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Planning a new Rig...


Hey Guys,

I'm from Germany and have a Budget around 1500-2000€.
I mainly use my Desktop for Gaming, but I also use Programs like Unity and Unreal Engine.
I plan on running 3 Monitors.


I already made a List with components by myself, but I really would like your Opinions and suggestions.

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This is all about 1800 euros. I used idealo.de website for these parts.


The 256gb very fast m.2ssd could be for your OS and main games or you can just leave it and use the 1tb sata ssd for your OS and games.

The 2tb HDD is good for large files and videos.

Aerocool Tor g V1  has gotten really good revies and it is cheap glass window case. it has a good fan support and that is why the 3 really good 120mm rgb fans from NZXT are there. Put 2 in the top and in more in the front.

16 gb of rgb ram. Usually 16 gb is good for gaming and editing. If you want more you could by a 32gb ram kit for just 240 euros of same ram as this 16 gb kit.

The asus strix rtx 2070 super is one of the best rtx 2070 super out there. If you want to use all of the 2000 euros you could buy a lower end model of rtx 2080 super.

Ryzen 7 3700x is fantastic cpu for its price. Stock cooler will be good enough, but if its not you could buy a dark rock 4 or dark rock 4 pro cpu cooler.

The be wuiet pure power 11 is a great 80+ gold brand and your system will likely use under 400w so 600w is plenty of watts and suitable for your upgrades in the future.

And finally the motherboard. I have the same cpu and motherboard in my system. The motherboard is just awesome. 2x ethernet ports, custom antennas for really good wireless network. Really good audio card support 32bit and almost 400k khz. HAs really good m.2 heatsinks and RGB!


I Use my knowledge as business owner and self taught technician aswell as an AI to help people. AI might be controversial but it actually works pretty well 90% of the time.

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