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Kawaii Koneko

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Everything posted by Kawaii Koneko

  1. So I have this online chick friend who is 28 and hasn't really played any games since she was in high school. She said the last game she really played was Counter Strike. Well, we've been talking a lot lately and she said she would like to play some games with me online to hang out. But she doesn't really know what to play. She said she would be open to something with a bit of action but also something easy to get into would be nice. So my first thought was Minecraft because it is a calm, somewhat relaxed game when you aren't being chased by creepers haha. She liked the idea of being able to build things and she thinks it's really cute how you can raise animals and they can have babies. So that will probably be one game we play. I'm looking for some other suggestions though. Preferably something free so she doesn't have to spend money since she is just starting out. This way she can dabble to find what she likes before buying anything. Also, she lives in the Philippines so something where lag won't be too much of an issue would be good. So I'm thinking maybe an MMORGP. Idk. Her laptop is an Asus FX505DD so she has a Ryzen 5 2.1 GHz, 8GB Ram, and a GTX 1050. So she should have a pretty good selection of games she can play.
  2. Thanks. This is what I ended up going with. Seems like a pretty good pairing with my Pure Wings 2 case fans. Everything is pretty quiet now. I would have went with this but that brown color... Lol.
  3. No, please report them! Letting it go just encourages them to continue this kind of behavior against other buyers. It just emboldens them to escalate the behavior. If they think they can get away with this, what's next? Maybe outright ripping a buyer off? Maybe getting so mad that they actually share someone's personal information? Please, please, please report them.
  4. Yeah, the fan that came on my Evo 212 has decided it wants to throw tantrums and is now too loud for my case. Can anyone recommend a good 4pin static replacement that is nice and quiet? Preferably something I can get through Prime?
  5. Yeah, that's not a bad idea. Anyone reading this feel like doing some photoshop work?
  6. That's what I'm thinking. Kind of sad I retired my black 430 because damn, the saddle would have looked good. Black is pretty nice too though.
  7. Do you guys think a saddle interior would look good on a silver car? I really wanted to dye my leather and paint the plastics in my black 2004 Lexus LS430. Black and (white I believe) are the only two colors you could get the saddle interior with. But I retired my black 430 to a parts car and bought myself another LS430 but this one is silver. I don't know if the saddle would look good or not. I know black will though. I just hate the tan/cream color it currently is. Take a look at the saddle interior. I think it is pretty sexy but I think it will look off on silver. https://www.google.com/search?q=ls430+saddle+interior&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=iswwgjy_DoKJcM%2ClgdTXyCVBUvhhM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRQ6jshcVRdHxCXJkhYbSbiJzohpA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi34sLx1KLvAhUIX80KHfZlCxsQ9QF6BAgGEAE&biw=2560&bih=975#imgrc=LEZ5O6fSLT_ekM
  8. That's what I thought but I can definitely tell the difference after restarting. I just went to download an 18 GB addon for Modern Warfare and it was saying it was going to take 2 hr 40 min on my 50 Mbps fiber. After restarting I can literally see the percentage climbing at a reasonable rate.
  9. I'm having a really annoying problem downloading on my Series X. Basically, if I download something, it will download just fine but once I move onto the next download or if I pause the download and move onto another, I get insanely slow speeds. I'm talking like under 1 Mbps and it will jump between under one to saying like 100 Mbps even though I only have a 50 Mbps plan. If I restart the console, then I download around my 50 Mbps cap. Anyone else having this problem?
  10. Glad you got the drift issues solved but it is still odd about your battery life. I can get a lot more time out of my Eneloops so maybe they were defective? Idk. I'd try your other batteries just to see if it makes a difference.
  11. I already showed a few pictures to my mom so she already knows what she looks like. Personally, I'm a Christian but I don't have a problem with her being trans but a lot of other Christians take issue with this kind of thing. I'm of the opinion that all the verses people point to as being against transgender people are either being misinterpreted or are mistranslations of the original text. She is pretty much on the same page as me as we actually talked a fair amount about religion and how it relates to transgender issues. I can tell this is something she thought of as well in her life as she obviously did a fair amount of research. I think we were both researching for different reasons though.
