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Everything posted by vorticalbox

  1. This has always been a thing. Remember DVDs? I used to always think "Why am I watching an ad when i paid for the thing"
  2. This is the best way to show case pep8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgI0p1zf31k
  3. This was the hardest part for me to get when i started my job as a nodeJS developer, now i just vscode + typescript + break points makes life so much easier.
  4. as a counter argument the async nature of nodejs + its higher level syntax means you can develop far faster. IF you need speed you can create c bindings and call from node.
  5. vorticalbox

    This new Firefox look, from FF 89.0, is actuall…

    I just updated to 89, the dark theme is really nice. icons are sharp and nice looking menus are great too.
  6. I code mostly in nodejs, other then express/mongoose for our stack I just jump to using ramda [0] and that lets me build pretty much what ever i need [0] https://ramdajs.com/docs/
  7. Could you show some evidence that this is actually the case? There is nothing wrong with asking for help even if it is to do with homework. The issue is when people ask for their homework to be done for them, which as far as i am aware is not actually against any rules but it a rather rubbish way to learn.
  8. Slot: 01:00.0 Class: VGA compatible controller Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Device: TU106M [GeForce RTX 2060 Mobile] SVendor: Tongfang Hongkong Limited SDevice: TU106M [GeForce RTX 2060 Mobile] Rev: a1 so its in slot 1 how do i go about doing the bus part?
  9. thanks, where do i get the bus and slot information?
  10. I decided i would do a tad of folding on my work laptop. CPU: Intel i7-10750H (12) @ 5.000GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 Mobile GPU: Intel CometLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphics] I have my config.xml <config> <!-- Client Control --> <fold-anon v='true'/> <!-- Folding Slot Configuration --> <gpu v='true'/> <!-- Slot Control --> <power v='LIGHT'/> <!-- User Information --> <passkey v='xxxx'/> <team v='223518'/> <user v='vorticalbox'/> <!-- Folding Slots --> <slot id='0' type='CPU'/> <slot id='1' type='GPU'/> </config> however the client is folding on the intel GPU rather than my nvidia GPU. What am i missing in my config?
  11. vorticalbox

    Having a 12 core CPU is so OP lol. Encoding a v…

    it is a laptop true, 64 GB of ram. it's my work machine
  12. vorticalbox

    Having a 12 core CPU is so OP lol. Encoding a v…

    offt me too!
  13. normally you would save these in a .env file then load them into your environment before starting your application. for node i use env-cmd, for python i use python-dotenv. You didn't say what language you are using but this is a common pattern and there should be some module to help you out https://www.npmjs.com/package/env-cmd https://pypi.org/project/python-dotenv/
  14. And if its a relitive href you need to add the domain back on.
  15. Tbf this sounds like it would be better put in a database of some sort, it'll be far faster then looping over everything to see if an item is in an array.
  16. My work laptop for the longest time had 16GB of RAM and this was fine until i started running mongoDB replica sets (it will eat as much RAM as it can take), so 16GB is probably fine, that said i have 64GB now and i wouldn't go back
  17. vorticalbox

    Controversial Opinion: I don’t think what LastP…

    I'll just be sticking to Firefox account to sync my passwords.
  18. what are you finding limited about it? and why do you you think remaking in something else will over come these limitations?
  19. my path went PHP, c#, python and finally node (for work). I have a soft spot for python but i really do like node. streams and async are super powerful. the main question is what are you want to develop as programming languages are like tools, you use the best on for the job.
  20. personally what i do is just stick ubuntu LTS on it and then install pop shell to window tiling. If you really dislike gnome then you can just install another and switch to it in before you login
  21. in-these situations, where you are writing lots of ifs i like to refactor into something like this from random import randint answers = [ 'well yes, but actually no', 'Nah, you bitch', 'not sure. Still a bitch tho.' ] random_number = randint(0,len(answers)-1) answer = answers[random_number] print(answer) I find it much easier to follow and allows you to add more answers by simply appending to an array, also will let you load then answers from a text file