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  1. Is iOS 17.4 already out? Mine says 17.3.1 is still the latest version
  2. Are there other search engines which still offer this feature?
  3. Just a little story for a bit of perspective: We're in the late 90s, Microsoft makes IE the default in their OS. They are not preventing any third party software, they don't demand a 30% cut of whatever software is downloaded through IE and they are not the gatekeeper of anything. They are completely trashed by the media and every tech guy on earth. This ended up with Microsoft being found guilty of abusing their monopoly position by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Now we have Apple only allowing their own app store to be present on their OS, and they demand a 30% cut on everything that is downloaded through it. And yet this thread is full of iToddlers defending them.
  4. Mactoddlers always like to point that Android doesn't have good exclusive apps. Well at least I can play Fortnite on Android...
  5. It's crazy how despite raised awareness of NSA spying upon citizens worldwide, Firefox (which is open-source) doesn't manage to capture a greater share of the browser market.
  6. I use the hosts file to block porn sites, what alternatives do I have?
  7. "Intel is one of TSMC’s biggest customers and has been for decades. They have many products at TSMC over the years, mainly chipsets and other things on ‘older’ processes. Some of this was due to capacity, some of it was due to Intel’s process lead, and some of it was because TSMC had IP or a process tuned for something Intel didn’t, think RF for starters. Intel also used outsourcing as a weapon, in the 40nm days they would buy wafer starts and use them for things they didn’t strictly need to in order to deprive the competition of cutting edge, for them, silicon." What a shitty company. I'm glad they are having troubles now
  8. Well change has to start somewhere. I'm supporting companies that are keeping the headphone jack.
  9. All this teasing for a 400€ mid-range phone with no headphone jack? Realme phones are built in the same factory and are a much better value. If pricing had been the same in Europe as in India, I might have considered it.
  10. Assuming he doesn't retire, where does he end up next? Apple for the ARM MacBooks? Back to AMD? Working for ARM or Qualcomm?
  11. I don't care about consoles but that design is f ing great. What are you all complaining about? If you want a square box, build a PC...
  12. For those keeping score, my gf got the following quote for repairing Apple's bad display assembly: Display Assembly - 822 € Service 1.5h - 127.5 € ____________________ Total - 949.5 € That's one expensive cable! Especially on a laptop that was bought for 2800 €.
  13. Funny thing is the Apple Premium Reseller guy wrote it was in "more than very good condition" and told us he rarely sees 3+ year old laptops in such mint conditions. It's clearly a design flaw. The "you are using it wrong" Apple fanboy speak is getting old.