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Stutters, My FINAL call for help on here.

In game stutters/micro stutters


What i have found in my time during PC, so far has only been issues and i dont know if thats just me being stupid or something is hidden in plain sight but i have spent hundreds if not thousand of hours researching and testing on this. I have found out a lot of things and learnt along the way but still have not got the result I would like in the end.


In my case i have a brand new pc, custom built and built correctly. I have rebuilt this pc numerous times with every part (gpu,cpu motherboard e.x.) and it is 100% that none of my parts are deficient or damaged and underperforming. I have a very powerful PC, Consists of a 



  • Ryzen 5 5600x

  • 16GB Corsair Vengeance 3600mhz RAM


  • 1TB Sabrent Rocket NVME SSD

  • 500GB SAMSUNG 870 EVO

  • Ofc a lian li 011mini

  • 600W Gold Corsair SFX PSU


This is the final build of my PC and every time I have traded the parts or swapped to test I found that it did not help the situation.


I have always suffered with severe Stutters in my game, no matter what settings… even if I play in 720p just to make sure it could handle it, while I have exceedingly high framerate, even in 2k I dramatically suffer with stutters. To be more specific, I have a frame time graph on screen when I test and it spikes way above 30ms a few times every minute or two. 


I have done all the basics, manually tuned my CPU, made sure my XMP is enabled and yes it is AMD xmp optimised. My thermals are fine, never exceeding 65 degrees celsius. BIOS Updates? Done. Capping my framerate to something my pc is capable of running the whole time? Done. I have created a task to delete my cached memory every 5 minutes to see if my ram was the issue getting filled up and then it starts doing this process which i cannot remember the name of but it essentially is a lot slower  than the standard process of ram using it’s high speed quick access memory. I tried upgrading to 32GB of ram and that did not help me either so I sent it back as I really cannot afford to keep spending money on this.


I have also looked into the cpu, undervolting, underclocking, overclocking and overvolting it to values i have seen other people online have success with? Used different versions of windows also i just seem i can never win. Looking at what some people have said stutter can be cause of frame-pacing, which is controlled by the cpu, ofc that means the higher speeds the cpu runs at the higher the fps you can go at without stuttering as the cpu can handle that many fps without choking? Of course not too high whjere it becomes unstable. But i ned to know what the sweetspot is. 


I have contacted nvidia,amd,gigabyte and multiple discord servers forums and computer shops local to me. Everytime i get suggested something it's something extremely basic but I have covered everything anyone has ever asked and I'm wondering if my rig is just doomed? I have swapped monitors multiple times, Cables, swapped the power from socket to socket in my house. 


I am not bothered about extremely high fps, but I am bothered about smooth gameplay. I am happy at 2k 120/144 capped and medium settings, or even 1080p at this point as I just want to enjoy games. I have invested too much of my money and time on this pc for me to sell it on and go back to xbox. Plus there are so many benefits of using a PC over xbox and I enjoy what i have seen so far. I just need to be able to experience it properly. Of course some games run worse than others but it seems to happen in every game I have tested so far. 


I know this is extremely long but does anyone have any suggestions for setting speeds of my cpu and gpu for the best stability? PBO off or on also? And what voltages are best for stability. 


I feel like the only person who could fix this at this point is Linus but unfortunately I cannot contact him personally and he does not have the time to go out of his way to help a random guy on his forums. So is there anybody here or potentially a certain place I can go to get this sorted for once and for all. There is probably some stuff i have done but missed as there is so much stuff i have done over the past 4 months.


Thankyou for reading.

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Enable XMP, but manually set the DRAM frequency to 3200mhz.

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^That would be a curious fix, but i can see it working… something is odd about those corsair rams (although i never really had bad stutters with them as long i didnt run into cpu/gpu bottlenecks, etc)



@ OP: just to be clear - your *only* issue is "frametimes" - no framerate "drops" etc? If yes, obligatory you sure? *No* framedrops, you can play any (most) games at 60fps (for example) *without* dropping frames?  

