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Issue between RTX4090 and Fibre Optic HDMI


I recently purchased a RTX4090 primarily for work, but also wanted to do some gaming on it through my TV as it is 4K@120Hz capable (Samsung QN90B).


To reach from my PC in my office area to my TV I needed a 10m cable, and decided to opt for an active HDMI cable https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09QX9G3RV?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


I plugged it into the HDMI slot in the 4090, while keeping my DP cable for my monitor still plugged in. Initially everything looked like it was working fine, both my monitor and TV were displaying an image and the TV was acting as a second monitor. However, as soon as I tried to adjust any of the resolution settings; in-game, in the display settings or even setting it to game mode in my TV settings then I would lose the image on both screens, the image went black, and the only way I could get the image back was to do a hard restart on the PC. (This particular cable did have the option of setting the refresh rate to 120Hz in display settings and Nvidia control panel) 


So my first thought was is it because I'm running both screen simultaneously. My monitor is 3840x1200 which combined puts them just shy of the 4090's maximum resolution capability of 7680x3360 (correct me if I'm wrong). 

I tried unplugging the monitor so just the TV was plugged in but this had exactly the same problems, It would lose the signal every time I tried changing the graphics settings. 


I then tried a standard passive HDMI cable I had laying around and sure enough it worked seamlessly, albeit at 60Hz.


So then I'm thinking "This cable must just be cheap snake oil crap from China". I immediately sent it back to Amazon and went on a more trusted website to order what I thought would be a reliable cable (https://www.richersounds.com/qed-performance-optical-ultra-hs-hdmi-10m.html) But alas the same issues persisted and this cable didnt even give me the option of increasing the refresh rate to 120Hz in either settings. 


Has anyone else experienced this with their 40 series card? 


I saw there was previously some compatibility issues between these fibre optic cables and the 30 series cards, so I'm thinking maybe this hasn't been solved on the 40 series? 


Could it be a driver issue? I'm using the most up to date (Gaming) driver for the GPU


Does anyone have any other recommendations for solutions? I saw something about Balkun kits to convert the HDMI cable to ethernet and then back again, as this doesn't suffer the same problems with interference. 


I'm currently pulling my hair out. Thanks in advance




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