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So i'm looking to build a compact, and inexpensive bare bones PC to capture my retro console's game play footage via an Elgato HD.


The Requirements:

 Under a $200 Budget (excluding Windows and the external HD)

 Needs to be smaller than a Wii U (as compact as possible, or atleast fit in one of the cubicle's boxes)

 Doesn't need an optical drive

 Has to be capable of capturing 1080p 30fps footage via an Elgato HD

 Needs to be capable of running Elgato's capture software

  Records to an external hard drive in in which I can easily transport the footage to my editing machine.

  Would prefer a fast booting SSD (but only needs enough space to fit Windows)


I know building a mini PC might not be the most practical method of capturing my game play, but hey, for me, it's the funnest way. :) However, do feel free to mention alternate methods if you'd like. I'm just hoping that an external USB 3.0 hard drive will have fast enough disk speeds to capture 1080p Wii U footage.


I'm guessing a micro ATX motherboard, and possibly an AMD APU should do the trick, but let me know what the best options/parts for the build would be. Thanks a ton, guys!


(The images showing off my gaming setup are posted below :D)



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9 minutes ago, astranger200 said:

That's a great suggestion! I'll keep that in mind, I'll have to look into whether it's processor can handle Elgato's minimum requirements. (https://help.elgato.com/customer/portal/articles/1020255-elgato-game-capture-hd-system-requirements)


This is a great option, but I would prefer to make a DIY build for hobbies sake. I know $200 is pushing it, but I figure since I really only need a micro mobo, probably a 64GB SSD, and a tiny case that comes with a power supply, I should be able to pull it off under that price.


Thanks so much for the reply!

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3 minutes ago, Clayf700 said:

That's a great suggestion! I'll keep that in mind, I'll have to look into whether it's processor can handle Elgato's minimum requirements. (https://help.elgato.com/customer/portal/articles/1020255-elgato-game-capture-hd-system-requirements)


This is a great option, but I would prefer to make a DIY build for hobbies sake. I know $200 is pushing it, but I figure since I really only need a micro mobo, probably a 64GB SSD, and a tiny case that comes with a power supply, I should be able to pull it off under that price.


Thanks so much for the reply!

the case would have to be soo tiny tho bro. if your happy to go with like a slightly larger case then ill work something out

My rig: r7 1700 @ 3.9/1.35v, 16gb ddr4 3200, assorted rando SSDs, hx 1050, vega 64 1650/1025

MY $75 BUILD https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/576889-the-75-build-log/#comment-7547280


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4 minutes ago, Clayf700 said:

That's a great suggestion! I'll keep that in mind, I'll have to look into whether it's processor can handle Elgato's minimum requirements. (https://help.elgato.com/customer/portal/articles/1020255-elgato-game-capture-hd-system-requirements)


This is a great option, but i'm also looking to do a DIY build for hobbies sake. I know $200 is pushing it, but I figure since I really only need a micro mobo, probably a 64GB SSD, and a tiny case that comes with a power supply, I should be able to pull it off under that price.


Thanks so much for the reply!

Sure, fire away! It just has to fit in one of those boxes you see above. So we can up the size.

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I got ya bruh. it meets the minimum specs buy heaps, has an ssd, is small (ish) and looks quite good. add a cheap gpu and you could even do light gaming

My rig: r7 1700 @ 3.9/1.35v, 16gb ddr4 3200, assorted rando SSDs, hx 1050, vega 64 1650/1025

MY $75 BUILD https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/576889-the-75-build-log/#comment-7547280


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3 minutes ago, astranger200 said:


I got ya bruh. it meets the minimum specs buy heaps, has an ssd, is small (ish) and looks quite good. add a cheap gpu and you could even do light gaming

Hey, thanks man, I really appreciate it!

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1 minute ago, Clayf700 said:

Hey, thanks man, I really appreciate it!

all g. thats what we are about. you think it will work?

