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Hello Everyone,

I am new to Fedora, but I have been working on the AWS-EC2 instance for about 2 years.
I installed Fedora on my machine on a dedicated SSD of 500GB. For some reason, under the `About` section of the `Settings` the disk usage is shown incorrectly.
Can anyone help me with this?
Also, I noticed that the volume is shallow when compared to my Windows machine.

If any further information is required do let me know.聽馃檪

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-02 at 18.32.45_0ebfee8d.jpg

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Please post a screenshot next time, pictures of screens are hard to read.

In what way is the display "incorrect"?

28 minutes ago, L4G_NAToR said:

the volume is shallow

Not sure what you mean by this

Don't ask to ask, just ask... please聽馃え

sudo chmod -R 000 /*

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Your encrypted LUKS partition resides on Btrfs formated partition?

But try some console utilities:

- 'lsblk' on my external SSD drive shows:

sdd                                             8:48   0 465,8G  0 disk  
鈹溾攢sdd1                                          8:49   0   409M  0 part  /media/ieleja/9f8cb705-a832-4f16-a797-9c9ac4db9965
鈹溾攢sdd2                                          8:50   0    35M  0 part  
鈹溾攢sdd3                                          8:51   0    44M  0 part  
鈹斺攢sdd5                                          8:53   0 465,3G  0 part  
  鈹斺攢luks-51542202-1aa7-4d75-bca7-e9e6fb74434f 253:0    0 465,3G  0 crypt 
    鈹溾攢debianportable--vg-root                 253:1    0 464,3G  0 lvm   /media/ieleja/3de54400-8d4d-4146-a2e8-b9e2a394312e
    鈹斺攢debianportable--vg-swap_1               253:2    0   980M  0 lvm   

ad infinitum

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On 12/2/2023 at 8:41 AM, L4G_NAToR said:

Hello Everyone,

I am new to Fedora, but I have been working on the AWS-EC2 instance for about 2 years.
I installed Fedora on my machine on a dedicated SSD of 500GB. For some reason, under the `About` section of the `Settings` the disk usage is shown incorrectly.
Can anyone help me with this?
Also, I noticed that the volume is shallow when compared to my Windows machine.

If any further information is required do let me know.聽馃檪

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-02 at 18.32.45_0ebfee8d.jpg

Run this in the terminal

sudo btrf filesystem usage /

This will have your filesystem tell you how much space you have in detail.

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Ubuntu adds up total storage from all drives, not just your main drive.

The volume issue might be software on Windows making the audio sound better, or just a Windows audio setting doing something weird.

Quote my reply or I won't see your reply. It's the single overturning left arrow under every message.

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On 12/2/2023 at 2:41 PM, L4G_NAToR said:

For some reason, under the `About` section of the `Settings` the disk usage is shown incorrectly.

You mean the Disk Capacity? That's not how much is used, but how much is available in total, across all drives, even if it isn't usable.

E.g. mine shows a disk capacity of 4.5 TB, which is the sum total of four drives (2 TB + 2x 1 TB + 512 GB), even though some of that isn't directly available to Linux (e.g. formatted to NTFS and used by Windows).

Remember to either quote or @mention others, so they are notified of your reply

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