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Everything posted by linusforsell

  1. My friends and colleagues released a video game on PC/Switch/PS4/XBONE - Go play, it's fantastic!



    Also: Hello 👋

    1. givingtnt


      I'm honestly not sure what to make of this image hahaha

    2. Fred Castellum

      Fred Castellum

      Looks like cool game! Shame I'm not really into side scroller platformer games. I hope the game does well for them!

  2. linusforsell

    Extended 11 hours test Passed, Quick 2 mins tes…

    Cheers, Linus
  3. Canada is so far away guys...
  4. Interesting seeing the polarity on the choice of platform(s) and language(s). Obviously nothing is 100% this or 100% that—choosing the right tool for the job is key in all parts of the production; but I think the video does a pretty good job outlining the kind of person who'd fit in well in the current environment.
  5. Oh boy, that definitely ain't pretty!
  6. A div would be preferable, yes.
  7. The solution depends a bit on how you've implemented the image. The simplest way would be to use a background image, center it and set it to cover the available space. .image-class-you-use { background-image: url(your-url); background-position: center; background-size: cover; }
  8. Well, there's: https://www.igdb.com/
  9. Still alive, still working. In related news; Skycrown is now available as a "concept" Greenlight project on Steam, why not follow us there if you're interested?
    Here's the link




  10. linusforsell

    You know the drill, come join us on the Vividic…

    Oh, that's gotta be annoying
  11. You know the drill, come join us on the Vividice twitch stream and chat with us while we make Skycrown! http://www.twitch.tv/vividice :ph34r:


    1. Sharif


      I would definitely check it out~ 

      I got to figure this out,it's been over a week -_- (Issue with my computer freezing) 

    2. linusforsell


      Oh, that's gotta be annoying :/

    3. Sharif


      Very and taking up my time every day,hopefully I am on to something today 

      Currently leaning towards a virus not being detected or faulty ram 

  12. It sure has been a while... but we're streaming some Skycrown stuff again, come join us! http://www.twitch.tv/vividice

  13. Found this in the mail today! :D #charitySwag #extraLife


  14. Finally. Oh, Dell, I have waited for so long. Waited, always waited, for a monitor worthy of my money. Ever since you discontinued the U2711 I have been in a constant state of searching, but finally, the day has come.
  15. Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like? Or; Favorite component of all time?
  16. Samsung and Intel are generally great choices; I can personally vouch for the 850 evo being a great pick.
  17. linusforsell


    Happy Schnitzel, Looney
  18. linusforsell

    Love it when ISPs forget to limit connection sp…

    ^ That's supposed to be 100/100 ^^
  19. Love it when ISPs forget to limit connection speeds, haha; http://img.tophat.ninja/fullspeedahead.png

    1.   Show previous replies  1 more
    2. kameshss


      Whoa! That's massive !!

      You must be enjoying a whole lot!!

    3. Firearm2112


      quick! download the whole steam library!

    4. Sharif



      Must be nice

  20. Sweclockers finally gettin' some real competition!
  21. linusforsell

    Working on something new for a client—Time for…

    Sadly that's the only stuff I'll be able to show. The entire thing's going to fly completely under the radar from this point on. :)