My rig: r7 1700 @ 3.9/1.35v, 16gb ddr4 3200, assorted rando SSDs, hx 1050, vega 64 1650/1025

MY $75 BUILD https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/576889-the-75-build-log/#comment-7547280


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4 minutes ago, astranger200 said:

all g. thats what we are about. you think it will work?

I'm going to check out a few different cases, I like the one you got, but i'm also wondering if I might be able to hit a bargain going the AMD route, something's telling me I can go cheaper. Great recommendations though.

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2 minutes ago, Clayf700 said:

I'm going to check out a few different cases, I like the one you got, but i'm also wondering if I might be able to hit a bargain going the AMD route, something's telling me I can go cheaper. Great recommendations though.

you can go cheaper, however you will lose power. amd a4s are weak as crap and thats all your gonna get for less than that. you could go cheaper buy going micro atx non slimline, which would mean you could ge a much cheaper psu and save a few dollars

My rig: r7 1700 @ 3.9/1.35v, 16gb ddr4 3200, assorted rando SSDs, hx 1050, vega 64 1650/1025

MY $75 BUILD https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/576889-the-75-build-log/#comment-7547280


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http://pcpartpicker.com/p/qFc8RB thats about as cheap as it gets

My rig: r7 1700 @ 3.9/1.35v, 16gb ddr4 3200, assorted rando SSDs, hx 1050, vega 64 1650/1025

MY $75 BUILD https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/576889-the-75-build-log/#comment-7547280


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1 minute ago, astranger200 said:

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/qFc8RB thats about as cheap as it gets

Oh wow, that is cheap, haha! but blast! Doesn't look like the 1.3 GHz will cut it for Elgato's requirements :(



• Windows 7, Windows 8 or later for version 1.x of Elgato Game Capture HD software.
• Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows 8, or later for version 2.0 (or later) of Elgato Game Capture HD software.
• 2 Ghz (or higher, before any boost or burst mode) dual core CPU, or 2 Ghz (or higher, before Turbo Boost) multi-core i3, i5 or i7 CPU
• Sound card (if your laptop can play sound, then it meets this requirement)
• 4GB Total Installed RAM (or higher)
• Built-in USB 2.0 port


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4 minutes ago, Clayf700 said:

Oh wow, that is cheap, haha! but blast! Doesn't look like the 1.3 GHz will cut it for Elgato's requirements :(



yeah but its a quad core, so instead of 2ghz 2 cores, you have a 1.3ghz quad. it will be fine...

My rig: r7 1700 @ 3.9/1.35v, 16gb ddr4 3200, assorted rando SSDs, hx 1050, vega 64 1650/1025

MY $75 BUILD https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/576889-the-75-build-log/#comment-7547280


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13 minutes ago, astranger200 said:

yeah but its a quad core, so instead of 2ghz 2 cores, you have a 1.3ghz quad. it will be fine...

Alright, check this out:

APU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113282&ignorebbr=1

Mobo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157578&ignorebbr=1

PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151063&ignorebbr=1

SSD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA65C3UM8680&ignorebbr=1

Case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811133274&ignorebbr=1


I broke my $200 rule, it ends up at $235, but i'm willing to go over budget for the case. You think these will work?

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My rig: r7 1700 @ 3.9/1.35v, 16gb ddr4 3200, assorted rando SSDs, hx 1050, vega 64 1650/1025

MY $75 BUILD https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/576889-the-75-build-log/#comment-7547280


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2 minutes ago, Clayf700 said:



well that's important. xD

hahahaha yeah....

My rig: r7 1700 @ 3.9/1.35v, 16gb ddr4 3200, assorted rando SSDs, hx 1050, vega 64 1650/1025

MY $75 BUILD https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/576889-the-75-build-log/#comment-7547280


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1 minute ago, Clayf700 said:

You know of any cheap RAM?

whatever the cheapest 4gb ram u can find will do well

My rig: r7 1700 @ 3.9/1.35v, 16gb ddr4 3200, assorted rando SSDs, hx 1050, vega 64 1650/1025

MY $75 BUILD https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/576889-the-75-build-log/#comment-7547280


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