  12. Kind of annoyed with my mom right now. I still haven't told her that girl I'm into is trans because said girl hasn't given me the go-ahead but my mom pretty much figured it out. It's my fault. Lately I have been bringing up and arguing about trans issues with her and now she is totally convinced this girl is trans, which she is but i didn't want her to piece it together like this. Now she is making smart comments to me whenever I talk about her like "Will you stop saying she?" and "She's not a she, he's a guy". The thing that annoys me is my mom says she believes some trans people are legitimately born in the wrong body. But according to her it is only a very small minority and the rest are just confused. Personally, I think it is the exact opposite. But when I try to pin her down about those people who she admits were born with a mismatch of gender and sex, like what should they do? She can't give an answer. I don't need my parents approval but I wish they were a bit open minded. Honestly though, I can't be mad. There was a time I thought like them until I started to educate myself on the subject. When I look at and talk to this girl, I seriously can't see anything but a girl. I've certainly come a long way. Can't believe I ever thought any different. There was a time when I wondered if I tried to date a trans girl, would I second guess it? Definitely have my answer now and it's a big no. Kind of makes me sad for all the guys who are still hung up on all this. I don't give a crap what people think but a lot of guys do. It's a shame that society is still so judgmental that people feel the need to hide their true feelings. So many great relationships could exist if people could just be open and not worry about what others think. And to be clear, I realize I say I don't give a crap what people think but yet complain about my parents opinion on the matter. What I mean is, what people think doesn't change how I feel and I don't feel any kind of embarrassment or unease because of what others think. But at the same time, I do want to see a shift in public opinion. Hope that makes sense.
  13. Not sure about the stick but pick up some Eneloops. That's all I buy anymore and I get excellent battery life from my XBox controller. It's literally night and day from the Rayovac and Energizer recharables I used to use.
  14. Hmmm. Not sure about that. Some people really are that ignorant about technology. My advice to the OP is to share your knowledge. You like tech and they are asking you about it, So share some of your knowledge. I personally enjoy talking tech with people who are curious about it.
  15. Meh. Not like they would pass any fuel savings onto us anyway.
  16. Yeah, I would report them. Quite pathetic of them, all over ten bucks.
  17. I suppose it would have been Mario Brothers as the NES was my very first console as a kid and I received it brand new as Christmas gift with Mario as the pack-in game. Yeah, I received it new as a kid so I pretty much dated myself lol. You would think that would have set me up as a big Nintendo fan but I ended up buying a Genesis a few years later with my Christmas money over an SNES. I did get an N64 a bit after that came out but ended up returning it and got a PS1 instead.
  18. Yeah, that's why I wanted to meet her sooner rather than later. I felt like after talking so much over the last few weeks, it was really important to know if we were compatible IRL to see if we could actually build something. I think it is abundantly clear we can. We met on a dating site and neither of us had ticked the "Looking for fun/dating" box, we both checked the "Looking for LTR/Marriage". So we are both looking for the same thing. Neither us are looking to get laid or have a fun time. We both want something that can lead to a lifelong relationship. Honestly, we haven't even talked on that dating site for a couple of weeks now. We just totally moved over to direct texting and phone calls. So I think that is a pretty good sign.
  19. Sigh. I'm heading back home today after meeting that girl. I'd love to stay another day but I think leaving tomorrow would just be a bit much schedule wise. If I left tomorrow then I wouldn't get back until like midnight and then have to get up the next morning for an eleven hour shift. It'll be nice to have a day to relax first. Plus, I know she has a lot of things she wants to get done before her vacation ends. Also, I don't want to overwhelm her on a first visit. But man, this was such a great trip. I feel such a strong connection with her. We have so much in common, we even watch the same YouTubers. I had a feeling we would inadvertently end up watching some of the same car YouTubers but then she told me she watches channels like The Internet Historian and The Quartering which just further reaffirmed how similar our interests, humor, and political views are. We actually talked a lot of politics last night and yeah, we are just like in lockstep in our views, and unpopular ones at that lol. And even the things that I'm not particular into, like tanks (she is a huge tank nerd), I find it really attractive that she is into them. I'm so attracted to her geeky side. I know there are girls out there who like cars, anime, videos games, or whatever else I'm into but it's like she is into everything I'm into pretty much, except tech. She isn't really a tech person but she is a big gamer. She spent a lot of time showing me all her old games she still has and her old Nintendo handhelds. We both even still have our old CRTs for gaming purposes and both don't have the room to set them up lol. When she told me she kept her CRT for old consoles, I felt like saying "Marry me" lol. Not literally, but you know what I mean. I feel really uncomfortable right now though. Like, I'm worried I might be letting my emotions