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Is freelancing still relevant?

Is freelancing on sites like Upwork or Fiverr still relevant? I'm looking for something to do, I'm writing to people and no one answers.


I noticed that now there are many more people willing to do the work than before. On Upwork, for example, it shows how many people have volunteered to complete a project, where sometimes 20-30 people apply. It's as if there are more sellers who have stores than buyers.


From what I know and it seems to me that freelancing was still current in 2016-2017, more or less.


Most people who are willing to do the work are people from India and Bangladesh. It's a pity that they will even edit a film for USD 5, where in normal countries the minimum hourly rate is USD 10 for an ordinary job where you don't need anything. And here a person who knows how to edit films charges so little.



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From a non-IT perspective I'd say you should'nt expect freelancing work to bring in the same wage as you'd get when doing it professionally. (not even minimum wage) If someone is willing to pay a professional fee, then they'd hire a professional to do the job.


Afaik freelancing work isn't really used to make a living most of the time, but rather to build a portfolio to get another job.


Don't take this as fact, but rather my own opinion as someone who doesn't work in IT.

If someone did not use reason to reach their conclusion in the first place, you cannot use reason to convince them otherwise.

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10 hours ago, Stahlmann said:

Z perspektywy niezwiązanej z IT powiedziałbym, że nie powinieneś oczekiwać, że praca jako freelancer przyniesie takie samo wynagrodzenie, jakie otrzymasz, wykonując pracę zawodowo. (nawet płaca minimalna). Jeśli ktoś jest skłonny zapłacić wynagrodzenie za pracę zawodową, zatrudniłby profesjonalistę do wykonania tej pracy.


Praca freelancera w Afaiku nie jest tak naprawdę wykorzystywana do zarabiania na życie przez większość czasu, ale raczej do budowania portfolio, aby znaleźć inną pracę.


Nie traktuj tego jako faktu, ale raczej jako moją własną opinię osoby, która nie pracuje w IT.

What field do you work in? On the Upwork website, I saw freelancers who earned $100,000-200,000, so how can it not be replaced by regular professional work?

You write that he would hire a professional. I think that such a good professional would work for himself, as he knows everything well, and not for some boss.

And besides, fewer and fewer people now want to work full-time, i.e. a permanent job where you go every day and work 8 hours a day.

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14 hours ago, GamerGry123 said:

What field do you work in? On the Upwork website, I saw freelancers who earned $100,000-200,000, so how can it not be replaced by regular professional work?

You write that he would hire a professional. I think that such a good professional would work for himself, as he knows everything well, and not for some boss.

And besides, fewer and fewer people now want to work full-time, i.e. a permanent job where you go every day and work 8 hours a day.

Like i said, don't take my opinion as fact. I don't work in IT but I won't be more specific. In my field people either hire a professional to do the job or hire someone doing it cash-in-hand under the counter to save money. These under the counter type deals often revolve around minimum wage or less, even if they're an experienced professional, but the worker still gets paid more in these deals because he doesn't pay taxes on that. Legally, he should still declare that income and pay taxes for it, but most people who work like that simply don't declare it as business income.


To make a good living off freelancing work you need a reputation, which is something you will have to build up over the long haul. And to build that up you need experience or a reference to show what you're capable of. To get that you either need a regular job, or understand that you'll have to do some sub-minimum-wage work before you get to that point.

If someone did not use reason to reach their conclusion in the first place, you cannot use reason to convince them otherwise.

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On 15.02.2024 at 10:52, Stahlmann said:

Jak mówiłem, nie traktuj mojej opinii jako faktu. Nie pracuję w IT, ale nie będę się wypowiadał bardziej szczegółowo. W mojej branży ludzie albo zatrudniają profesjonalistę, aby wykonał tę pracę, albo kogoś, kto robi to za gotówkę pod ladą, aby zaoszczędzić pieniądze . Te umowy typu „pod ladą” często dotyczą płacy minimalnej lub niższej, nawet jeśli jest to doświadczony profesjonalista, ale pracownik i tak zarabia w tych umowach więcej, ponieważ nie płaci od tego podatków. Z prawnego punktu widzenia powinien on nadal deklarować ten dochód i płacić od niego podatki, ale większość osób, które tak pracują, po prostu nie deklaruje go jako dochodu z działalności gospodarczej.


Aby dobrze zarabiać na pracy jako freelancer, potrzebujesz reputacji, którą będziesz musiał budować w dłuższej perspektywie. Aby to zbudować, potrzebujesz doświadczenia lub referencji, aby pokazać, do czego jesteś zdolny. Aby to osiągnąć, potrzebujesz albo stałej pracy, albo zrozumiesz, że zanim osiągniesz ten punkt, będziesz musiał wykonać pracę za pensję poniżej minimalnej.

Thanks for the advice. Why don't you want to say what field you work in? In your case it looks like that but in other IT related fields it's probably not so. 

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Most of the art world is freelancing, and yes it is still relevant. A contractor is a more professional way of saying freelancer if we're being honest. It's actually very difficult to get on the payroll of any company these days...


For more menial/nonskilled work you're probably gonna have a much harder time. Work will be taken from people who are essentially being exploited.

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On 17.02.2024 at 05:59, Brian McKee said:

Większość świata sztuki to freelancerzy i tak, jest to nadal aktualne. Jeśli mamy być szczerzy, wykonawca to bardziej profesjonalne określenie „freelancer”. W dzisiejszych czasach bardzo trudno dostać się na listę płac jakiejkolwiek firmy...


W przypadku bardziej niewdzięcznej/nie wymagającej kwalifikacji pracy prawdopodobnie będziesz miał znacznie trudniej. Praca zostanie odebrana ludziom, którzy są zasadniczo wyzyskiwani.

For more menial/nonskilled work you're probably gonna have a much harder time. Work will be taken from people who are essentially being exploited.


I don't quite understand this. Can you explain differently?

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