programs preinstalled

    1. kelvinhall05


      You can right click start menu icons and remove them iirc.

    2. iLostMyXbox21


      oh well i meant from the alphabetical program view but this works until i figure that out

  9. download optifine and set everything to low (also remove the texture pack, as i get frame dips when i play with them too) edit: i missed how you said optifine does not work
  10. me: *bored so decide to boot up mineraft*

    *load into new survival world*

    *savanna island*

    Me: *wanting a better biome, so i teleport to a random place*

    *savanna island*

    me: *adds 1000 to all coordinates (except height)*

    *savannah island*

    me: *leaves and loads new world*











    *savanna island*

  11. doubtful, but i suggest (highly suggest) that you download malawarebytes (free) so you dont have to ask of you have a virus not sure if i am gonna get in trouble for posting this (hope i dont cause im helping lol) but here is the link to malawarebytes
  12. i want one like this of the hulk so i can say "you got the bruce banner hammer"
  13. iLostMyXbox21

    youtube should have a section dedicated to peop…

    wait how would it kill small youtubers to have a section for small youtubers?
  14. iLostMyXbox21

    at this point i am just too pissed to work on a…

    im not talking about that. i am fine with all of that. i am talking about putting hours into a project, saving multiple times to make sure it saves, closing it to go take a break, and coming back to the project gone or not as i left it (all my models were imported, but not in the scene)
  15. at this point i am just too pissed to work on a game so i am taking a break from game dev and imma start working on my youtube until i get pissy about that too

    1. DrMacintosh


      Lol. Game development can be cool buts its a lot of hours, lots of stress, and a really unhealthy working environment. 

    2. iLostMyXbox21


      im not talking about that. i am fine with all of that. i am talking about putting hours into a project, saving multiple times to make sure it saves, closing it to go take a break, and coming back to the project gone or not as i left it (all my models were imported, but not in the scene)


  16. now im having the same problem with unity, except it crashes instead of deleting it




    funny part is, unity is ONLY crashing on the one i worked hard on. what the hell? man now i need a new engine AGAIN cause my whole project is gone (i loked at the files while typing this and modt of them are gone) so yeah im gonna look into godot or something

  17. iLostMyXbox21

    I was planning on trying something that I've wa…

    @Origami Cactus like FL Studio? @kelvinhall05 not really serious about it currently i am just wanting to try it and go from there
  18. I was planning on trying something that I've wanted to do for a while now (i wanted to start a band)





    Then i remembered i have no friends that like making music so should i just join a discord for musicians or something and find people there?

    1.   Show previous replies  1 more
    2. kelvinhall05


      Yeah I think in 2019 music on a computer is the way to go unless you already are good at playing multiple instruments.



      If you're serious about it, maybe look into a keyboard?

    3. iLostMyXbox21


      @Origami Cactus like FL Studio?


      @kelvinhall05 not really serious about it currently i am just wanting to try it and go from there

    4. Cyberspirit


      Both mix craft and FL studio are pretty cool. Though I don't make music I just like to mess around with them.

  19. iLostMyXbox21

    unity is using 94% cpu whattttttt

    oh it is baking lighting thats why
  20. not sure how much you could get for it but yeah that is a good plan so that you can spend the money elseware
  21. iLostMyXbox21

    where is my uproject file? i saved about 12 tim…

    you know what i give up on unreal. i wanted to use it for the blueprints and smooth editor but it has been nothing but problems ever since day 1. im moving back to unity because i am tired of losing my projects and unity has never lost an entire project or done something that was not my fault so im uninstalling unreal and moving back to what i started with
  22. well then buy me something /s lol maybe a few games, or the 1080ti could be useful so you can use the 2080 for just your game while the 1080 can do your other monitors. bit overkill imo though lol or use the 1080 to stream/ record without affecting your 2080 so you can game and stream (if you dont stream now then you could start if you wanted)