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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    PC building and tiny homes
  • Biography
  • Occupation
    I lift heavy things in the sun.
  • Member title
    His majesty, King of RGBistan


  • CPU
  • Motherboard
  • RAM
    2x8gb BALLISTIX 3600Mhz
  • GPU
    OEM cutie 1660 ti
  • Case
    Custom boii
  • Storage
    You dont want to know
  • PSU
  • Display(s)
    Some cheapie 1080/144hz
  • Cooling
    T318 + Noctua baybee
  • Keyboard
    Ganss GK87
  • Mouse
    G502 spectrum
  • Sound
  • Operating System
    Win 10

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  1. Is the HX platform still their mid-high end sku? If so, it’s a better unit, higher wattage and cheaper so it would be my pick any day
  2. Folding phones are fragile and have nearly impossible to protect weak points, I doubt there’s a case on earth that could protect a Fold 4 from you. Give up and trade it in for a traditional phone and put a defender case on that
  3. Take the fans off, then you can easily access the mounting screws with a Philips screwdriver. You got an absolute steal with this thing!
  4. More than just E-ATX, the SR-2 is a monster HPTX board iirc. Top left in the bottom image is one of it’s successors.
  5. 3 things to help troubleshooting: Put your hand on the AIO pump - is it vibrating? picture of the motherboard and cpu block repaste, it never hurts
  6. This isn’t relevant to OP, the included CM 850w unit is one of the bulkiest options whereas the H1 PSU is prone to failure. Beyond that, why would you think that the system not booting is caused by OCP?
  7. Using a lot of review data without properly accrediting is not great, just mentioning where the data is from in aggregate isn't enough.
  8. When you can geta bargain bin 2200g, get some $40 b450 to go with it. It's an incidental cost that would have transferred into a better gpu or RAM that would carry forward waaaaaayyy better. Spend the nice mobo money when you need it.
  9. Not to mention, a loop involving 20 fans is going to be running near-ambient at full load, let alone idle. @EzimGet on YouTube, start watching every tutorial you can. J2C has some great tutorials, Bill Owens (mnpctech) should have some advanced stuff and every major tech tuber has at least a few watercooling tutorial. Set aside at least 5+ hours and just soak in that knowledge before you even open the box.
  10. See, when you buy that set of 20 USD stabs from "company" they wind up costing $41 CAD after shipping (real example) It is very, very rare to find all of the stuff you want from the same store, so you wind up paying shipping on basically every single tiny little piece. Stuff adds up really quickly The multi-color ones are also just amazing as stabilizers, and cost the same as any other good stab so why not Loads of em. Alexotos has a Canadian vendor list as well, very helpful Hahaha $400 for a case, I'm drooling. What you'll soon see is that, because EVERYTHING good in this hobby is sold via group buy, most of those cool boards are unavailable. And then scalpers get involved, and cases/keycaps double, triple, quintuple or more in price. I currently use cherry profile red samurai caps, very familiar/normal feel https://drop.com/buy/drop-redsuns-gmk-red-samurai-keycap-set?utm_placement=23&referer=ZUCV7X&mode=guest_open&utm_campaign=Automated Daily Promotional 2021-05-26&utm_source=SparkPost&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Daily Promotional&utm_content=1622021742337.547651529794283511663421 But I also have a board with these DSA deep space, which are super flat and uniform, and a set of SA caps that I haven't used in a while - I found the sculpt to be too much. Also, in response to that backlighting question - no. There is no shinethrough in high end keebland, as the point of these overly expensive keycaps is the complementary colors the designer used. If you want some backlit keycaps, there are actually loads of inexpensive options
  11. Assuming you meant switches, but yeah. Any cap set will do, getting a fancy name brand usually has more to do with an exclusive colorway and design. Also, are you Canadian? If yes, try to stick with CAN vendors or you'll be paying an extra 20-40% on top of conversion No, but welcome to keebland Stock lube is rarely good after you've tried really nice switches https://www.alexotos.com/keyboard-vendor-list/ YMDK is a great budget brand I just remembered, and there are loads of cheap kits on aliexpress to tinker with https://ymdkey.com/ Eh, we don't have as much snake oil I guess?
  12. Your budget limts you to knockoff caps unfortunately, search around to see what colorways work and then grab a $40 copycat from China. That or get some of the budget proper caps from drop, they have GMK red samurai and now mito on a regular basis for $80 Zeal (in general) is expensive, Cherry isn't great and durock is really solid. C3 equalz and durock cost about the same, (20 usd for the set) and are the same quality but the c3 ones have a lot of color options Yes and no. Many tactile and clicky switches are actually hurt by lubing, so you don't mess with that anyways. Some switches come poorly factory lubed, some come really, really nicely lubed (gazzew bobas iirc are like that) So cost isn't really the factor. I use gat ink blacks, which are about $1 CAD each and they're also lubed, because the factory coating isn't super consisconsistent. You always absolutely no matter what lube stabilizers Investigate the market more. There are so many options that I literally can't list even a fraction, so scoot around on all the different webstores to see what might work for you.
  13. What chunk of your budget are you willing to spend on just caps? C3 equalz or Durock Asking this means you do, in fact need help with switches. Some benefit massively from lubing, specifically linears and even more so budget linears Time consuming and requires consistency, not particularly difficult Drop is OK, they aren't #1 bang/buck but pretty easy to work with. A GMMK pro, KBD75 or such would also be worth looking into
  14. If you want a matte black finish, you use matte black spray paint (a matte clear coat will also help)