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Everything posted by elkenrod

  1. I never got around to it, but making your own dash cam, or rear view display. I just don't want it to look janky.
  2. This largely depends on what type of monitors you are using. If you have some nice monitors with multiple HDMI inputs and easy access to the source switching menu, then you may not have to spend as much money as you think.
  3. It wasn't meant as a slight. I haven't tried it, so I can't speak to its effectiveness. I did try BSD on pi and just didn't like it. The Linux distros for pi were just better for ease of use whether GUI or CLI.
  4. On my main PC I dual boot. I have like 3 raspberry pi's in the house and they all run Linux of course.
  5. elkenrod

    Sound Proofing

    Do you own, or are you renting?
  6. Once you go Mult-monitor, it's hard to go back. Using one large monitor to simulate separate monitors doesn't quite work out the way that the marketing intends it to.
  7. Always remember that the real heroes are the media outlets who extensively covered the issue when it first came to light.
  8. I prefer using "berryboot" over N00bs. You should try it. Use the standard SD formatter to format the drive, download berryboot, copy and paste the files and then startup. You can download Kodi and other distros straight from berryboot if you are connected via Ethernet.
  9. excuse me while i frantically flip through my bin of usb sticks for a KODI image.
  10. Do you have an older driver? Also, are those monitors connected via HDMI?
  11. Someone used the "L" word Will there be a Linux release for Star Citizen?
  12. Molex would hands down be the worst connector for me if it was something external that one had to disconnect and reconnect often. HDMI is so ubiquitous that the frustration adds up. I might touch a molex connector once a year. HDMI is a daily battle.
  13. My mind can't tell if that's legit or not. Neither case would surprise me.
  14. I'm thinking about this from an economic standpoint. If Ryzen is in high demand and AMD can't keep chips on the market, prices might shoot up to a point where the savings might dwindle. I didn't pre-order, but there may be a scenario where pre-ordering might end up being the best move one could have made with this release.
  15. Somebody tell me.... should I be excited about this? I see a lot more black than red here. What's the price difference of these two CPUs that were benchmarked?
  16. Not really. The threat of spillage isn't just up to the owner not drinking something near the PC. Sprinkler systems, open windows, and leaking pipes can all cause water to enter the system through the top vents of a PC.
  17. If you google "black styrofoam" you will find an acceptable solution.
  18. This is exactly why I opted for a fractal design case with the "modu-vents" The cooling potential by having an open top is far outweighed by the risk of spillage for me. What kind of case do you have?
  19. elkenrod

    date tips

    I would start small. Hiking would be a long day, plus the drive. Start with something close by that doesn't require a huge time investment. Also something that let's either one of you bail if things go south. Bowling is one idea.
  20. It would make installation considerably more annoying.
  21. I've always viewed Anti-virus software as somewhat of a racket. I think it was growing up with Norton and McAfee trying to shove stuff down your throat whenever possible, for big bucks. If my computer "somehow" got a virus. I could reinstall my OS and get back to where I was much faster than running scans and troubleshooting the problem. I keep zero important data on the same drive as my OS.
  22. It's fine for anything but gaming. I've done Raspberry pi with Kodi and a 2nd PC for the living room, and it always feel like an "extra step" to get functionality that I'm used to at my desk. If you're just browsing the web and watching video it is 95% of the desktop experience you get. The 5% depends on the number of walls in your house and the remote/keyboard/mouse you choose to use. Frankly, it's better than using my smart TV's software for youtube/nextflix/whatever and has the added bonus of being able to seamlessly continue to work on whatever I was doing at my desk. Audio might be an issue for you depending on your setup. I use bluetooth headphones and speakers regularly. Though I do have audio cables running from my PC to my bedroom and living room.