The direction tells you... the direction. 

-Scott Manley, 2021


Softwares used:

Corsair Link (Anime Edition) 

MSI Afterburner 


Lively Wallpaper 

OBS Studio

Shutter Encoder









3D Paint

GitHub Desktop 






Generic Logviewer




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2 minutes ago, Mark Kaine said:

^That would be a curious fix, but i can see it working… something is odd about those corsair rams (although i never really had bad stutters with them as long i didnt run into cpu/gpu bottlenecks, etc)



@ OP: just to be clear - your *only* issue is "frametimes" - no framerate "drops" etc? If yes, obligatory you sure? *No* framedrops, you can play any (most) games at 60fps (for example) *without* dropping frames?  

It would be the first step I'd take personally. The memory controller is good for 3200mhz, faster can be a strain that will appear with fps drop and lag.

Of course, gotta start somewhere right?

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23 minutes ago, ShrimpBrime said:

Of course, gotta start somewhere right?

Oh, yeah, right i agree, something i didnt even think about - tbh that was also one reason I upgraded my RAM , I always get around 15-20ms @ 60fps and thought this may improve with faster RAM, but it didnt really - Ive also not checked in depth tbh, as long i dont get gigantic spikes (like 100ms etc) i dont even really notice, although i think for fighting games especially low frametimes would be preferable as input lag is really important with those - Im not even sure if ~15-20ms isnt normal, but i think its a little high? 

definitely curious if your suggestion helps OP, as said i can see this doing something ! 😮



The direction tells you... the direction. 

-Scott Manley, 2021


Softwares used:

Corsair Link (Anime Edition) 

MSI Afterburner 


Lively Wallpaper 

OBS Studio

Shutter Encoder









3D Paint

GitHub Desktop 






Generic Logviewer




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6 minutes ago, Mark Kaine said:

Oh, yeah, right i agree, something i didnt even think about - tbh that was also one reason I upgraded my RAM , I always get around 15-20ms @ 60fps and thought this may improve with faster RAM, but it didnt really - Ive also not checked in depth tbh, as long i dont get gigantic spikes (like 100ms etc) i dont even really notice, although i think for fighting games especially low frametimes would be preferable as input lag is really important with those - Im not even sure if ~15-20ms isnt normal, but i think its a little high? 

definitely curious if your suggestion helps OP, as said i can see this doing something ! 😮



Well he mentioned XMP and optimized ect ect, but may not know the memory controller is really only good for 3200mhz. And didn't write making any changes to memory. Just set the xmp and go.


Honestly he's probably lucky xmp actually posts up imo....


I am also curious, but starting my shift at work soon. So you can help him. I'll check in later tonight.


Good luck dudes!

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4 hours ago, ShrimpBrime said:

I am also curious, but starting my shift at work soon. So you can help him. I'll check in later tonight.


Good luck dudes!

Aight! 😅

The direction tells you... the direction. 

-Scott Manley, 2021


Softwares used:

Corsair Link (Anime Edition) 

MSI Afterburner 


Lively Wallpaper 

OBS Studio

Shutter Encoder









3D Paint

GitHub Desktop 






Generic Logviewer




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38 minutes ago, Mark Kaine said:

Aight! 😅

I have already manually set these before xmp on and off, although i have been doing some tuning and other stuff and some games are not as bad... Still abit iffy i am currently downloading games to test as a clean reset so it will take all night its 8pm right now. So if fixed will let poeple know in morning . thankyou for input tho guys 😄

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Oh man, I have the EXACT same issue and nothing fixes it, got into PC gaming back in 2017 with a pre-built PC and it stuttered from the start, since then I have owned three different PC's, one was another pre-build and the other two I built myself, all of them have suffered from this unplayable stutter despite each PC having completely different parts, it actually boggles my mind, it makes zero sense. I have tried everything just like you and nothing works, been trying to fix it for FOUR YEARS now, I am so done, I just want to play games without any stutters. My current PC has better specs than yours and it can't even run basic games like Minecraft without unplayable stutter.

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