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Everything posted by Whiskers

  1. Mine is ~4.6MB/s right now. I'll hopefully be getting faster internet soon though so that should get to around 10MB/s whenever that happens. (So much nicer than my speeds before last month. I only had 3.2Mb/s for far too long. )
  2. Haha. Yeah, I've been pretty busy for a while. I just haven't had as much time available to do more than check my notifications and PMs. I have more free time available for now though so I can start interacting more frequently again.
  3. I'm not too sure how the system works in the US, but assuming it's anything like it is in the UK I'd suggest it'd be a good idea to get your license for riding a bike first then think of buying a bike later. That way you'll have some experience under your belt at least and will be in a much better position to judge what your riding preferences are and even if you like riding in the first place. (Plus with a license, you may have opportunities to go for test rides which would be the best way of determining if a bike is right for you or not.) That said, it totally depends on what you like and what you're comfortable with man. There's a lot more to bikes than just their engine size and power output, and not everyone has the same preferences or opinions on what constitutes a good beginner bike. Some guys find it best to start off on a 125cc, others prefer 300cc, others still prefer 500-600cc and some even jump straight into litre bikes. I'd say it's important that you try to test out a bike before you buy it, if you can. Make sure it's comfortable to sit on, try to get a test ride on it to see how it feels. Bikes are primarily about how you feel on them in my view, so it'd be pointless getting a bike that looks great on a spec sheet but you don't find enjoyable to ride on.
  4. Rubbish, pure rubbish. I was always going to have a problem with the show in that I've never liked Chris Evans. But I was cautiously optimistic regardless as I expected they would change the show up a lot, make it new and tailor it to suit the new crew. But no, it turns out they've just kept it the same. The minor tweaks they've made in places aren't enough to make it feel fresh to me. Top Gear was a character show. You don't take a character show then simply replace the characters; it makes no sense. To do the new cast justice the show needs a new format.
  5. My ideal phone is unfortunately one that has no chance of existing any time soon. Screen: 5" 720p minimum, 1080p maximum - OLED preferable, LED acceptable Speakers: Dual side-firing speakers mounted top and bottom (identical to BlackBerry Z30) Body: BlackBerry Z30, built out of metal instead of plastic. Also has a slider mechanism to facilitate a slide-out keyboard like the Priv - only good OS: An improved version of BlackBerry 10 with an updated Android runtime (Lollipop minimum) and (though this is impossible) Google Play Services Battery: 3500mAh minimum I love BlackBerry 10. As an OS, I still feel it's far better than either Android or iOS. But without an updated Android runtime and support for Google Play Services, it just doesn't have good enough app support.
  6. Windows 10 frustrated me enough that I went back to Windows 7 on my gaming rig. It generally worked well, then every so often would just randomly stall and stutter. I'd press the windows button and the start menu wouldn't appear until I pressed it another few times, or I'd press Win+L and it wouldn't lock for a few times. I also strongly dislike their actions in regards to user data tracking and the lack of transparency they provide to their users over such. Totally wrong.
  7. Yup. AMOLED is essentially just a marketing term for a specific variant of OLED; in reality however, almost all OLED technology these days is pretty much the same.
  8. Unfortunately, the answer is basically no. OLED displays work in such a way that each individual pixel is its own source of light. When burn-in occurs there is a physical defect which causes this; the pixels affected have been damaged such that they can no longer display the same levels of light as the others on the display.
  9. I've hidden the posts arguing about British English vs. American English. If you want to debate such a subject please make a new topic for it; and please keep it more civil than it was here. Some of those hidden comments were unnecessarily aggressive / offensive. Intentionally antagonising fellow members of this site is not acceptable, and neither is attacking people - for any reason. If you take exception to a comment or topic posted by a user please report it to the moderator team and we will take care of it. If any more arguing like this occurs in this thread, it will be permanently locked. Keep it on topic, and keep it friendly please.
  10. I love Linux because it provides the user with complete freedom to customise the OS as they want. You control what software you have installed, you control how the OS looks - and it's immensely lightweight compared to Windows. When I have a problem on Linux it's usually a case of going to the Arch wiki and fixing the problem quickly; when I have a Windows issue it's usually a case of Googling it only to find that few to no other people have reported the issue and there's no listed fix. The only reason I still have Windows installed is because of games. If game support was better on Linux I wouldn't want to use Windows at all; I don't like it.
  11. Not at all. They are comparable, but not identical. The PS4 has more graphics cores and superior overall memory bandwidth whilst the Xbox One has a slightly more powerful CPU on account of a higher clockspeed. There is definitely a difference in the capability of the two.
  12. An extra 200mAh is unlikely to make an altogether gigantic difference. There are more important factors at play - the power efficiency of the components used for example, and the power optimisation of the phone's software. The iPhone 6 only has a 1715mAh battery yet manages to get for the most part comparable battery life to most other flagship devices, for example.
  13. By having a few advantages that most people overlook. The PS4 in particular with its excellent memory bandwidth should be able to last for a while. Keep in mind that from an ease of development perspective for third party title developers, the consoles are usually more attractive than PC. People always look at consoles exclusively based upon their hardware and never get a full idea of their capabilities as a result. The Xbox 360 only had a triple core PowerPC CPU, 512MB of RAM and a GPU which was only slightly ahead of the highest end GPU available on PCs of the time. In spite of that it was able to be supported and run all of the newest games for around 10 years. The biggest criticism and problem developers had with both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 was that they didn't have anywhere near enough RAM - the Xbox One and PS4 have fixed this. At the end of the day, the power of the hardware doesn't matter, it's what the developer does with it. There's a reason Nintendo's games are usually so well received, and there's a reason first party titles usually look quite a lot more impressive than third party ones on the consoles. Developers right now usually fail to make a particularly good game on any platform because they settle on making an 'acceptable' game on every platform. The consoles shouldn't be blamed for poor PC releases; the developers of those titles should be.
  14. Come again? Since when has almost 3000mAh of battery capacity been 'very poor'?
  15. You'd think with it being so cold in Scotland we'd get snow all the time. But no, all we ever get is wind and rain.
  16. I'm surprised, and impressed, that Apple are taking such a great stance on this. I fully agree with what they say. I only hope that more companies begin to adopt this outlook on the user's right to privacy and security.
  17. Whiskers

