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Any Noticeable Differences Between the 4500U vs 4700U?

We are in the process of looking for laptops under the $750 price range. The laptop has to have a Type C (for a docking station) and be snappy for at least a few years (without showing too many signs of wear). I found three laptops:

https://www.newegg.com/acer-aspire-5-a515-44-r4m5/p/N82E16834316900?Description=Acer Aspire 5 A515-44G&cm_re=Acer_Aspire 5 A515-44G-_-34-316-900-_-Product&quicklink=true






I'm leaning more or less to the Acer models because we have external monitors and, when portable, the screen isn't an issue. The ability to upgrade RAM (note only to 24gb) and not needing the touchscreen is a nice add on. We aren't transporting it around too much (just downstairs and back), nor are we doing any high workloads.


Any thoughts on this or recommendations that stay in the price point?


Note: I'm getting this for my Dad and he does not want a PC, unfortunately. 

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2 minutes ago, Likwid said:

  ryzen 4300U is faster, check model with atlest 8gb ram, because lowest end stuff have soldered ram

Really? Is the 4300u faster? I find that hard to believe.


Also, the Acers listed above have one 8gb stick of soldered RAM, but it can be upgraded to 24gb with a 16gb stick. 

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31 minutes ago, Benji said:

He misspelled in the title, these are ALL Ryzen 4000 chips.


Just corrected it, thanks. 

31 minutes ago, Benji said:

No, it isn't faster than the 4500U or 4700U. And in multi-threaded apps the 4700U should kick the others butt. The 4300 is 4C4T CPU, the 4500U is a 6C6T CPU and the 4700U is an 8C8T CPU. Too bad they don't have the 4600U 6C12T or 4800U 8C16T. While neither will be slow, SMT still can make a difference. Especially on a quad-core CPU.

Thanks for this. Is it just a difference between cores and threads? 

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