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New Day Trading PC

Budget (including currency): $1500-$2000 MAX after taxes if possible? (Maybe a build for both please?)

Country: Canada

Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: Day Trading with up to 4+ monitors mainly and ideally.

Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc):  Tried to build a part list with the i5-12600K but I cannot seem to keep it even below the $2000 mark, I would rather not spend this much if its overkill but please let me know: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/QWpNXb ..... Peripherals are nice to have in the build but not needed, would only be inexpensive anyway. Don't have a PC I am upgrading from. Buying tomorrow ideally if not Monday. I do want to include all 3 or 4 monitors if possible. (Asus VA27EHE 24.0"/27.0" Recommendations??)


Hey Everyone!


I am currently getting ready to try and build my next PC and I wanted to get some advise on a build. I have seen on NUMEROUS sources that buying a pre-built PC nowadays, especially from places dedicated to stock trading workstations, is usually a better idea. However, after this last week, I wanted to see if I could get some better value out of my own build and maybe save some money as to buying from these pre-built sites... I want to focus on the value, no bells or whistles, simply just trying to get as much work power for as low of dollar. Please let me know if this budget is realistic and or if spending like $200 would make any or all the difference... I have not been on the PC scene for quite some time and going off just research, it seems like I should be going for the newest CPU (i5-12600K?) and 32gb of ram, but please let me know if this is a good idea value wise or not. You guys probably know whats up so please let me know what CPU/Ram combo's I should be looking at!


Thank you all again in advance, any and all help is appreciated!


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