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What will happen to Oculus Rift in my opinion

Hello guys, here is what i think is going to happen for Oculus rift, please read the whole thing and watch the linked video before commenting. " sorry if linking a youtube video is against the rules but its important".


Currently a lot of people complaining and talking about this problem which will keep on going till the release of the main product, ofc during all of this time both Facebook and Oculus gaining publicity from the people who have no idea what Oculus rift is, thus more future costumers for both.


Facebook main goal just like any other company is money and gaining more costumers which is another currency for money, so Facebook wont change Oculus rift much and just continue in developing it normally, the minute the main product hits the markets us the gamers will be careful when considering buying the Rift, everyone will be watching reviews news and so on, until everyone starts to notice there wasn't much changed in the Rift and that its a good product so far, thus people will go on and buy them just like nothing happened to it. so far so good for both us and Facebook, we get a good working product and Facebook getting the income from Oculus Rift and the trust of the gamers. The real thing starts when big number of people have bought the Rift then Facebook will start to implement functions like share a video while u are playing take a screen shot and so on, the main goal of these functions is to link rift users to Facebook, linking a user to Facebook doesn't mean making an account and that's it, when you share like or do anything on Facebook you are keeping the site active thus more companies goes toward more ads in Facebook.


now please watch this video so you can understand the next part: " the video is not mine, it is by Veritasium "


Now whats the real difference if Oculus didn't get sold and they made the Rift on their own vs making the Rift now? is it that the product wont be good for us gamers, nope not at all the only difference is maybe Oculus wont try to suck every possible penny from us while using the product, like Facebook currently does " i said maybe because i cant be sure about anyone", at least maybe we had hope or time until they start to think in such a way but now since Facebook is in control we 100% know the money sucking thing is coming for sure and from behind our backs.


Facebook is a website just like any other website and we know what happens to websites over time they simply die, now there are two methods to keep a website alive, first method is to introduce the need for this website to exists for example Google, you simply need Google to search for websites, pictures, translation, etc, another example is cars manufacturers websites you need those to simply look for what that company have to offer what they sell and so on. The second method is to force the users to use the website, now you are like i am on the internet the land of freedom no one can force me to do anything, well sadly it is happening lets take Facebook for example, many websites uses Facebook for comments, share and likes, every time you use any of these functions you are making Facebook active and you are forced in a indirect way to use Facebook functions, same goes for twitter and other websites. Now Oculus Rift is a part of this as well, implementing functions linking to Facebook is forcing you or some other people to keep Facebook alive without knowing, and that's my friends how business works.



now what you can do about this? well nothing since this concept still exists" if i stop buying this product, everyone else will keep buying it thus i am better of buying it", nothing going to change any soon, but when every u make a business please make sure to not be one of those greedy people and hopefully others will follow you.



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That's probably fairly accurate but I'm still worried about Oculus Rift being in the hands of the people who brought us Farmville.

"Anything that makes a console more like a PC, makes it better" 

-Linus Sebastian

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Well I am afraid the fate of VR is now tied with FB so now I really don't want FB to die (I hope never to say that again). Personally I don't think FB are going to alter Occulus but I think the damage has been done. The internet hate train has arrived and Occulus has lost a lot of support. If Occulus did not just receive 2 billion dollars that would have been a crippling blow to their wellbeing. A lot of people have already lost interest in the project entirely but others remain shaky. Now we just wait to see what happens.

"If you do not take your failures seriously you will continue to fail"

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Oculus was about gaming first and I don't expect it to stay that way with Facebook involved now. Simple as that.

With that said I hope Sony and other companies taking advantage of the situation that Oculus and Facebook are in now in terms of public image with this deal and bring us something else to look forward to.

Too many ****ing games!  Back log 4 life! :S

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  • 4 weeks later...

That's probably fairly accurate but I'm still worried about Oculus Rift being in the hands of the people who brought us Farmville.

Yeah, a gaming focused device in the hands of people that made one of the most popular/played games in the world. It would be awful.

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