    Forums are nice

    @Kloaked You'll get used to it, hopefully. ;)
  18. 10/10 for fixing your signature. We don't count the contents of a spoiler towards the 3-line limit. Provided your signature doesn't exceed 3 lines when the spoilers are closed, it's all good.
  19. 7/10. Docked 3 points for exceeding the 3-line signature limit.
  20. Provided this topic remains light-hearted and no-one starts taking it too seriously (one way or another), I see no problem with keeping this open. That said, if anyone starts to be mean-spirited or offensive I won't hesitate to lock this thread and rain warning points upon those responsible. Insulting fellow members isn't cool - so keep it civil!
  21. It's not realistic to expect a device with an 800MHz single-core CPU and 512MB of RAM to perform well when tasked with running an OS version and software that it was not originally designed for. It's a minor miracle that they kept it updated for as long as they did and that it works as well as it does. If you want to discuss planned obsolescence, consider this - the Samsung Galaxy S3 shipped with Android 4.0.4, an OS revision launched on June 6th 2012. Its latest update was Android 4.3, an OS revision launched on October 3rd 2013. So the Galaxy S3, one of the most popular smartphones of all time, only received 16 months of updates.
  22. Whiskers

    Well, the news is not good. My mom has stage 4…

    My sincerest condolences, man. That's terrible news to receive...
  23. It's possible that mod is causing the issues. Some games tie certain mechanics to the framerate for various reasons, especially when the game is primarily developed for a console where the framerate is typically locked to 30 or 60fps. Consequently, unlocking the framerate on such games can cause unforeseen and sometimes weird problems.
  24. Happy new year everyone.
  25. Whiskers

    Dutch Talk

    Noch, ik begon vroeger dit jaar Nederlands te leren.