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Everything posted by Blasteque

  1. 1. Make sure the GPU has auxiliary power connected. (In your pictures it looks like it does.) 2. Does it boot up with HDMI connected to the mobo? If so, then there may be a bios setting to disable GPU.
  2. I have not used a sanus, but I have used middle atlantic for pro gear. Their stuff is very well built (though expensive).
  3. 43. I've been gaming since Atari 2600, then moved to Apple IIGS (with ubiquitous Oregon Trail), then 286, been PCs ever since. Still game 1 - 4 hours per day. I don't multiplayer anymore either unless it's with friends. That stopped... a while ago, but not because of reflexes, those are fine, the issue was the online community. I loaded up Crysis (I think that's what it was) into a team deathmatch 5 days after it came out and I was yelled at for not knowing how to play that map. No thanks. Where did I put that copy of Unreal Tournament...
  4. Ah, OK, good to know. I was only looking at the "Nobsound Little Bear MC2" pre-amp. With the Behringer, is the pre-amp necessary?
  5. If you wanted to use the same mic and interface, then you need a pre-amp with phantom power (and can just do a search for "pre-amp with phantom power"). Basically, the mic needs a power source; phantom power provides 48 volts DC along the XLR cable as a DC offset. At any rate, it's not uncommon and should be easy to find. Or, as @Firewrath9 indicated, go with a mic that doesn't need phantom power or uses a powered interface (like USB).
  6. That mic requires phantom power (most condensers do). Since that pre-amp is passive, I'm assuming it does not provide phantom power.
  7. It's a grid bug from Tron. https://www.google.com/search?q=tron+grid+bugs&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS819US819&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwias-WV_-HiAhUyMn0KHd8FCoQQ_AUIESgC&biw=1113&bih=1050
  8. Really depends on where you are. When I was home schooled in Washington state, the colleges wanted to see a diploma, a GED, or a certain amount of college credit. (More on this below.) Also in Washington was the ability to take college level classes from a community college free of charge for high school students (if you passed the placement tests). By the time I graduated high school, I had already been going to college for two years. This was enough to satisfy the requirements of most universities (plus SAT scores), even though I didn't have a diploma or GED. Which brings up a crucial point: student self-motivation is everything when it comes to home school. I was motivated to become an aerospace engineer and I knew I had to pay for it myself (which I did). If you're not driven to succeed at school under your own power (home school or otherwise), you will struggle. This is especially true of home school; there are so many distractions.
  9. I switched because my parents bought an Apple IIgs and the games were way more advanced than our Atari 2600. Then we got a 286, then 386, and so-on. Never looked back.
  10. To the various residents of BC: I'm planning a trip to Tofino BC (in September) and I'm faced with a number of possible routes. I'm coming from Vancouver (no, the other one, the one near Portland) and I can take the Black Ball out of Port Angeles or one of several ferries on the Eastern side. from where I'm at Google maps gives them all a similar duration (± 1 hr). The only one I'm ruling out is the ferry through the San Juan's because it is quite a bit longer. Do any of you locals have a preference? Ferries that have better food, better scenery, etc. Thanks!
  11. Logitech is making the MX518 again. I like it a lot.
  12. There are KVM switches with a wireless remote. One set of IO would stay with the computer and the physical KVM switch; the other set of KVM cables would be run through the wall (assuming the rooms are adjacent) and have the wireless switch remote in that room with the other set of IO. This would not work if there is a large distance between the two rooms.
  13. This is clearly a false dichotomy. There are times when fettuccine is called for; other times spaghetti is the right choice.
  14. Something like this: https://www.kitguru.net/components/leo-waldock/fractal-design-meshify-c-mini-review-meshify-c-gets-smaller/
  15. If the fan were an ideal wing, then it would be a square of the increase. 110% ^ 2 = 121%. Unfortunately, fans are nowhere near that efficient. The exact numbers depends entirely on the design. Best any of us can guess from a distance is between 10% and 21% better.
  16. You probably already tried a google search, but in case you didn't: https://www.caa.co.uk/Blog-Posts/How-to-become-a-commercial-pilot/
  17. Wire races can be mounted with double sided tape or screwed to the wall. https://www.homedepot.com/b/Electrical-Home-Electronics-Cable-Management-Cord-Covers-Channel-Raceways/N-5yc1vZc65f There are various brands and you should be able to find something at your local home improvement center.
  18. Maybe something like this: https://www.amazon.com/HD-Retrovision-PlayStation-Premium-Component/dp/B07H3F94ZN ? Just googling PS2 video cable.
  19. Although Autodesk doesn't tell you which one works better, they do list what they've tested: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/sites/default/files/file_downloads/3dsmax2019_GFX_ResultsJan2019.pdf They're also pretty clear that consumer cards have been tested to work, but only pro cards are officially supported (which is relevant if you plan to use Autodesk's support for issues).
  20. You could probably figure out what has changed if you can find schematics. Many companies don't want user or third party repair so schematics can sometimes be hard to find, but it's worth a google search.
  21. There are probably two reasons for this: you're looking for very specific knowledge (how consumer products are modified to become displays) that is not widely known and the audio forums here see dedicated (and knowledgeable), but limited traffic. If you don't get any responses here, try AVS forums. Good luck!
  22. Blasteque

    500 mph Bicycle

    I had re-read the first post many times to get this, but it appears the wheel is driven by pedal power and the supercharger is driven by the wheel. The supercharger then provides assistance. According to your first post you're trying to get 22psi out of the supercharger. The manufacturer should be able to provide you with the power and rpm necessary to drive it to 22psi. One of the biggest disadvantages of superchargers for cars is how much of power parasite they are. I would guess that 22psi is going to require way more than a human can put out. That's not really the big worry though, because the supercharger is not a positive gain in the system. It will cost you power; it must. If it didn't it would be perpetual motion machine.
  23. Let's reign this in a bit. F150 owners come in many shapes and sizes; some people actually use them for city commuting (it's not a good choice in my mind, but I'm not going to judge someone else's preference), other people use them for work, others for hauling their recreational toys (boat, camper, etc.), and so on. For some of those people an EV makes sense, like commuting. For some of those people a hybrid makes sense, like some of the construction trades (most of the heavy haulers are using 250s or 350s anyway). For others neither makes sense, like driving cross-country with a camper. That's what options are for. Certainly, some people will buy the wrong vehicle, knowingly and unknowingly, but having the option is not a bad thing.