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Apple Won't Allow Masturbation Game On App Store


is there a male version for android?.....just asking.......I've been having some difficulties lately


yeah its called red tube



wait people these days need to be taught


woman aint like blokes they need time and canadles and shit. blokes need a pair of tits and an awkward brush against the table


I think thats pretty silly that anyone would think, "hmm, you know what Apple needs? Masturbation." Good for them for rejecting it. Especially when theres little kids going on the app store and people who would be against it for religious reasons. I personally just think thats a bit much.


kids should be supervised whilst using anything that has access to the net and religous people need to lighten up a bit


I think u should get rid of the gaping vagina hole and make the clit actually small without a face like it really is.


wait its not ment to have a face! WTF have i been rubbing


Why get rid of the hole? That's what it looks like...

The reason why the... head... is so big is to highlight the importance and also make the game easier to play on a touch screen (probably). GUI design 101: Make important things easy to reach.


if only it was like that in real life so many men wouldnt be so lost`


"Masturbation simulator,banned by Apple,upcoming on the Play Store!"


Imagine multiplayer being in this game,or simply a scoreboard :

"Ahaha!I scored higher in masturbation simulator than you did!"


Yeah...that would be more than odd.


multiplayer mastubatuion sim so sex then


Females need apps to figure out self pleasure? They don't have those "WTF is between my legs" moments during puberty?

On a serious note, Apple is like N.Korea - If something can stain the good look of motherfruit, kill it, it's children, their children, and give life sentence to all neighbors as a precaution. This way their store is pure and "moderated not like that android spam stuff omg".

Welcome to XXI Century business model.


i get why they rejected it. it does tred close to the fuzzy area ( :D i said fuzzy) but the amount of crap clones and malware is very low when compared to play.

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