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Everything posted by Fasterthannothing

  1. Yes because hardware at the level of a single piece of the hardware chain is so optimized now I actually think we are running into software efficiency issues for PCs compared to consoles. This is because PCs can't create a system that talks to all the hardware together in the most efficient ways.
  2. They have a responsibility to test compatibility especially when it comes to anti cheat software. I don't see Nvidia software tripping the anti cheat software
  3. Welcome to AMD where QA testing is done by the users and we call it open sourcing our development
  4. O no the horror of PlayStation people being able to play Xbox games on PlayStation through the cloud /s
  5. YouTube kinda is a garbage site since the throw ads into a video like every 2 minutes now. If they bloc ad blockers l will absolutely straight up stop watching YouTube
  6. The one with the disk drive is the ugliest thing I've ever seen in a console
  7. From what I've seen in the beta builds this isn't supposed to be some ground breaking update feature wise it's supposed to be a refinement of performance and efficiency. Users on the last beta reported 8+hrs SOT or more on their pixel devices. Which is good because now that they are promising 7 years of updates for pixel to match Apple it's time to refine the OS to run slimmer and faster. The would crush apple in battery benchmarks if they could start squeezing out the same battery life per watt hr considering most Android phones are packing 5000mah batteries.
  8. Bro how can they have a patch dated 10-5 and claim it's released c'mon
  9. It's not because it's fpga which allows for reprogramming the chip on the fly. Hardware isn't emulated when the actual gates on the chip are being reprogrammed on the fly. It would fall under a type of reverse engineering for legal purposes from my understanding of the legalities of it.
  10. It's not powerful enough from my understanding. It's typical used in CPU prototype design but they figured out how to use it for emulation
  11. I mean you could see this from a mile away a bunch of Reddit people either too afraid to lose their chicken nugget money to hold for long term or too stupid to get out while they could was no match for an actual investing company who can afford to ride the dumb waves of Reddit and make substantial money off of it.
  12. They used fpga which is a processing architecture that can be modified on the fly to behave the same at the hardware level as the physical hardware that the bios is looking for.
  13. Traditional emulation uses standard CPU and software to achieve play back of the games. This system allows developers to run the bios of the console directly on the hardware and run everything as if it was being played directly on the hardware of the console.
  14. Yes and unfortunately it's the only one that does this. It's just sad they have such an amazing product with zero care for their consumers actually trying to buy it.
  15. That's fair but even a scalped one cost less than a ally now an even better comparison is the steam deck at $400 but it's unfortunate that analogue has such a cool niche product for hardware level emulation and can't do anything but make limited editions for scalpers to buy
  16. That's a huge price difference and nothing does hardware emulation like the Analogue. People have been waiting since 2021 before they got one that's crazy to me. It was easier to buy a new GPU at the peak of the mining craze than one of these.
  17. Summary Analogue has released yet another limited edition device while their standard model appears to be non existent Quotes My thoughts Analogue seems more worried about releasing limited edition consoles than actual selling products like some hypebeast Yeezy sneaker drop. They have one of if not the absolute best portable hardware emulator devices available with a beautiful 1600x1400 display that never seems to actually be for sale unless you like buying them from a scalper. Sources https://www.gamecrate.com/the-console-you-probably-won-t-get-your-hands-on-limited-edition-transparent-analogue-pocket https://www.engadget.com/analogues-limited-edition-pockets-are-delightful-and-frustrating-140012471.html
  18. Maybe it's just me but I don't see the appeal of the raspberry pi anymore. It's not exactly cheap when compared to a refurbished desktop from Dell and it's not that power efficient when compared to other systems in its class. They are also extremely hard to get your hands on.
  19. Someone is pocketing the money plain and simple. That game will never be developed. I remember a few guys in my dorm building buying ships for hundreds of dollars and when I ask them about the game it was all I could do to keep from laughing when they said it wasn't done yet but they wanted a limited edition ship before release. All they could do was look at the virtual ship what a absolute disgrace the game and the people pouring money into it are.
  20. Umm if it literally bricks the phone when changing parts the score should be 0 change my mind
  21. Lol this is kinda hilarious. But here is an interesting theory I have. What if the leaks are actually how hackers for other countries are getting their files to their intended recipient. Kinda of just lose themselves in the noise
  22. Might want to update this to note they are handing out individual bans as well now