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Next Tomb Raider game to be Xbox One exclusive. UPDATE : IT'S A TIMED EXCLUSIVE. HURAAY!


Then go on sites like Neogaf and enjoy the debates there, stop crowding up every single thread on this forum with your anti-MS brigade. 

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- shoddy reference - 


If you are going to bring up references and evidence, then bring something scientifically viable, not a post from another forum.  If you intent to use such shoddy references, and be particularly hostile with it, then your facts has no ground. Period.

Read the community standards; it's like a guide on how to not be a moron.


Gerdauf's Law: Each and every human being, without exception, is the direct carbon copy of the types of people that he/she bitterly opposes.

Remember, calling facts opinions does not ever make the facts opinions, no matter what nonsense you pull.

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If you want to make your point better, calling people who own those products "brain dead" and "dummies" isn't the way to go about it. Its why people in the real world look at places like this and think "what a bunch of assholes" but, carry on. As you were. Don't stop me from trying to keep the discussion in a reasonable direction. 

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Are we talking about Tomb Raider, or about your conspiracy theories? That have nothing to do with the original topic at hand? 


You keep making off topic posts and you keep dragging threads through the mud with your heavily biased points that end up as ramblings and then you accuse anyone who disagrees or tells you to stop as a "MS drone/defender/astroturfer" or whatever new term you'll use in a derogatory manner. 


This isn't the first time, this isn't the last time. You have a pattern of doing this, and while it isn't my place to say I'm going out on a limb and going to say that some mods are getting pretty tired of having to go in and wipe out your posts that go so far off topic that its not even amusing. 


IM NOT EVEN ARGUING ANYTHING. This is not the thread to discuss the stuff you want. You want to discuss MS's practices? Go make a General Chat thread. Stop littering the Tech News forum with your off topic posts.


Me telling you to cut the crap is not defending MS. You have a very one track mind. It isn't one way or the highway. Not everyone who disagrees with you is on MSs payroll. You are paranoid and delusional in that train of thought, and I'll call it like I see it. 


That isn't me attacking you, thats me stating a very blunt opinion after months of seeing how you post and how you get hostile with people who disagree with you. 

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Mkay, fuck microsoft then. I watched the god damn press conference live: "we're going to use the term exclusive quite a bit for the next few minutes. All the following games will be Xbox One exclusives" <-- fucking bullshit. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that it'll be a multiplatform title and I seriously don't care about it being "timed exclusive", but those god damn fuckers need to learn what "exclusive" means or stop fucking using the term. "First to console", I'm fine with that. "Timed exclusive", also good. But don't advertise something as an exclusive title if it isn't. It's just so fucking pathetic at this point.


I rewatched it right now, not once do they specify that it's just a timed exclusive. That's just utterly pathetic and miserable, they deserve all the backlash, all the hate and everything that's hopefully coming to them. And thanks for twisiting the meaning of "exclusive" so far that it's basically meaningless now, good job you god-damn fucking bastards.

(Yes, I am still mad....)

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Are we talking about Tomb Raider, or about your conspiracy theories? 


Getting tired of facts being represented as "tin foil hat theories". 


Comes Vs Microsoft Court Documents PDF file. Page 55 is a blast. MS lays out plans in their documents to occupy forums with their BS, payoff blogs and websites. 



Examples of MS doing this.


Nokia phones. Tactic. Personally attack anyone who critiques MS. False positive reviews of product. 



Internet Explorer. Paying off bloggers. Got caught this year.



Xbox One. Paying off youtube personalities.



Using the names of dead people to write in support to Microsoft.





How MS counters people calling out their astroturfers. By attacking forum users and saying things like "tin foil hat". 




"Ideally use of competing technology becomes associated with mental deficiency, as in "he believes in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and OS/2. Just keep rubbing it in, via the PRESS, analysts, newsgroups, whatever".
These are direct quotes from Microsofts own documents that were made available from Comes Vs Microsoft. 
Have a nice day Microsoft. Malicious slander, attacking peoples intellect. All part of a days work for Microsoft. BTW Astroturfing is ILLEGAL. 

