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Is there a way to change refresh rate from the command line?


I sometimes need to toggle between 144hz and 120hz on my monitor so I can run ULMB mode. I'm able to automate disable the rest of the process, but if I could write a script to take care of everything with just a double click that would be nice. Does anyone know of a command or utility that I can use? I'm on Windows 10 Pro.

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@JoostinOnline are you running a nvidia card? if so you can use something like autohotkey or another software to use the control panel to switch via a command of your choosing(double click, any keyboard or mouse button etc). im pretty sure windows handling of refresh rate makes it possible. im not sure you can turn on ulmb via windows. i believe the monitor can report refresh rate to the gpu, but not any other more niche info(ex ulmb, overdrive etc)

Either @piratemonkey or quote me when responding to me. I won't see otherwise

Put a reaction on my post if I helped

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What I say is from experience and the internet, and may not be 100% correct

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