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Everything posted by RZeroX

  1. https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00J6DLQ1O/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new
  2. I would go with the higher resolution 1440p
  3. I've known about these new headphones for a while as Sennheiser came to a computer store in NZ and showed them off.
  4. You can use the Windows update tool to force it to update. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10/
  5. You haven't even listed a budget so I can't recommend a GPU, also should look into upgrading that CPU.
  6. The only microphone I can think of for $50 is the snowball.
  7. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2578159 This might work.
  8. Update your BIOS maybe? like reinstall it. http://www.dell.com/support/home/nz/en/nzdhs1/product-support/product/alienware-m17x-r3/drivers
  9. Have you tried installing drivers from the Intel website instead of alienware which only has 2012 drives while Intel HD 3000 last drivers were released in 2015.
  10. Logitech G710+ would be good for that budget.
  11. http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&item=252410904051&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2564
  12. Somehow it is cheaper to ship to NZ.
  13. Just keep entering things then you will get a different question
  14. The regular one because if it's $30 more for the RGB it really doesn't seem worth it if it was the same price or only $5 more sure why not.
  15. That's up to you to decide do you want RGB or do you just want the regular one without it which cost less.
  16. You know you can use a mod menu in singleplayer.
  17. It's working fine for me, must be your ISP having issues.