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PC Sound System Advice Requested


Hi All,

Wanted some advice on possibly getting a computer sound system. I currently am using a Sennheiser HD800 with some Schiit Bifrost Uber/Vahella however I have been considering adding a speaker sound system for long gaming sessions so I don't have to wear my cans too long. It's not too comfy for me. I enjoy the cans more for music.

What are your best recommendations for a speaker route? My budget is 500-600 CAD. Which option would you recommend, and any recommended gear if I were to go the speaker route? Here are some options I have so far:

-KEF Egg + Polk PSW111 (I am trying this one now from a friend for a week, its not bad I can get it for $500 CAD( 

-KEF Q100

-AudioEngine 2+ + Sub

-Logitech Z906


I have an old Logitech 5.1 surround system, while its ok the sound quality isn't as good




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For surround, today I would suggest you to look for some receiver/amplifier that can eat digital HDMI audio - because GPU's will do the audio processing sooner than later. What surround speakers you connect to it, is your choice.
 I have not found yet any decent PC-speakers, that understand HDMI digital uncompressed surround audio input (you know ... like DTS-MA or Dolby TrueHD) - thus the receiver/amp suggestions.


For example Logitech Z906 is yestercentury tech, when it comes to digital input - it understands only encoded 5.1 DD / DTS as digital input... which sadly today is crap, because many reasons (you might have hard time finding motherboards with DTS Connect/Dolby Digital Live support for example (which is a must, if you want to hear surround sound from any of your games for example with old 5.1 DD speakers) - most don't natively... unless you dare to use some hacked drivers that might or might not enable this for some motherboards). And using just analog input from your PC is ... well.... not the best solution.

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How much are Vanatoo Transparent Ones for you? I'd get those, personally.


Logitech doesn't even come close to serious audio quality.


Audioengine 2 are way overpriced for what they are and you would basically be forcing your sub to do everything below 200Hz. Not ideal.


KEF have a loyal following, but they have a distincitve sound signature, to say the least.

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