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About EChondo

  • Birthday Feb 24, 1996

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern California, U.S.
  • Interests
    Desktops, Operating Systems, Networking, and vidya games.
  • Occupation
    System Administrator


  • CPU
    Ryzen 7 3700X
  • Motherboard
    ASRock X570 Taichi
  • RAM
    G.Skill 32GB(2x16GB)
  • GPU
    EVGA GTX 1080ti
  • Case
    Sliger - Cerberus X
  • Storage
    Samsung 256GB NVME
    Intel 660p 1TB NVME
    Crucial P1 1TB NVME
  • PSU
    Corsair SF600
  • Display(s)
    Dell U2312HM
    Dell U2414H
    Dell S2719DGF
  • Keyboard
    Monoprice TKL
  • Mouse
    Logitech G903
  • Sound
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 Pro
    Ubuntu 20.04
  • Laptop
    ASUS GA502DU

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  1. I can only see that you have the game installing to C:\XboxGames but the download/installer is looking in C:\Program Files\... I would maybe search in Google for "installing Game Pass games not in default directory" or something similar. I don't have Game Pass so I can't troubleshoot it directly
  2. The CPU, AMD Excavator A9-9400, is quite old(7ish years) and that will hold back emulation somewhat. I'd say you could probably emulate up to N64 and PS1, maybe GameCube but I don't think PS2 emulation will be playable. Also the GPU, Radeon R5 Graphics, is even older and is as powerful as a GT220 or GT 430 I think. If you haven't bought the PC yet, you may have better purchasing power looking at eBay deals. If you have bought the PC already...well then try emulation out and see what you can get playable!
  3. I've had only one good experience with ASUS, and that is with a monitor(which I believe is a different division than their other products). I've had bad experiences with two of their GPUs, one motherboard, and one laptop. All hardware related(well laptop was BIOS but related to hardware) and every time I tried to get support I was either denied, given the runaround, or ignored. So, I would only recommend their monitors and I hope you never have issues because their support is non-existent. Thier support is the reason I refuse to buy the ROG Ally, which is ironic since I bought the Steam Deck and Valve's support historically hasn't been stellar but their Steam Deck support has been phenomenal. Oh and ASUS's software has all been terrible. Have never had a good experience with it. But I don't have the Ally so maybe that's different with that system.
  4. In the past 5 or so years, video format "news" and "reviews" has turned into entertainment, filler, and ads. So, most of my news is from websites now. https://arstechnica.com/ https://www.techpowerup.com/ And of course Reddit or Lemmy alternatives. There's plenty of other websites as well, but I stay away from YouTube now.
  5. I work in IT and the only people I know who use DDG are ones with far-right extreme views claiming Google is censoring them... Which they aren't exactly wrong, but it is quite disheartening that "mainstream" DDG usage seems to be from people using it to look up wrong/false information.
  6. Wonder what the price will be, and the quality of materials. I've bought a few IKEA $200 office chairs before, and they are nice, but little things usually wear down on them like the position lock for the tilt. Damn thing doesn't hold up. I bought a refurbished Hermon Miller Aeron for $400 off of OfferUp and honestly it's 10x better than anything IKEA has put out.
  7. Derp. My bad, thanks for the callout. Fixed numbers...as you can tell, I've been away from the game for a while haha. Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as Nvidia claiming that, I meant it more in a way that some people were hoping for "2x" even though Nvidia did indicate "up to". I'm more invested in Nvidia's claim of "faster than 2080ti" for 3070 because I'm super curious what they mean exactly, especially after them clarifying the 3080 performance.
  8. Great to see benchmarks finally. I personally favor TPU's benchmarks since I've been reading them for almost a decade now and never been steered wrong. 3080 vs 2080ti($999.99(Sept 2018)); 14.94% better at 1080p 23.45% at 1440p 31.57% at 4k 3080 vs 2080 super($699.99(July 2019)); 29.87% at 1080p 42.85% at 1440p 56.25% at 4k 3080 vs 2080 ($699.99(Sept 2018)); 35.13% at 1080p 51.51% at 1440p 66.66% at 4k 3080 vs 1080ti($699.99(March 2017)); 49.25% at 1080p 69.49% at 1440p 88.67% at 4k So looking at 1440p(cause thats what I run) and focusing on $699 price, in 1 year we got 42.85% more performance, 2 years 51.51%, and 3 years 69.49%. So, the jump between 1080ti and 2080S was only 18.64% and had to wait 2 years. 