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Everything posted by MarvinKMooney

  1. I personally use Thermal Grizzly good product kind of spendy though.
  2. Joyner Lucas - I'm Sorry (508)-507-2209 - YouTube
  3. Or you can buy some thing like this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B086WTZ5VZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I can confirm it works for Asus. says it also works for Gigabyte and MSI mother boards.
  4. So I have the Nighthawk CAX80 and i definitely recommend it way better then my old router/Modem from Arris. They also have a subscription for Netgear Armor wich is like $40 a year that does what the Bitdefender Box does. Price is Vastly different for sure but i have had ZERO issues with Netgear and the Armor subscription.
  5. Buy a cheap Air compressor and make sure you buy a Water/Oil Filter for it and boom free can of air any time.
  6. It’s a massive boost over the current LLV’s it will have bloody AC!
  7. I don't see why it would not be okay to use says its safe for plastics just let it dry after use.
  8. okay i highly doubt its the PSU then So more then likely its the GPU causing it with its power draw. if you have on board Graphics try it with out the GPU or if you have a older GPU laying around give that a try and see if it persists.
  9. try uninstalling your Sound driver and reinstalling it could just be corrupt or its " Dirty Electricity " what PSU do you have?
  10. Seems like a driver is missing for it, try getting the driver from Samsung https://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/minisite/ssd/download/tools/
  11. Give Samsung Magician a try https://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/minisite/ssd/product/consumer/magician/
  12. Hmm can’t pick I don’t use it now option, but no I would not use it for free nor would I pay to use it.
  13. Clearly it’s haunted just burn it and jam sage in it for good measure. more then likely it’s a folder a program is using so when you delete it and restart your computer the program remakes it
  14. Depending on where you buy said ring guess and most places will size it for free after. you can use your own hand as a judge smaller or bigger the. Yours etc etc
  15. basically you cut and strip wires then twist the strands with one another to extend the length, Or you just buy a standalone button and a long length of wire and hook them up to one another by I.E. solder or "hot glue" tons of videos on you-tube can explain it in greater detail there's multiple ways to splice wires with each other.
  16. for the power button its just 2 wires and a way to complete the connection ( a button ) any thing will work Like https://www.amazon.com/Tulead-20-Inch-Length-Computer-Switch/dp/B07XG87KXK/ref=pd_di_sccai_5/137-6131223-0691206?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07XG87KXK&pd_rd_r=11c68ad1-5c35-4bc9-b3aa-05c6957e5c05&pd_rd_w=6SuZX&pd_rd_wg=L7Zo8&pf_rd_p=5415687b-2c9d-46da-88a4-bbcfe8e07f3c&pf_rd_r=NJBFFK9CQF7393MF2G0H&psc=1&refRID=NJBFFK9CQF7393MF2G0H and just splice them together, to make them longer or shorter.
  17. Have you tried looking for them? I'm more then sure you can find them on Amazon.
  18. I see you have an ASUS motherboard, have you ran/installed AI suit at all?
  19. Unsuccessfully it would seem. But as long as you don't use "TOOOOO MUCH" its fine regardless of shape or amount (unless your paste is conductive then don't use a lot)
  20. Yes if its in the shape of a lightning bolt it makes it go quicker.