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How to sort data mysql in php syntax


Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\techponya\index.php on line x



$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM artikel WHERE kategori='technews' DESC() LIMIT 5";
$hasil2 = mysql_query($sql2,$dbconn);
while ($techponya = mysql_fetch_array($hasil2)){ 


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You have an sql error. Use mysql_error() to find out what error it is.


$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM artikel WHERE kategori='technews' DESC() LIMIT 5";
$hasil2 = mysql_query($sql2,$dbconn);

    echo "SQL Error: " . mysql_error();
    while ($techponya = mysql_fetch_array($hasil2))
    	//... process results



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You must first connect to the SQL server, you get that error because there's no connection created.

You also need to use mysqli_ functions, because the plain mysql_ functions are outdated, not recommended to be used.

They kept the names almost the same for all functions.


mysqli may need to be uncommented in php.ini in order to be enabled (remove the ; in front and restart apache to get php to reload)


So it would be something like this :


//  host, user, password , database
$connection = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'my_user', 'my_password', 'my_db');

/* Optional but highly recommended : Set the desired charset after establishing a connection 
 Should match the character set used when creating the tables
mysqli_set_charset($connection, 'utf8mb4');

$parameter = 'technews'; 

// old style queries 

// any user submitted data or string must be escaped before adding to a sql query
// the function below takes in account the charset selected before to escape the string properly 
$parameter_escaped = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$parameter);

$query_text = 'SELECT * FROM artikel WHERE kategori=\''. $parameter_escaped.'\' ORDER BY id DESC() LIMIT 5';
$query_result = mysqli_query($connection, $query_text);
// now use mysqli_fetch_row or mysqli_fetch_array (numeric keys, associative keys, both numeric and assoc) or mysqli_fetch_assoc or mysqli_fetch_object to retrieve records
while ($result = mysqli_fetch_array($query_result)) {
  // do something with data retrieved

// -----------
// "modern style" using prepared statements, the myqli functions will escape the parameters 

/* create a prepared statement */
// ? will be replaced by our variable when we bind parameter - bind parameter function will also escape variable and put the quotes if needed in the string
$statement = mysqli_prepare($connection, "SELECT * FROM artikel WHERE kategori=? ORDER BY id DESC() LIMIT 5");

/* bind parameters - parameters are statement, type, variable  type can be 
    i represents an integer type
    d represents an double type
    s represents an string type
    b represents an blob type
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($statement, "s", $parameter);

/* execute query */
$success = mysqli_stmt_execute($statement);
/* retrive all results */
$query_result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($statement);
/* do something with the results */
while ($result = mysqli_fetch_array($query_result)) {
  // do something with data retrieved


example of multiple bind :


//Inserting values into the table using prepared statement
   $id = 1;
   $fname = 'Smith';
   $lname = 'John';
   $pob = 'Vermont';
   $country = 'Canada';   
   $stmt = mysqli_prepare($connection, "INSERT INTO myplayers values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");

   //Binding values to the parameter markers
   mysqli_stmt_bind_param("issss", $id, $fname, $lname, $pob, $country);


Edited by mariushm
added ORDER BY id to make the SQL queries correct
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I could be wrong (been a while with working with SQL), but in mySQL isn't sorting done liek the following

FROM table

Which would put your query as

$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM artikel WHERE kategori='technews' ORDERBY kategori DESC LIMIT 5";

I could be wrong, again it's been a few years since I did any real database query stuff (I'm probably in need of a refresher)

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31 minutes ago, wanderingfool2 said:

I could be wrong (been a while with working with SQL), but in mySQL isn't sorting done liek the following

FROM table

Almost correct, it's "ORDER BY", not "ORDERBY". But yes, you need to specify by which column(s) you want to order.

Remember to either quote or @mention others, so they are notified of your reply

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