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philips bdm4065uc no power after backlight swap and reassembly




Alright so about a year and a half ago the backlights in my monitor started going off one by one. As it was just out of warranty (typical) I decided to scrub up and replace them myself. Worth noting is that I've been in a PC and Laptop repair technician for God knows how many years by now so I'm no stranger to opening electrical components up and finding the right replacement parts.


So what happened is that I opened up the monitor (40" of 4k goodness), being incredibly careful as this was my first time actually properly working on a monitor. I stripped her down, replaced the backlights, connected power and confirmed that the lights worked. They did. I also plugged the panel in quickly while it was on the table next to the monitor body to confirm it was still working, and with a flashlight behind it I could tell that it was working fine. Happy with this I started putting everything back together. I put in all the screws, plugged everything in except the speakers because let's be real who needs them. I skipped like a merry sailor back to my desk, plugged in power and DP and... nothing. She's dead. I even found another PSU for it after months of searching on and off, but this changed nothing.


Somewhere during reassembly something has gone wrong and I've no idea what. Here's a quick breakdown of what happens when I try and use it:


-The power LED does not turn on.

-the internal PSU and motherboard both get a bit warm after a while if I leave it plugged in and the power switch set to "on".

-My PC DOES detect a second monitor plugged in and it detects it as a 'Philips bdm4065uc' as it should. To the best of my computers knowledge there's a known good monitor plugged in.


I'm at a bit of a loss here my dudes and I'm hoping I've simply missed something obvious. Are there common mistakes that first-timers make when opening up PC monitors and putting them back together?

I've attached a photo of the current state of the monitor. The eagle eyed of you will notice there are two different sets of silver tape on it. I replaced the ones I had to rip off in order to disassemble the monitor with some tape I found at a car repair store... I'm not sure what it does but my thinking is that if I took it off I should probably put new tape in there.


This thing has been something I've thrown up on my worktable every couple of months for a good while now, and every time I try something new I end up with the same results, and it's starting to irk me - I think it's about time I get this permanently off my storage room floor and up on a desk again.

I'll take any and all suggestions and ideas you cats can throw at me. And remember that even experienced people forget about the basics sometimes (perhaps especially experienced people...)



Much love!


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  • 2 months later...

Did you find a solution for this? Mine has a similar issue. just went out after 4 years of use otherwise i need to look for a repair shop.

Mine powers up and is recognized so I know it is functional except for the screen ?


I bought it refurbished so I honestly cannot complain but i would love for it to work again.

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