CPU:24/7-4770k @ 4.5ghz/4.0 cache @ 1.22V override, 1.776 VCCIN. MB: Z87-G41 PC Mate. Cooling: Hyper 212 evo push/pull. Ram: Gskill Ares 1600 CL9 @ 2133 1.56v 10-12-10-31-T1 150 TRFC. Case: HAF 912 stock fans (no LED crap). HD: Seagate Barracuda 1 TB. Display: Dell S2340M IPS. GPU: Sapphire Tri-x R9 290. PSU:CX600M OS: Win 7 64 bit/Mac OS X Mavericks, dual boot Hackintosh.

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Wow! Microsoft just announced that Rise of the Tomb Raider, announced earlier this year at E3, will be an Xbox exclusive. 

Rise of the Tomb Raider, developed by Crystal Dynamics, will be a sequel to last year's Tomb Raider reboot. Publisher Square Enix announced the game at this year's Xbox E3 conference (trailer below), but we all kinda assumed that it'd be a multiplatform game. We assumed WRONG. 

Src: Kotaku



God damn it.I hate console exclusives. 

Also,I wonder if this won't be that kind of exclusive,but rather launch first on the Xbox and later on the other platforms.

Another thing to consider is that this game is already available for pre-order on all major platforms( http://www.amazon.co.uk/Square-Enix-Rise-Tomb-Raider/dp/B00KJGYGTG ), as pointed out by @ShadowCaptain.What's happening to all those people who pre-ordered the game on other platforms?

I wonder how much money they got from M$ right now...




It's been confirmed by the devs themselves...Rise of the Tomb Raider will be an Xbox One exclusive.Not just a timed exclusive,but a real one.





Turns out this was yet another a case of shady corporate double-speak, and this is actually atimed exclusive. "Yes, the deal has a duration," Xbox boss Phil Spencer told Eurogamer. "I didn't buy it. I don't own the franchise."


In other words, when they said yesterday that the next big Tomb Raider game is an Xbox exclusive, what they really meant is that it'll be out first on Xbox (both 360 and One), and then it'll come later to other platforms.

Spencer wouldn't elaborate on how big of a window he paid for. "There are certain things I'm just not going to talk about because it's a business deal between us and then. Obviously the deal does have a duration. I didn't buy the IP in perpetuity."


"When people want me to say, can you tell us when or if it's coming to other platforms, it's not my job," Spencer told Eurogamer. "My job is not to talk about games I don't own. I have a certain relationship on this version of Tomb Raider, which we announced, and I feel really good about our long term relationship with Crystal and Square.

"I get the reaction I see. If I'm a PlayStation person all of a sudden I feel like, the franchise has gone. I didn't buy the IP. I didn't buy the studio. It's not mine. Where this thing will go over time, just like Dead Rising or Ryse, we'll see what happens with the game. I don't own every iteration of Tomb Raider.

"I don't own them building Tomb Raider on other platforms. I can't talk about the franchise that way. I can talk about the deal I have."

So, what, exactly, is that deal?

"I have Tomb Raider shipping next holiday exclusively on Xbox. It is Xbox 360 and Xbox One. I'm not trying to fake anybody out in terms of where this thing is. What they do with the franchise in the long run is not mine. I don't control it. So all I can talk about is the deal I have. I don't know where else Tomb Raider goes."

Is there a time limit on the exclusivity period?

"Yes, the deal has a duration. I didn't buy it. I don't own the franchise."

Can you tell us how long the duration is?

"No. It's not because I'm trying to be a headfake on anybody. It's a deal between us and the partner. People ask me how much did we pay. There are certain things I'm just not going to talk about because it's a business deal between us and them. Obviously the deal does have a duration. I didn't buy the IP in perpetuity."

Angry gamers have directed many of their comments towards Square Enix, accusing the publisher of selling out and alienating their PlayStation and PC owning customers.

"Our friends at Microsoft have always seen huge potential in Tomb Raider and have believed in our vision since our first unveil with them on their stage at E3 2011," wrote Darrell Gallagher on the Tomb Raider tumblr. "We know they will get behind this game more than any support we have had from them in the past - we believe this will be a step to really forging the Tomb Raider brand as one of the biggest in gaming, with the help, belief and backing of a major partner like Microsoft."

yey ^_^

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