get a bit too far ahead of me because I feel really depressed that I'm leaving. Like genuinely down in the dumps. I just want to spend time with her. And I feel that uneasy feeling that I haven't felt in a long time for a girl where you feel uncertainty about where things are going when I want them to move forward. Most relationships I have been in, things moved fast early on and fizzled out fast. Unlike most girls I have dated, she is a very slow mover. I think it is a combination of just being a serious girl and only interested in something long term, not a fun time, being pretty inexperienced when it comes to dating, and I imagine her being trans makes her a bit more guarded as well because, well, you know how guys can be. I guess because of all of that, I have been moving a lot slower as well. I've been very cautious not to rush her and to really try to do things on her time. I actually like this about her though. I like that she wants to build a relationship first before getting too serious but at the same time, it leaves me second guessing about how she feels which is totally dumb of me. She told me she likes me and before I left she outright told me she feels like our relationship is moving in the right direction. She has a bit of a sense of humor though because before she said that, she was like "Well, you haven't scared me off". Probably was just funny in the moment because of the look on her face, she was totally being a little cheeky. Honestly, after seeing her in person, my feelings for her have only grown. I just outright told her that and she seemed to appreciate it. She told me I was the only guy online that actually followed through with her or wasn't a total moron. She said she she would get messages from guys asking all kinds of invasive questions, wanting nudes or to send her nudes, and even the guys who she started talking to would just totally disappear somewhere in the conversation. She said a lot of guys just got cold feet. So yeah, I can tell she is still nervous and cautious. But I'm dead serious so I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and let this move forward on her time. It is going to be total agony though because if she were ready, I'd start dating her now but I can tell she wants things to build more. I know she likes me and I can tell she trusts me because she pretty much told me as much but she is just a slow mover and I'm cool with that. I just feel honored she shared so much with me and opened up so much the last couple days. And I have a very good feeling about this. I'd be surprised if we don't start dating but damn, do I feel uneasy still. I feel like a kid in high school all over again. EDIT: Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention. She has the coolest fashion tastes. She is really into gothic lolita. She showed me (and sent me yay) some pictures of her all dolled up in her gothic lolita outfits and OMG. She looks so good in them and my geeky anime side absolutely loves it. Kinda hard to wear those outfits normally though so she generally tends to dress in a mix of goth, gothic lolita, and the general adorkable look. Kind of a blend and she pulls it off perfectly. It totally suits her looks and personality. She is seriously the most adorkable girl I have ever met and I love that sooooo much. Yeah, talk about being the luckiest guy ever.
  20. Honestly, I think it makes sense. I think so few people even care about the game anymore that I doubt a revamp is going to bring people back or attract many new people. Maybe I am just projecting my lack of interest on the situation though.
  21. Thank you! And yeah, she has great taste in cars. She loves JDM, especially older Nissans and is pretty into Euro cars. Actually, most of the cars we talk about are German and Japanese, very few domestic (US) cars come into the discussion so we have extremely similar taste. She keeps encouraging me to get my Peugeot 405 Mi16 on the road again. She didn't really know much about it until I told her about mine and now she seems to have taken a real liking to it so that's cool. And yeah, just in case you are curious, her Skyline is actually an R30 sedan and she is currently restoring a '72 240z all original, although she does plan to do some light bolt-ons that can be easily removed. Right now it is all stripped down and in primer. She also has a little kei truck that she bought because she thought it was cool lol. I'm staying at least another night. We are hanging out when she gets back from her appointments in a couple hours and I think we'll probably hang out a portion of the day on Friday before I head back. I might stay a third night but we will see how things go. I took Saturday off from work but I go back Sunday. I have a 12 1/2 hour drive and then I work an 11 hour shift so I'd like to have a little time when I get home to chill but if things keep going this well, I'm willing to be a bit fried at work, haha.
  22. Kind of depends how you look at it though. I still consider XBox games that are also on PC to be exclusives since the XBox is the only console you can get them on. I just started the Medium on Series X and it is a pretty interesting game, definitely worth playing. And honestly, yeah, there are a lot of older games on Game Pass but the performance gains you get with the Series X vs last gen is pretty nice.
  23. Yeah, US. It's the sedan. I believe she said it was GLA AMG she originally wanted but the dealer didn't have any in stock. She wasn't even really interested in the A35 but they had one on the lot and she figured she might as well test drive it since she was already there and it is a three hour drive to the Mercedes dealer form where she lives. I guess by the time she got back to the dealer she had already changed her mind that she wanted the A35, she liked it that much lol.
