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Ideas for passive income or not so passive

10 hours ago, Chronified said:

new 5G modem for the location

Outside Korea and a few cities, 5G is pretty much non existant at this time. I think the standard has just gotten its certification. So its going to be a while before we start seeing wide spread 5G. On top of that, its hard to say how wireless providers will treat 5G. Will it be like the earily days of 4G where you have low caps and high overages? Will they have unlimited? Who knows. 

I just want to sit back and watch the world burn. 

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15 hours ago, Nuclearnutsak said:

I do have more then one IP available. I can assure you it is not illegal. We had three year contract with Volkswagen which demanded internet better then what 4g lte was providing us. The only provider was lumos networks on enterprise scale. We made enough money during the 3 year period to justify the cost of the install. Now the contract is over the lot is not being used. In a month an apartment will be finished and I will be living on site. I am merely trying to find ways to keep myself busy and save the company a little bit of change. If there isn't any suggestions, I will sell one of my servers, and use one for some minor personal web hosting. I'll live out the remainder of the contract playing call of duty and looking at tits.  Thanks for your input though. 

Trying to save money for a company is the worst mouse trap for any employee.


Cancel the connection agreement. There is abselutely no way to get a passive income or an active for that matter that will even land you close to zero with this.

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