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Everything posted by LukeSavenije

  1. except that focus can actually shift between the semi-passive and always spinning mode with the button on the back, so that's not a problem here
  2. no, actually p500b and p650b aren't the same, as the 500w is a groupreg, while 650 is a dc-dc it's for that reason in tier b, and comparable to the PSUs you mentioned
  3. no? tier a+ and a require a multirail ocp, which outside of nzxt e isn't found on any modern seasonic psu you'd be fine with a 650w of similar quality here
  4. they're internally the same as the old Prime series
  5. and to confuse everyone old focus platinum: PX new focus platinum: PX
  6. banned for saying fat foods while they never made me fat
  7. no, differently because you use so little 5v and so much 12v, the 12v is required to get more amperage, and because the controller sees 5v and 12v as technically the same it'll push the 5v beyond specification
  8. @viceice @Juular the MWE source (Dutch): https://nl.hardware.info/artikel/9871/14/goedkope-voedingen-round-up-300-450w-vanaf-37-euro-ripple
  9. in this case it's mainly because of the group regulation it uses, combined with the lack of some protections regarding the group regulation problem specifically, you can read this:
  10. prime gx is the new name of it, but internally they're the same thing it's just an external design change, with some models now coming with a different set of cables
  11. nope, we couldn't find evidence of being OTP there, which we now have
  12. correct, eps is a whole different pinout and the rest doesn't even look pysically the same
  13. this might help you the rm550x has one cable with 2 connectors I do so b3 is a less fancy b3 by your logic? sigh
  14. for his future 9900k+2080 ti with 100+ watt headroom system? 550w is a perfect fit here so you would include a 10 year old platform, a couple crappy HEC's and let OP take that over some decent PSUs from the same suppliers, just sold by different companies? the only thing they share is that both are EVGA and both are Superflower. they don't even look the same and with that, they're also now EOL since EVGA and Superflower don't work together anymore with that said, I'd look into these https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/dDH48d/corsair-txm-gold-550w-80-gold-certified-semi-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020133-na https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/bqVD4D/corsair-rmx-2018-550w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020177-na but with the current stock this might as well change tomorrow again, keep a close eye on what's availible, and feel free to ask about any unit you find
  15. what country and budget? 580 armor is unfortunately one of the worst, if not the worst cooled 580, so don't expect it to be quiet
  16. I would take some of that budget to the PSU then, it's certainly worth it over risking that whole system on a very sketchy looking PSU
  17. just for the notice... that unit there looks like something very cheap. 12x22a =/=500w, but about half of it so I highly recommend replacing it with it
  18. LukeSavenije

    Hi, I like my monitor arm, a lot. Thanks for co…

    I wanted to act surprised mission failed, do you want to restart this mission?
  19. thanks spotty with that said, in this case for full cables you'd need Corsair type 4, or as they call it the RMi / RMx / RM compatible line. The other C-series would work too for everything but the 24 pin, since type 4 has a slightly different layout on that connector you can find competability here: https://www.corsair.com/us/en/psu-cable-compatibility
  20. I get an error with your list... can you try linking it differently?