1080ti and 3080 is 69% in 3 years. Literally 44% more performance, at the same price, waiting an extra year after 2080S...yeah, Turing sucked big time for price:performance. Even though this isn't "2x 2080 Super", this is still a HUGE jump and makes me question...why these prices? Why did Nvidia decide to sell at such a competitive price compared to previous generations? They could have sold the 3080 for $999 easy, no problem. Hell, they could have sold the 3080 for $1200 and bumped the 3090 to $2000. I'm glad I returned my 2060 I bought recently for a SFF build and am using my old GTX 970 in its place, because this is quite a big jump, but now I'm super curious with what AMD has in store. AMD has not been competitive in the past, especially these past 2 years during Turing where Nvidia seemed to only release small upgrades at high costs, but with Nvidia coming down in price:performance, this really makes me want to believe AMD has something this time around, especially with the new consoles(albeit cut down), do seem to claim great performance(4k60fps, some multiplayer being 4k120fps). Could this be AMD's redemption period? I don't think I would place a monetary bet, but I'm definitely not buying a 3000 series while AMD seemingly has potential if Nvidia is acting this way. November is going to be quite interesting!
  9. Great to see a $100 difference between the disc and disc-less consoles. I hope game sizes are reduced due to the storage technologies in these new consoles, otherwise the 1TB drive is going to fill up real quick. Gonna suck big time on the disc-less, maybe less so on the disc version... Personally I'm not buying either console this year. There's zero games I want to play except Demon Souls, but the announcement/denial above about a PC release just says to me that they plan on releasing it in the future.
  10. Yes, on the Microsoft Store, however they can't include non-Microsoft games on Game Pass on Steam. Look at EA's "EA Play" subscription on Steam, it doesn't even come close to the amount of games it includes on Origin for the same subscription. Hell here is an image someone on Reddit made that shows the difference of EA Play on the different platforms and the two consoles; It's a licensing issue. EA and Microsoft cannot license all their 3rd party games on other platforms. The only way to get a lot of games would be if Steam created a Steam Pass or something that would probably include all of Valve's games and then an assortment of 3rd party publisher/dev games.
  11. No problem, I was a bit direct in my first post, so clarification probably was needed haha...yeah it's a huge issue and it's all because of the way MS handles their game installations. It's very draconian. GP on Steam would solve 99% of the problems, so I would love that. But MS would need to release a lot more of their own games on Steam first, otherwise GP would only give you Gears 5 and Halo MCC haha. I already had an account due to Xbox Live and all back in the Xbox 360 days. However I too have zero games or apps bought from the MS ecosystem on PC. I also would NEVER buy anything from MS digitally. GP is the exception, and it is a very nice one, since I can subscribe for a month, play some exclusives, then never renew when I'm done with the game. But like you said, if the service doesn't have games and/or doesn't work, then why even bother with it? It's very sad to see that Microsoft still has issues managing games on PC. GFWL flashbacks all day everyday...
  12. Sure. Two+ hard drive system(one for boot, one for games) 1. Install games on secondary drive 2. Eventually reinstall Windows on main drive due to general Windows getting buggy/unstable and needs a refresh 3a. Games previously installed on secondary drive can't be "found"/used by new Windows installation. 3b. Also can't delete games due to encryption and permission issues 4. Either format the entire second drive just to remove the broken games OR run a Linux live USB and force delete directories This happened to me. And this has happened to many other people as well. It's not a HUGE deal, but it is certainly a very annoying inconvenience. I now have a dedicated Windows Store/Xbox App game drive that I can just wipe when I reinstall Windows.
  13. I started paying for Game Pass on PC last month. I've been enjoying the service, but if it's going to be $10 a month, then they need to improve the app tremendously. Games deleting/reinstalling themselves is still a huge issue and Microsoft's response is "it's in beta". So is this going to be fixed? Will games not completely brick a hard drive when you reinstall Windows and have to force a format of the drive just to use it again? I mean it's a cool service especially with EA games going to be included(if you're interested in that), but that isn't coming until the "Holidays". So, why the price increase right now? What's coming on the 17th to justify this? Because the app is still a mess and there's seemingly nothing being added at the moment to justify a price increase.