  24. Hehe. Met that girl yesterday evening. Definitely worth the 12 1/2 hour drive. We really clicked. Like really clicked. It's one thing being able to keep a conversation going on the phone but in person is totally different thing but no problem here. We just talked and talked for hours. About all kinds of things. We totally geeked out over our various shared interests. We talked a lot about cars which we seem to talk about every time (I seriously could just listen to her go on and on about them. She is so knowledgeable and I find it incredibly cute when she gets excited and rambles on about them lol). She showed me her video game and anime collection and we probably talked anime for a good hour. We have very similar tastes in anime and seem to have similar tastes in humor and the characters we like. And hey, she is a huge Hyperdimension Neptunia fan, not really the anime but the video games. She thinks the fan service is hilarious haha. She has even played a couple of the Danganronpa games which I'm quite a fan of. We also talked quite a bit about trans related things. I'm glad I didn't bring it up or anything early on but as we get to know each other I realize it is definitely something she is passionate about. Like she actually seems to really enjoy talking about it which I actually find to be nice because it's a good opportunity for me to learn more from an actual trans person, not just online articles or Reddit users. She seemed to really like hearing my perspective as someone who isn't trans but attracted to a trans person and it seems we actually share a lot of the same opinions. One thing that really bothered me though is when she told me that despite starting her transition eight years ago now, her parents still refuse to call her she/her or use her chosen name. They literally will refer to her as he right in front of her and address her by her birth name. It actually made me sad inside when she told me that. She said despite living in a small town, everyone has been very accepting and she hasn't had to deal with any kind of transphobia or bigotry but yet her parents still can't accept she is a girl. I can tell she loves her parents very much and just puts up with this and after all these years has shown an extreme and very impressive amount of patience with them on the subject. It's her call but I think she is being a bit too nice about it but I do find it reflects on her inner strength that she can put up with this. When she told me all this, I just wanted to give her a huge hug but well, it was the first day we met so it probably wouldn't have been the best move lol. But bringing her a bouquet of flowers was definitely a good one. I was nervous the whole trip about giving them to her but she really liked them and it made me really happy inside when I saw how much she appreciated it. We are going to hang out again a little later and I'm pumped again. Sounds like we are going to go for a drive in her new A35 AMG. I can tell she is excited to show me the performance and I'm super excited to go for a ride. Not sure if she is going to let me drive it but she did say she will let me drive her Skyline when it comes out of storage, I didn't even ask, she just said I could, hehe. Man, her car nerd side is so attractive. When I opened the door to my Lexus LS430, she noticed right away the wood was real. Idk. I just thought that was cool lol. And wow. We talked politics quite a bit too. She definitely is political and actually pays attention to what is going on. We are incredibly like minded and I find it interesting to talk to someone personally who is part of the LGBT community and a huge Trump supporter. I knew they were out there but fact I managed to luck out and meet someone IRL who I can relate to politically seems like a real blessing. Yeah, fortunately, like I said, the locals seem to be pretty accepting of her. It's just her family. And it's going to be mine too if we stat dating. Although, as bad as I thought my parents are on the subject, I know they would never call her a he, not even in private to me so I guess that's something. And yeah, we aren't rushing. I mean, I'm in a hotel right now, didn't even stay at her place. I can tell, she is a smart girl. Despite how well we are connecting, she isn't the type of girl that would be comfortable with letting a guy she was meeting for the first time stay at her place which is why when I said I wanted to come down, I told her I would get a hotel. Honestly, she was so nervous about meeting, I don't think she would have said yes if I hadn't had offered. It kind of reassured her I wasn't just trying to get some action.
  25. Just a lack of being educated on the subject and I suppose having a large segment of society drill it into your head that trans woman are really just men at the end of the day and dating one makes you gay doesn't help. First of all, there is nothing wrong with being gay but when you know your sexuality, having it challenged is uncomfortable and insulting. It never made sense to me how anyone could look at a trans woman and think dude. It's like, how can this be gay if it feels so straight? So obviously as I learned more, things started to make a lot more sense in my head. As for how society feels, I can't really forcibly change anyone's opinion. They can believe whatever they want. I'm comfortable with myself and that's what matters. I won't apologize for who I like and let me tell you, I really like this girl. I'm actually quite glad I didn't meet her until I full came to terms with myself and reality. I'm so glad I'm not meeting her with lingering doubts or being afraid of what society thinks. She deserves better than that. Speaking of which, we actually had a pretty awesome and deep conversation tonight. We both opened up about a lot of things. We are meeting in person tomorrow and I think we both felt a little uneasy that we hadn't talked about some more personal issues that neither of us wanted to directly ask because we were nervous about treading into sensitive territory. It's funny because she admitted how nervous she is about tomorrow and I admitted my nervousness and from there, personal conversation just took off. I actually think she was kind of wanting to share a bit of her personal journey with me because she volunteered some info about her transition to me and I told her I was kind of curious but didn't want to ask early on. She seemed to appreciate that I didn't just treat her as some curiosity and was genuinely interested in getting to know her first but then kind of gave me the go ahead to ask a bit when she told me she is pretty much an open book on the subject. She seemed really cool about the subject and even shared a personal story I won't share here about when she was younger and coming to terms with herself. I felt kind of honored that she shared with me. I know she is just like any other girl on the inside but one who has had to deal with a lot of things in her life. So I know while treating her normal, I still need to be aware and mindful that there are things I need to be sensitive to. She knows I've never dated a trans girl before and is pretty cool with it because she says she can tell I'm serious. She did want to know why I was interested specifically in a trans girl but she seemed to like my answer and really seemed to appreciate when I told her how much I respect her for her courage.