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CoD Warzone 3900x + GTX 1080ti low GPU usage

David Os

Trying to achieve 120 fps stable on my rig: Ryzen 9 3900x, GTX 1080ti Strix, 16 3200Mhz RAM, but some parts of the warzone map (I mainly play plunder) still dropping to 85-95 fps.

Playing at 1080p on a 60 Hz monitor but i can clearly feel the input diference from 60 and 120 fps, feels so nice when is stable 馃檪

CPU Usage is 23-35% 4.3-4.2 Ghz 1.275v CCX Overclock with Ryzen Master

GPU Usage is nowhere near 100% usage even with unlimited fps, most of the time 65-75 % Usage

Game is using 14 gb RAM

Config.ini file correclty setup (0.55 memory scale and 12 as the numers of cores im using)

Tried overclocking on every profile of Ryzen Master

Ive tried Ryzen Balanced, High Performance, 1Usmus and Ultimate Performence power plans (which improve latency and the way the game and mouse feels but not a fps increase at all)

Ive heard and read one can be clock-bottle necked, meaning 4.3 6 cores 4.2 6 cores is not enough CPU for Warzone

1080ti is a beast of GPU and i tried rolling back from lastest Nvidia Driver to 457.30 Driver (October 2020)

GPU is connected with just 1x 8-pin power supply cable which is divided, im aware the best thign to do is using 2 sepparate cables for power.

GPU performs very nicely with a light overclock, but no frames are being added.

Nvidia Control panel correclty set up, Prefer Maximum Performance and Open GL GPU correclty designated

Windows GPU Scheduler set to on with Warzone app on high perfomance mode under windows settings

Watched a video from Artis on Youtube, guy is getting 144+ Frames Per Second, 100% gpu usage Ultra Settings (which im not, im playing on medium-low for competitive matters) but thats a video from Season 6, im writing as Season Two (Cold War) Season is taking place:

This guy here says 457.30 is nice driver for 1% lows on Warzone or at least performs somehow better then last version:

Jesus Freaking Christ guys ive tried it all and im disapointed, supossedly 1080ti should be a nice card, i shouldnt be getting as low as 90 fps on low settings and my processor ismore than enough, is the game so poorly optimized? i just want to have 120 fps stable as i cannot stand The Feeling of the 60fps latency on Warzone, i swear Cold War at 60 fps feels as responsive as Warzone 120fps u.u

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