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Portable AMP/DAC + Music player


So I was looking for a portable music player for my B&W P7's. But it got me thinking, I currently use a AudioEngine D1 which isn't the best match for my P7's. The output impedance is 10ohms, and the impedance of the phones is 22ohm. Either way you look at this, it's a poor match. Audio isn't terrible, but the electrical dampening is just a little poor.


So I was wondering if I could combine the purchase of a new DAC with the portable player. I know, for example, a Fiio X3 can be used as a portable DAC aswell. But I can't quite find out if the X1 has the same functionality.


Have you guys tested either of these devices? What do you think of the solution?




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Don't know how no one's answered this, but the X1 does not have a DAC functionality. Only the X3 and X5 have that. Personally I own the X3 and it has definitely been one of my favourite purchases. I use it daily. Also with the AudioEngine you can continue to use it as your desktop DAC with the X3 as you can use the X3 as only a an amp with the line in.


Honestly there are so few DAPs at this price point that if you want that DAC/player combo Fiio is your only option.

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Sorry for the delayed response, noone responded so I forgot about it.


Don't know how no one's answered this, but the X1 does not have a DAC functionality. Only the X3 and X5 have that. Personally I own the X3 and it has definitely been one of my favourite purchases. I use it daily. Also with the AudioEngine you can continue to use it as your desktop DAC with the X3 as you can use the X3 as only a an amp with the line in.


Honestly there are so few DAPs at this price point that if you want that DAC/player combo Fiio is your only option.


That line-in I didn't know, could be useful since I also need to connect the speakers. 


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Yeah true, that one is pretty nice. But i'd still be stuck with the D1 Op-amps, which are pretty bad.



+1 for the X3. The X1 is nice at that pricepoint (i tried it) but not exactly what your looking for i guess.

How do you like your P7? I still use my 1. gen P5 and i still like them but i'm considering an upgrade for mobile use.


Love it, though I wouldn't mind also getting some open-backed pair of phones for games. The closed cans are a bit annoying for gaming sometimes. Music sounds really good, though the bass is a bit loose which I fear is due to the poor impedance matching (D1 it's 1/2.2, onboard it's 1/1). I fear this, because on the onboard it's exactly 1/1, and the bass is pretty boomy, on the D1 it's a bit tighter at 1/2.2. But i'd bet 100bucks it sounds better on a <1ohm output impedance amp since the cans are so sensitive. From what i've read though, they are a solid step-up from the P5's, as P7 is usually compared to those.


Def. designed for the low output-impedance smartphones.

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